How much longer can they possibly keep this up?
How much longer can they possibly keep this up?
Other urls found in this thread:
Depends entirely on how long they'll keep playing what they want, rather than what the fans demand.
Who is that guy and why he was searching tentacle porn?
Youtube is still good for LPs and stuff, so there's nothing stopping them from continuing aside from them getting sick.
I don't believe any the shit retards on here post about how they all hate each other and are seconds from breaking up.
Plague's dumbass Dark Souls mod retread is more entertaining than anything the best friends has made post Omikron.
Maybe I'll watch them again once they start playing some dog shit game again.
>Youtube is still good for LPs and stuff
Okay, you fucking faggots, the only time you should be using YouTube is when one of your trap dressing friends sends you a link. At most it should be used for finding music.
If you create YouTube vidya OC you are the embodiment of cancer.
If you watch let's plays you are the embodiment of cancer.
If you believe deeply in your hearts you can be an "entertainer" and make money sitting on your ass playing video games all day you are the embodiment of cancer.
You are not an entertainer for spouting memes, you are not an entertainer for being random, you are not entertainer for screaming in your mic at some HILARIOUS vidya moment.
Focus in school, graduate, get a job engineering. The fucking Chinese and Russians are learning how to kill civilians at the age of 9 while you closeted homos are defending and giving money to talentless nobodies who make videos about how their depression is real or how they're sorry they used the word nigger live on stream.
Underage detected
>Sup Forums only complains about the quality of posts on this board when it pertains to things related to e-celebs
End thyself
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums only ever complaining about ONE thing
i bet you're a regular in console-tan-tuesday you fuckin overgrown sonicfaggot
>Implying Sup Forums doesn't hivemind shit on a regular basis
The internet is such a great thing. I can call people like you a faggot from hundreds of thousands of miles away.
Sup Forums very clearly complains about multiple things, do they not? Look at the catalog and count the number of threads bitching about anything. If you can count, that is
Hopefully not very long. They're fucking shit now.
is this pasta
>going on youtube to watch dudes literally post their dick and asshole is ok
>video games aren't
Good board.
They seem to be doing just fine.
>>>going on youtube to watch dudes literally post their dick and asshole is ok
You got some fucked up friends. Mine send me shit like this
>the only time you should be using YouTube is when one of your trap dressing friends sends you a link.
Aight, faggot.
No one cares.
>new plague dark souls run
holy shit thanks man, his dark souls commentary is one of my favourites next to the research indicates tresspasser LP
Can you idiots stop posting ecelebs on my video game channel?
They are not video games nor video game culture. They are Internet and YouTube culture.
They are leeches on this hobby.
They are not your friends and they don't care about you except for the likes and subscribes you give them so they can get paid.
Eceleb threads entirely revolve around the drama of the literal who's that you morons try to force on here and never about any single video game or video game character.
ENOUGH. Take this shit to:
Can you imagine how much better this would have been without Manbaby yelling "What even is this??" every 5 minutes?
>If you create YouTube vidya OC you are the embodiment of cancer.
Literally nothing wrong with making some fun or cool stuff as a hobby, even if it's just for your mates. Get over yourself
When did the channel start on the decline?
I haven't watched them for about a year and a half
Been meaning to get back into them but then I have heard stuff of the channel going to shit.
Adding Liam. He didn't necessarily cause it, but the juxtaposition is right around there.
Liam + Pat was a fun paring, Woolie + Pat can be an okay paring as long as Woolie isnt steering too much
Anything with Matt is instantly ruined. In fact I started watching again when Matt left for a while and stopped when he reappeared.
The best LP was the Shut Up and Jam Gaiden LP with Liam and Pat
I started to watch less and less the more presence liam and woolie had with the channel.
Same. I never really disliked either of them, but the dynamic changed and I didn't care much for that.
>Anything with Matt is instantly ruined.
Did he ever stop insisting on being part of every series? He really crapped on DS3.
He craps on everything he touches. Once he started showing up again in playthroughs i literally stopped watching anything they put out and unsubscribed again.
Matt if you read this, youre not funny. In fact, youre unlikeable and you ruin video games you giant man baby.
Sure, dude. My twitter and tumblr following say otherwise.
They love me just hanging out in the back eating cheetoz, making LP funziez.
