Why do we hate it again?

Why do we hate it again?

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because it's garbage.

It's popular

It's designed so that you go have nothing to do during your opponent's turn and somehow it's both really snowbally and swingy at the same time.

I was pretty keen for it when it was coming out but the game just wasn't good.

It's a CCG that doesn't utilize any of the benefits of being an online game in favor of jewing every potential player to a crazy degree

It's also ridiculously simple and RNG dependent, even in terms of card games




>Blizzard game
>people enjoy it

the perfect scapegoat for Sup Forums

Too much RNG.

Do I have to get the flies and shit analogy out again

Terrible balance, incredibly jewish, and the devs insist on treating people like idiots. It also created the dumbest card in card game history which is an incredible feat (pic not related)

Each match is decided by RNG before the first card is even played

Blizzards kikery gets more and more jewish with each card expansion, The drop rates for cards are bullshit and designed to nickel and dime you as much as possible, Hell the entire thing is rigged

>Gadgetzan release
>A """""glitch""""" caused tons of people to get the exact same cards no matter how many packs they opened
>Blizzard """""fixed""""" the """""glitch""""" and didn't even refund the people affected by it

Just play LITERALLY any other card game

There's so much RNG it pretty much plays itself. It's like the game has more fun than I do, and I'm only there to press buttons

How the fuck is there a cardgame based on RNG and no strategy. Makes me wanna play Russian Roulette instead, it has better mechanics

Too random to be considered a viable Card Game

It's shit and I played it for years as still uninstalled it after quests cards

I enjoyed it for a long time, but after a while I couldn't see the point in playing. Tavern brawls can still be fun for a couple of games, but climbing the ladder is pointless, and making fun decks generally doesn't work when so many people are just using the latest legend decks.

Because ever since I started playing Gwent it became glaringly obvious to me that it's an unbalanced, RNG ridden piece of shit cardgame, where new players need hundreds of dollars to catch up, and players are treated like idiots.

The difference between the two games is astounding

Because it is in essence a great game but it's ruined by all those fags who just go to Google and search for the best viable deck and spend all their money to buy that deck instead of crafting and exploring good decks theirselves.

Also some cards being locked behind paid stories.

because I blew $477 on it

Maximum jewishness
Maximum randomness
Minimum interaction
Great polish though

Was it your first card game?

>Because it is in essence a great game

It's not.

It has fantastic UI and overall design, something shit like magick really needs. But also everything this guy said ->

I didn't keep up with all the new cards and the meta so I lost interest

Infuriatingly Simple, Insanely Random.

That's the one and only appeal

a bunch of retards see a pretty game with particle effects and card animations and woah you can interact with the board, and then it's almost like you're not playing the card game equivalent of candy crush

Man, I know I'm some dumb ass Hearthstone pleb (I've gotten Legend for what it's worth) but I just can't get into this fucking game. I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing and I can't learn any of the cards. I realise what makes it good and I played the shit out of it in Witcher 3 but everytime I play it I just feel like I don't have any cards, I don't know any of the cards, and I just can't do anything cool besides playing vanilla boring minions.

You can play fun decks till ~rang 19. After then, everybody recks your shit with standart meta decks.

Mostly because if you play it as more than a simple way but fun way to piss away time, it immediately turns to shite. The problem is that everyone else plays it "seriously," so you're potentially at a serious cash advantage when you play online. Then the game started to support these people, so you can't play it with anyone else other than friends.

There's a question of whether or not it's Hearthstone's fault, as the same issues of randomness, cash/time barrier, and meta shites are present in games like Shadowverse, but Hearthstone also lacks a decent deeper layer to it that really condemns the game. Personally, I just avoid both and play shite like Gwent or Duelyst when I'm bored and feeling like a CCG.

It's a decent fun casul game, but the amount of time it takes to get cards, and the cost of the cards if you pay is over the top compared to other card games.

I wouldn't be surprised if it gained back a lot of players if they revamped the pack system.

it's not as fun as other card games

>people enjoy it
No, people enjoy Overwatch. Everyone despise this game but play it because they're addicted.

It's fundamentally different from how Hearthstone works, and that's what makes it really fun for me. Basically, you need to forget some stuff that was basic in Hearthstone, like aggro, curve keeping, large card advantage, etc. Also you can experiment a lot more with decks, you don't really need to netdeck. You need some poker-mentality, get used to bluffing and making your opponent overcommit in key turns.

Go watch some videos from some guy like Noxious, do the single-player challanges to get used to the cards, and you will learn everything in no-time.

