Is this game good Sup Forums?
Does it have good gameplay? (Most important thing for me)
Good level design?
Is it a modern Stalker or what?
Is this game good Sup Forums?
Does it have good gameplay? (Most important thing for me)
Good level design?
Is it a modern Stalker or what?
It's nothing like Stalker aside from the setting. It's extremely linear.
Best atmosphere in any videogame ever, ok story and level design but the combat is pretty mediocre so you should do a stealth run.
The original 2033 is a pretty good stealth action game with nice atmosphere, stay away from redux as they downgraded a lot of gameplay mechanics, AI, levels and visuals due to consoles.
>modern Stalker
What the fuck?
It's pretty much a CoD version of STALKER. If you like post-apocalyptic, atmospheric shooters, you will still enjoy it. Also the Metro world is one of the most interesting post-apocalyptic worlds where humans haven't started to heavily repopulate the earth yet
Original release of the first game was a decent survival horror FPS/interactive movie.
The sequel is a generic modern military shooter in a post apocalyptic setting. Even the plot is generic modern military shooter plot. And the "Hey, guy I barely know, I'm actually so in love with you I need to fuck you right now even with all these people around watching" sex scene was the most ridiculous attempt at "mature games for mature gamers" bullshit I've seen since The Witcher.
It's the casualized Stalker. If Call of Duty was set in a postapocalyptic world, THIS would be it.
>If Call of Duty was set in a postapocalyptic world, THIS would be it.
sounds lame
yeah I saw some gameplay from its first hour. literally looks like COD in a russian apocalypse. same old scripted 'follow this guy' shit. awful. oh well.
I was gonna say this, Metro is basically COD, if COD went for dripping with atmosphere instead of epic set pieces and explosions.
Linear, but a really good game nontheless.
Get the original if you can (not the redux), and ignore Last Light completely. Redux made a bunch of changes that removed a lot of technology, made the game much easier and less immersive.
>get the original
Yeah, do this if you enjoy infuriating stealth that is zero fun to deal with. This guy knows what he's talking about.
Not Stalker. Good Metro gamez
If they are making a third game to be revealed next year, I just hope they realize the tonal limpdickery of Last Light compared to 2033.
It's good fun. Not really a hard game even on the highest didficulty but it's still good.
The only hard mission ever in the redux bundle is the one where you're a Nazi and holding a line against the Communist horde.
Fuck that mission.
Original Metro 2033 is a work of fucking art
Get gud pleb. The stealth isn't as broken as you retards claim it to be. The only area that's somewhat difficult to get through undetected is the nazi frontline.
I'd much prefer actual technology like throwing knives bouncing off armor if your aim is shit instead of them going through anything and everything like butter.
I HATE that part of the game.
Yeah, absolutely, dude. I also prefer broken, annoying garbage to games that work.
Which is unfortunate because Last Light is the better game. Definitely more replayable.
Both games are really good.
I personally liked LL better, but everybody has a different opinion on it. They are both excellent.
Also, if anybody is curious, Metro 2033 the book is really fucking good, too.
>game has a fucking stealth indicator to tell the player exactly what level of stealth they are at; completely hidden, slightly detectable, completely visible
>still complains that it's infuriating
Retards like you are the reason why stealth mechanics are a fucking joke these days.
>ITT Babbies that start crying because a game has somewhat realistic stealth.
Why don't you go CoD or football manager or whatever you chads are into?
That's not a librarian though
This is
No, dude, what are you talking about? I love busted stealth. It's fine.
>I prefer broken, annoying garbage to games that work
>he thinks I'm complaining
I think you need get gooder at reading, sir. All I said was that I enjoy totally unfun, unpolished, and shitty mechanics.
Are you okay, dude? I'm here for you if you need to talk.
Not enormously forgiving of retards doing dumb shit != broken
I did actually play the game. The stealth is fine.
Its fucking epic
Finished 2033 3 times and last light 5 times
You're right, dude. My bad. It's not broken garbage, it's just shitty, broken garbage. Sorry, I slipped.
Holy fuck my autism meter exploded
What? What are you talking about, man? What's going on? You alright?
>playing the redux versions
>stealth actually works as it's supposed to
>WOOOW this guy didn't forget that I've killed his buddy a minute ago like in Skyrim, broken stealth mechanics!
Honestly off yourself.
What? I love how it's totally busted and clearly didn't gave enough time dedicated towards polishing it and having it actually work.
Fun and atmospheric games, if not a bit linear. I liked the second because it allows for a bit more exploration and the outdoor levels. Stealth goes from very challenging and slightly frustrating in the first to beau dead easy in the second. If you like immersive shooters you will probably like it.
If you need to talk, we can talk, man.
I recommend reading the novels, the first one in particular is very good
2033 Original is better than Redux
Last Light is good for either version
People shit on LL for being not good, but they're just gay retard fags. It's a good game, but 2033 is still better overall.
I would kill for a 3rd game of equal quality to either game.
Has the best gunplay out of any game I have ever played.
Both games are too linear and the story isnt worth listening to, the atmosphere makes up for it though, would reccomend playing both.
They downgraded it going from PS3/360 to PS4/One...?
Metro 2033 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Metro 2033 Redux >>>> Metro Last Light = Metro Last Light Redux
Somewhat, they lowered the tesselation and lighting quality, as well as removing some post fx. The gameplay changes are atrocious though.
>Has the best gunplay out of any game I have ever played.
Lighting in 2033 on 360/PS3 is more realistic and much better/more atmospheric than in Redux
Name one with better gunplay?
Arma is good but doesn't quite do it for me, neither does wolfenstein, doom/brutal or even quake.
Fear is the closest I can think of that is as satisfying.
Read the books instead
They've all been translated into English
Yes and no.
PC was originally the primary platform, it looked great but it wasn't a very well optimized game, especially in regards to a lot of the Nvidia tech in there. The sequel and re-release seems to have prioritized consoles so a lot of trade offs were made. Overall the re-release looks a little better but when you nitpick the two releases side by side there are individual things that were better in the original release, mostly relating to things like lighting effects.
The graphics changes really don't matter much, it's the gameplay changes, like the complete removal of the armor plating mechanic, that matters. It's a significant dumbing down.
Pretty much anything
Only the revolver felt good in Metro 2033
Really good atmosphere, definitely a solid bargain purchase.
First one is better than second one.
>he's never fucked a free spirit
Believe it or not, situations like this do happen in real life, let alone in quarantine zones amidst warring "nations".
It really is not "follow the guy" once you get to the surface, you have to manage your air filters and shit. On harder difficulties and during a first playthrough the game is legitimately exciting.
Also, speaking of harder difficultys,
the highest is a must, or else enemys are bullet sponges and it is not fun.
It's cripplingly linear with some shabby level design, shabby enemy design and AI, shabby stealth mechanics, shabby gunplay, too many 'follow this person around while he talks' missions and an overall shabby story. A missed opportunity really since the world and (some) characters are interesting.
Still I really liked them and I'd recommend at least playing through the first one.