>Anything with Matt is instantly ruined
deadly premonition, downpour, yakuza 4.
i hope the people making these threads get permabanned some day
>Liam leaves the channel
>Comes back looking like literal Jesus in one of Woolie's side videos
I'm glad he's doing better even if his streams aren't.
Thanks for making my point senpai
Those are the best LPs they've ever done, nothing has come close to being as good.
You are a very stupid contrarian.
> Wow this is a shitty podcast
it's not that bad, I'm still chil-
> This podcast is really shitty
> Boy this is just one of those shitty podcasts
> We really fucked this one up, its a shitty one
> this podcast is really shitty
>Deadly Premonition
>Not the best LP they've ever done
And imagine how good it would have been without the man-baby in the onesie in the background all the time
They compliment each other you dumb bitch, those LP's is more than the sum of their parts.
Is this what young burgers truly believe? What even makes you better than boomers in that case? What a joke, a country filled with the worst of the worst, thinking desperately they know something about reality.
>Falling for the STEM meme
Yeah nah
Shut Up and Jam was interesting to watch because the game is so good. Liam and Pat missed tons of references and forgot how to play the game between every episode.
>you can now hear their disgust playing la noire, being forced to look at dead naked women
In losing Liam, they all became Liam to rebalance the friends. Now they are all cucked
Dealing with the misogyny of the murdered women, the cases and Rusty's gross language.. It's hard, man. It gets to you.
Well, what else are they supposed to feel when looking at bodies of people stripped and brutally murdered and sometimes sexually abused?
>that gif
They're supposed to laugh because they are savage af and based and have no chill and not be cucked by a dead body
>Pat gets less professional by the day, especially in podcasts
Put some fucking effort in.
Oh, yeah. That makes sense.
Can you idiots stop posting ecelebs on my video game channel?
They are not video games nor video game culture. They are Internet and YouTube culture.
They are leeches on this hobby.
They are not your friends and they don't care about you except for the likes and subscribes you give them so they can get paid.
Eceleb threads entirely revolve around the drama of the literal who's that you morons try to force on here and never about any single video game or video game character.
ENOUGH. Take this shit to:
>treating a body with respect like the game wants you to and having modern values that even the most conservative can agree with, ie not beating your wife, is 'cucked'
The Yakuza 0 LP is pretty great, but that's probably more because the game is so fun to watch.
Omikron is not a bad game.
Get out of here, David.
black guy is the only normal one
stop watching these man-children
its a fucking videogame. do you obey traffic laws in gta and not kill anyone too?
Omikron might be a bad game. But I don't appreciate all the David Cage jokes when nothing is going on or Woolie mapping the controls like a retard or whoever playing the game like a retard. They lost every single demon fight until Pat got on the controls and pressed the kick button and he fuckin' perfected that guy.
It was painful to watch, and even if they were doing it on purpose to roast David Cage, it was stupid as fuck.
Guys, something's missing from this.
I'm thinking probably that they're losing cohesion at that point, and likely won't be playing as SBFP anymore. At the rate they're going, I'm willing to bet Matt's either not caring and/or got his own thing going on.
Funny thing is, I don't necessarily dislike him, but he always seems to be, like, feeling like an outcast on this kind of thing. I dunno. I just don't get a good feeling about this.
Matt not being assed enough to show up for the 200th podcast and it being a huge pile of shit pretty much shows the state of best friends.
You ever notice how these threads only start popping up during summer?
Who was in their Nier LP? I kinda liked it.
The 200th podcast was great, shove your whole head in a dick, nigger.
Liam and Pat
They've been showing up for years, they're just becoming very frequent recently.
>tfw son of a detective/veteran cop
>have heard it all and even seen some real shit nobody gonna ever see in their lives
>LA Noire is so extremely tame
>Woolie thinks this is too real
You know his innocence is actually comfy.
Although I find the reaction contradictory since this shit is just videogame violence like any other GTA game, and he's a competent stable adult.
>mfw listening to DS lore while he stares at bricks
Calm down shadow the hedgehog
brb going to lurk in a BEST BOOTY thread
>the state of Sup Forums
>not be cucked by a dead body
you keep using that word etc. etc.
> Russians are learning how to kill civilians at the age of 9
I know its a pasta, but I wish it was true, so I could kill you for being a faggot.
I can't watch them anymore, it's just forced smile, fake hype and terrible opinions all around. Also fuck Matt, seriously. That self centered manchild sucks the fun out of every videos he's in.
GTA doesn't actively penalize you for not following the traffic laws though.
