>runs on Switch
>runs on Wii U
>runs on PC

So, is it only sonyfags hating this honestly amazing game?

Other urls found in this thread:

That and people with shitty CPUs that can't emulate it well.


You are amazingly honest.

to be fair, it runs like at 25 fps...
and when you hit the big guys it freezes

Works on my machine ™

I don't know if you are falseflagging, but it runs at stable 30 now on a good pc

The freeze only happens when the big guy dies for the first time after game boot and only on the Switch version.

You shitposters could at least try.

So it's actually playable on PC now?

Last I checked the physics barely worked and it ran like shit even with a good CPU

>put some low res trees and grass
>make them wiggle in the most artificial way possible
>watch how nintenbros jerk off thinking its the most beautiful game ever

Yes but you need a recent i5-i7 close to 4.0 GHz
(Number of cores doesn't count)

Sony fags will rush to tell you otherwise but all the physics, shaders, shadows, water, etc. Work.

Camera takes blank pictures but you can play the missions.

PCfag with an i7 6700k here.

Zelda is a fucking trash series. BotW is shit.

He is talking about WiiU and Switch.

post your save

Patch 1.2.0 should have solved on Switch, dunno about Wii U

not that user but the palette/lighting is really nice in that webm. Also, the webm itself is heavily compressed so not sure how you can measure texture quality from it.

I played OoT and it was fucking shit. No need to even touch BotW.

I just wanted to say it wasn't only Sony niggers who (rightfully) hate on Nintendo and Zelda.

>put some low res trees and grass
>nothing even wiggles and you can't move anything because the entier world is a generic Ubisoft style background
>watch how Sony bros jerk off thinking its the most beautiful game ever

I have it on Wii U and it can still happen but it's much rarer than before

- sent from my golden PlayStation

>No need to even touch BotW.
lmao why even enter the thread then if you haven't played the game
>implying you're not a sony nigger

But it looks nice user, hating on it because other people like it is pretty pathetic desu.

>lmao why even enter the thread then if you haven't played the game

>So, is it only sonyfags hating this honestly amazing game?

PCfags hate Zelda and Nintendo shitters too.

Holy KEK

post your PC


Zelda is a shit series and Nintendo is a shit company.

You should put a disclaimer on the second screenshot which states that the point of that area is to house a treasure chest with a disposable item in it.

>PCfags hate Zelda and Nintendo shitters too.

Sonybro detected. PC master race know that Nintendo platforms are the best complimentary devices to their gaming PC.

its like you never played a PC game last 5 years if you think this looks good

>pcfags hate Zelda


Graphics =/= art

Zelda looks good because of artstyle

decent rig, should be able to emulate BotW. I say give it a shot user

Nintendo platforms are complimentary devices with a fucking trash can.

I need my PC and only my PC. If I was to buy a console it would be a PS4, but no console this gen has enough games on it to even warrant a purchase, but PS4 is probably closest to getting there. Wii U was close too until Nintendo dropped it like fucking retards for the shitty Switch.

lul didn't know its a fucking movieprop scenery....

user, games don't need to be on pc or even graphically demanding in order to look nice.

I wouldn't sully my 8 hard drives and 1 SSD with the data of a Nintendo game.

the graphical fidelity of it is poor, but the artstyle is great - especially the color palette

ok, now post your PS4

Landscape-wise It looks like Xenoblade with intense bloom and slightly better textures. I'm sure if you either removed BoTW's bloom or added a shit ton of bloom to Xenoblade they'd look the same.

Fucking pc pirates playing pirated zelda games are damaging nintendo. If they like our games just buy a switch instead of gloating over doing something illegal and be overall proud of being a criminal

>I don't know what bloom is: the post

Wow just wow

No they wouldn't user.
One game tries to maintain some sort of 'realistic' look, the other goes the full blown cartoon cel-shaded direction. They do not and would not look the same.

No Nintendo consoles are shit

Games are great and I can play every single one on emulators, from nes to Wii U
So why waste money

This is honestly amazing desu