It gets really fun and is way more generous than hearthstone in terms of getting free shit. It's also pretty rewarding from a competition standpoint. When I lose i can usually point to where I made mistakes and could have played better which is rarely ever the case for hearthstone

Because tank 15 literally puts you in the top 20% of players and Sup Forums can't into card strategy so they think it's pay to win

Because it's p2w imbalanced garbage.

>not keeping at least one bear to be able to counter a harpy deck

wow the opponent was an idiot

Gwent went full retard on the other side of the spectrum. There's very little rng and every game plays exactly the same. None of them can hit that sweet poker spot of having both luck and meaningful decisions in the game

I'm actually impressed by the detail they have put on the animated cards. I wish sv would step up though all the entrances and attacks are well animated so maybe it's okay.

You need to play the same exact decks in order to win

Because even if it's a bit better now, the meta will always have decks where if the enemy gets the right 5 cards at the beginning, you're dead at like turn 5-7.
Also being a streamed/"esports" game means everyone just copies the top decks.
Also it's so expensive to get into it, partly because of the previous point. You think they're just gonna keep all that data sitting there in the form of previous expansions? They're gonna come back into ranked meta one day.
Also Blizz stating that they're mostly doing expansions with packs now doesn't help

>There's very little rng and every game plays exactly the same

Did you even play the game? Do you know how completely retarded this statement is?

Why are devs stuck with cards? I could understand for MTG games, but all those fucking other games are video games.
Why can't we have creatures, a battlefield, animations?

Only game that does it is Duelyst.

>people complaining about RNG in a CARD GAME

really rustles my jimmies

we hate everything user

Fuuuuck. If magic could just get a proper online version to the same degree as HS, I would play that shit ALL the time.

Magic is just so much better in every fucking way.
The ONLY reason I play HS instead of magic at the moment is because I don't want to keep up with a physical collection, and I don't live near the friends I used to play magic with.

I guess they might just fear having a viable online alternative would cut down on the sale of physical packs and also split the fanbase. Would have less people wanting to come out to magic events if their collection is digital. And I doubt they'd want to have some people playing on laptops and some people playing physical.

>Hey guys we need a new card mechanic to get people playing the new expansion
>Fuck it just give the minions a random buff and call it "adaption'

The card designs for Gwent in general are fucking amazing

>good for the game


Hearthstone started the trend, and having large amounts of character artwork already, it makes sense.

Daily reminder that pic related doesn't exist anymore ; ;


>shit fucking VIRTUAL card game

there is nothing more cucked than playing a card game where you don't even own the fucking cards.

If you hate luck period you shouldn't touch card games to begin with. Randomness is part of the thrill

We're talking in relative terms

obviously you draw cards in a card game, don't be a fucking retard

but only hearthstone has so many cards that are "deal X damage randomly to Y', "Summon random X minion", "create a random spell", "discover a random class card" that offer zero counterplay

Hearthstone took rng to a whole other level. Nothing will ever be as dumb as the pre-nerf yogg meta.

MTGO is honestly really good. Trading is a little less than ideal but the actual in game interface is as good as it can get for a game with rules as intricate as MTG.

All card games are inherently random.
But the randomness comes from the shuffeling of the deck.
It shouldn't come from
>lol summon a RANDOM 3 cost card
>discover a RANDOM secret
When you because of RANDOM shit that was never in your deck, it's frustrating. And you could have the least RNG deck in all of HS, but if your opponent runs RNG, you can still get fucked by it.

Because it's painfully simple and pay to win as fuck.


Is that random spells from your deck or random spells from the whole card pool?

Not at all, Heartstone was fucking late to the party, just like with Heroes of the Storm. So many card games were shat out before it. Hex, Forged, Infinity Wars...

No Linux client despite being made in unity

It doesn't say from your deck now does it?

Because better options exist for online card games, namely Magic (via Workstation or a similar 3rd party client so it's essentially free) or Hex:SoF ("half-priced" MTG knock-off that's got a pretty good online client)

It's random spells from every possible spell in the game

targeted randomly

And this shit applies to most fucking random create card effects in the game, there's no way to counter cards that literally don't exist in your opponents deck because he magicked them up from thin air

card pool famalam.

No, people in these threads fundamentally misunderstand that randomness is a fundamental component of card games and make statements implying that more automatically = bad, and less automatically = good.

Hearthstone has plenty of problems but -some- of the rng mechanics are sincerely the best things about the game. Discover, while it can feel like bs, is a really good example of an rng mechanic involving counterplay.

>Hearthstone started the trend

You mean hearthstone become the mainstream one

That's fucking insane.

Its basically a "Fuck you I'm losing and have nothing to lose oh look now Im winning thanks to rng"

Obviously it can go the other way too

What counterplay is there to your opponent fabricating cards that are outside his deck and part of a much greater pool? What makes discover have MORE counterplay? Because your opponent gets to pick the best of 3 random cards?