>lmao I will run this body over for no reason!
Or maybe you just want them to talk about how children can consent and that fucking young boys isn't that bad so your values are validated instead of treating the serious game serious
I'd rather watch Oney Plays, at least Dingus Dong is good at video games.
I read somewhere he funded cp while also passing a law to ban it or something like that.
If anyone knows I'd be curious too.
I think it's clear what's happening. It's not an unknown fact Matt is the worst best friend according to a whole lot of people. Since he's a baby that can't handle anything negative, he decided to go solo and create a hugbox for himself on tumblr to feel good about himself. After some time he'll probably feel like the hassle with the best friends isn't worth it anymore and they'll cease to be.
I'm obviously mocking him you dumb sluts.
Woolie is also presenting on his own, as 3/5ths of WoolieVS.
Pat doesn't go to these things.
Same thing happened with The Creatures. People just get sick of one another.
>The Yakuza 0 LP is pretty great
The fuck? No it's not. Matts sheer hatred for the main plot, their retardation and unwillingness to even give the game a chance have turned it into a shitshow.
Man, they don't listen to the plot, ask questions that got answered literally minutes before they asked, make retarded predictions and then get mad and think the plot is trash when those idiotic ideas don't actually come to fruition. Matt's retardation and his will to completely destroy any "fun" joke he has by driving it into the ground, his constant need for "LP Funsies" and his other man-child tendencies are in full force in this LP. Mind you, that baby back bitchboy Matt is the progenitor of the terribleness of the series, but fuck it's not good at all.
>Literally just them flailing because they don't think it's funny
watching their early content reminded me of playing games with my friends
then they started making lets plays, fuck that.
>savage af
Hey man I think I hear tumblr calling you better get back before they know you're gone
I bet you fucking love filename threads and Peach porn spam
The sidequests were more entertaining than the main plot.
That isn't a bad thing. I think you're reading in to attitudes that aren't really there.
It's a great reminder that editing is king.
Some of the stuff they put on Machinima is decent and worth a chuckle or two. Because of editing.
They've always been here maybe you should stop logging in during the summer
Which alternate timeline did you blow in from? I'm exactly a fan but they haven't been this good in years. Although the podcast is still garbage.
Liam is gone with his boring matter of fact voice over style, they're not playing any games which aren't suited to an LP right now, Matt isn't the clear focus of the channel like he used to be. How isn't that an improvement?
>The sidequests were more entertaining than the main plot.
What? Fuck no they're not. Have you played the game? Have you at least watched anyone else play this game? They're reached the point where the main-plot vastly surpasses any of the sidequests in the game, that, while still being fun, do get old over time.
And what do you mean, I'm reading into Attitudes that aren't there? It's blatantly clear that Matt doesn't like the main game, he has even said so himself. He keeps sighing, constantly talking over shit, not paying any attention (they've paid more fucking attention to the plot of Omicron), making his "funny" jokes like how Makoto went blind because of acid being sprayed into her eyes and then being confused that that's not the actual reason that she's blind, thinks that this game's plot is convoluted when it's actually pretty straight forward, keeps fucking asking when they're going back to the telephone-club- the list goes on and on.
Man, they actively sandbag so many great scenes, like the one with Nishikiyama and Kiryu in the forest and don't even try to give it a chance.
The worst part about it is that Matt's extreme sandbagging obviously actually diminishes Pat's enjoyment of the best game in the series.
>tfw son of a detective/veteran cop
>have heard it all and even seen some real shit nobody gonna ever see in their lives
Calling bullshit on this. How does being the SON of a detective mean you've seen shit? I'm the son of a librarian and I can't even fucking read
I haven't watched these guys in a few years, have they made anything worth watching recently?
To be fair who doesn't like some Peach porn
The fuck is wrong with their fans? I haven't watched these guys in a while so I checked some of their latest videos and the comment sections are filled with people who enjoy the fact that they're terrible. It's like one giant retarded circlejerk.
I don't know the episodes but in yakuza 0 LP matt keeps trying to make child porn a "funny maymay Xd" and pat gets actually mad cause he's scared of yt guidelines and tells him to stop it. Don't know if he made jokes like that again.
I stopped watching when Liam started being injected into everything. He is killing the show.He takes the fun out of everything and hasn't made me laugh once. I eventually warmed up to Woolie (he has his moments) but Liam just needs to be cut if they hope to get back on track.