What went wrong?
Enlighten me as to why 78 is a bad score
8/10 is bad?
Not a lot, it seems. 78 for the game in it's current state is bretty good, considering it's going to get a bunch of free dlc down the line.
not much
Nintendo should've made another Punch Out I stead of this.
>Actually defending a piece of turd.
As expected from babies.
ebin ill save it with the rest of my le feels guy folder pics!
>bad reviews are critics being angry because of mini-games not being like the real thing
Are they retarded?
It's a shit game that already dropped off most peoples radars when the low reviews hit. I played a little bit of it at my friend's house and I'm really sure why it's being sold at full retail price. It's basically a glorified e-shop title.
That seems realistic.
The minigames look like garbage. Why are you defending them?
Correction: ...I'm not really sure...
78% is really good considering it doesn't feel like there's anywhere near 78% of a game there.
fuck off Sony_nigger
>this was a 60$ game
Why would you buy it either way?
watching nintendofags decide between
>horizon btfo
>scores dont matter
feels good
It's a shit game that has nothing going for it except bland waifu pandering.
Not much since the biggest critism is lack of story mode in a game that's focused on multiplayer...
Not defending it. Not gonna buy it. Just saying that 8/10 ain't bad.
78 isn't bad, but what I'm willingly to bet is the main complaint is that it gets repetitive after a while.
Arms (like most fighter/"party" games) gets really repetitive, especially when you play in long sessions. You could even tell this in the testpunch.
For an ambitious game like ARMS to get a 78 is a goddamn miracle.
Quit being mad that no one took your shitty bait.
Wow, so desperate.
Bad mini games aren't a reason to lower a score.
Is Yakuza a worse game because some of the arcade games are shit? No
So this is the response of a broken and battered fanboy. It's quite strange when you look at them this close up. But yeah, it's basically a 15 dollar Steam title. It's unfortunate that you pretty much have no choice but to excited for this garbage,
>What went wrong with an unreleased game
You guys are fucking retarded.
never seen any nintendofag say scores don't matter when talking about arms though
Scores never mattered.
Zelda is an excellent game. Horizon is a great game, ARMS is a good game. Everyone wins. Stop the console wars bullshit
t. shill with buyer's remorse
But it got alot of good score.
Probably deserved a solid 80 but that one 5/10 review from a butthurt guy about 2v2 matches dragged it down to 7.8 never ending shitpost territory. Shame.
because horizon got a bad score by nintendo standards
Ninty didn't realize that fighting games are shit for normies without content. Splatoon was bare bones at launch but it had a nice single player campaign and it also plays like a standard shooting game, which is far more asier and fun to get in to. Fighting games with zero content are just a hard sell nowadays. Doesn't help that it looks repetitive as fuck.
>Starting a thread with "What went wrong"
Kill yourself millennial
I wish chink moot would filter the word shill so retards like you can't just use it to try and win an argument.
>I wish chink moot would filter the word shill so retards like you can't just use it to try and win an argument.
>uses millenial wrong
These terms don't make sense. Old people can have millenial mentalities and vice versa.
Not even similar games.
your thread
Scores dont matter, but is factually, that Horizon is a good game but with flaws, BotW is an even better game with less flaws
You guys doing the exact same thing with Splatoon's 79 two years ago.
>What went wrong?
The Switch.
>$79 for Dragon Quest