>it will serve as a Windows 10 gaming PC built for the living room
so basically Microsoft is offering consumers 100% EXACTLY THE FUCKIN OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY WANT
not even the most normal of normies will choose scorpio over ps5
Jacob Miller
so it's a console that comes with windows 10 S? is that why it's called S-corpio?
Samuel Reyes
S is for surveillance station
Blake Bailey
are they bundling the unsold kinects?
Aiden Adams
tech improved. a mike can be hidden anywhere and a keylogger is inbuilt . few people know that Kinect had IR camera that could record your ass jacking thru walls
Alexander Thomas
But this is EXACTLY what we want.
Consoles are obsolete now that the hardware in them is literally gimped laptop crap. There is NOTHING wrong with what Microsoft is doing here, and Sony better follow suit and move all of their games over to Linux or they will become irrelevant within the change of the next generation.
Wyatt Jenkins
>Microsoft’s Project Scorpio will be named Xbox 10 S it's retarded enough to be true
Jack Roberts
OP here
my only wish is for Scorpio to fail so hard that M$ will be forced to close down Xbox and it's last game studio and it's windows play store
Bentley Anderson
This pretty much
Kinect is suspicious as fuck given MS's very close ties with the NSA. had the bone shipped with mandatory Kinect they would have had 24/7 on demand audio/visual surveillance into the home of anyone who bought one, which is a fucking goldmine for them. And it wasn't even just a normal security camera type deal, this shit had voice pattern recognition, image recognition, a very robust IR view that could actually see through walls/ceilings, and a whole lot more.
I wonder if consumers knew just how close they were to basically having a 1984-style telescreen watching them in their own home.
Parker Gomez
>consoles are obsolete >so let's sell gimped computers instead