Wow yeah I sure love when the enemy paladin picks up 3 tirions. Such counterplay.

This game is basically OTK decks that stall until they can do so, extreme aggro decks, and RNG shit out the ass.
"Competitive" is a complete joke.


You don't even need to know how the game works to realize how ridiculous it gets, though now if Yogg randomly kills himself the circus gets to an abrupt end.

I honestly don not enjoy heartstone because it's a p2w game.
>b-but you can buy packs without paying anything irl
i know, but that does not mean you can compete with those who have better cards.

RNG garbage

If you want to play a card game play magic

Reminder that hundreds of card interactions in Magic don't make sense and have to be house ruled. It's a broken system that didn't have to deal with actual programming logic.

They literally make up the rules whenever players find a broken situation at tournaments and then collect these decisions as official.

Ever since then I have gained respect for Hearthstone. At least they have to make functional cards BEFORE releasing them.

>Reminder that hundreds of card interactions in Magic don't make sense and have to be house ruled. It's a broken system that didn't have to deal with actual programming logic.
>They literally make up the rules whenever players find a broken situation at tournaments and then collect these decisions as official.
What the fuck are you even talking about? None of this is true

pure nonsense

This hasn't been the case for like 20 years. Modern magic has the most consistent, precise and lucid rules of any game I've ever played.

Even if it was true that's not very impressive given how fucking simple hearthstone card interactions are

But that was FUN
Just like taking out emperor and reno brought the meta back to normal, boring shit.

Yes, that's what trendsetters do. They make things mainstream

because even japanese phone game is better at doing what it attempts to do :^)

As far as competitive gameplay was concerned it was awful. Every deck that had a moderate amount of spells ran it, it made watching official tournaments boring since it came down to a coinflip of 'can yogg clear the board and win the game' more often than not.
However purely for casually dicking around it was probably the most amount of fun I've had with hearthstone.

Yeah that kind of thing is nice as an occasional fun thing but it's awful competitively.

I really miss playing Momir Vig on mtgo sometimes.

Because we are bad at it and it requires some investment of money to get decent cards to reach Legend unless you're a pro.

Blizzard are jews but this is plain wrong.

Everyone affected was given free packs equal to 33% of the bugged packs they opened.

Are there any CCG ruined as much by dev/publisher as this one?
Holy shit they dropped the ball hard.

>The ONLY reason I play HS instead of magic at the moment is because I don't want to keep up with a physical collection, and I don't live near the friends I used to play magic with.
just play online using cockatrice or lackey or whatever

Because it's too RNG and because the meta is never slow enough where the RNG becomes a tool for controlling variance.

I don't hate it.

At least it's genuinely possible to have fun without paying for anything.
Other F2P CCG don't manage to achieve that. Duel Links comes to mind. P2W as hell.

As a cardgame fag let me take a stab at it
>Type of game with some inherent RNG already goes full force with it
>These RNG cards are so strong WHEN THEY WORK that you have to run them
>Devs treat the game like a paper TCG not an online CCG, let decks destroy the meta for 5-6 months
>Have very backwards policies on balancing cards "wanting to keep the identity"
>Balance feels like a secondary concern
>Standard was not planned from the start so classic sets the power level very high
>Refusal to listen to the community and tricky for non streamers to enter the pro scene
>Lack of a good way to host games with casters in 2017
>Being tied to a mobile version means the game will never have any really advanced capabilities like a CCG can
>Devs admit to playing favorites with classes instead of just trying to make them all equal power level

Now for the good things
>Made the best combat system of any CCG
>High quality animation and VAs
>Clicking the board is cool

Unfortunately a cool combat system can't save a game so infested with RNG something that even TCG players hate in games like MTG and yugioh

>best combat system of any ccg
>attacker decides everything

To add to the good things, not only does it have high quality animation and VA, it also has the best presentation out of all the virtual card games bar none. Every piece of relevant information is clearly represented at a glance and all the non-essentials are hidden away by on hover effects. The UI is brilliant, any retard that hasn't ever seen or heard of a card game can pick it up in a minute. Everything about the UI blends together so well and no area of the screen is too dense with information.
I think this is the biggest reason behind hearthstone's success.

which is good, the problem is your opponent can't respond with a spell.
as much as I like MTG the blockers mechanic is shit and can cause some games to drag on especially in limited/draft formats

Snowbally gameplay, sets are filled whit shitty useless cards to make you buy more packs, seasonal rewards are a joke.

>which is good
it's not good, it's the reason why the entire game is just a never ending struggle for board control