>quake live shit
>Dota shit
>LoL shit
>OW shit
>CSGO shit
There is no multiplayer game worth playing.
pic not related
>quake live shit
>Dota shit
>LoL shit
>OW shit
>CSGO shit
There is no multiplayer game worth playing.
pic not related
Looking forward to a thread about multiplayer games not getting derailed into a Sup Forums circlejerk
But muh muslims
>quake live shit
You're already doing your part by baiting them. If you really wanna talk bout them so much, go to Sup Forums directly or better:
You have Quake Champions.
There's more than five online games user
desu the game play is good but the game ist pretty much dead and most servers play clan wars. I guess AFPS will stay dead forever
How do you like your Bratwurst?
Titanfall 2
Only problem with online games these days is developers who try to control the online environment.
Things were better back when they just released the game, and server code, and let the community run itself. A controlled environment let's you sell microtransactions though, like lootcrate gambling and cosmetics.
this though
she's the wurst leader Europe had in a long time ;^)
Good online games.
Free:War thunder and world of warships. No more room in hell, Unturned, Neotokyo. Osu. Shadowverse.
Online games that you need to buy: Killing floor, depth, insurgency, Rust.
It's because she brat all those refugees into europe
a modern multiplayer game needs ranking and esports or it'll die pretty quickly.
can't have those by only having community run servers.
Get into Melee
>Go into a game with an absolutely cancerous community
Smash is literally cancer
>multiplayer game worth playing
No. Because MP is ultimatly compromised and lazy game development. An SP game can be tooled by the developer as 50% of the interaction is 100% in their control (whatever the *game* does), whereas in a MP game, the developer has little to no control over what a player's experience will be since both sides of the interaction are unpredictable humans. Reliance on MP is what has shot the games industry in the ham string, causing us to move toward a sport, as opposed to an experience (like a book or movie). It's a lazy form of a development as it requires less work on the part of a developer. Things like writing, story, even graphics aren't important in MP for the same reason uniforms aren't important in sports.
Woha chill. They are the friendliest community out there. I was honestly surprised when i went to my first tourney.
that's a big sausage
Boy did that turn into a clusterfuck. Fucking Fractured Space is better than this turned out to be.
This was never true. MP games were a clusterfuck 20 years ago, it was just *new* and therefor novel, and therefor it's faults acceptable.
The "Golden Age" of Gaming was also that of near exclusive SP games. And thats not a coincidence.
>They are the friendliest community out there
... You're joking, right?
Monster Hunter is alright for multiplayer.
>War thunder and world of warships
Literally the worst two online games:
Russian Bias
Horrid community
developer that fucks said community and community begs for more
Single item DLC that costs in excess of $50-$60 (something EA doesn't even do)
Infested with wehrboos and weeboos that would never have touched either game without anime
At least in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Greece and italy. Don't know about the rest.
Also, don't judge online, you obviously never been to a tourney.
Is there even one game that isn't overrun by russians or filthy brazilians?
TF2 is good
Why not just curl the frankfurter within the bondaries of the bread? What purpose does the pieces outside serve? At this point its just bread AND meat, instead of bread WITH meat
it's very erotic to see females eat just the sausage part while still holding the bread
Quake Champions seems to be Overwatch: Bethesturd Edition.
For Honor is decent.
CS (and Valve for that matter) is dead. Move on.
Bannerlord seems promising.
UT is shaping up nicely, it's still at pre-alpha but retarded shit is getting fixed at a decent pace, and despite being free as in free beer it won't be a cynical microtransaction milker.
GW2's recent WvW update gave it some incentive to play it if you don't mind the chaos that stems from the big scale.
>inb4 GW1 spergs
>inb4 muh SJW's reeeee
Those are popular and therefore have cancerous communities.
Maybe I give UT a try.
Should I get PU battlegrounds or Titanfall 2?
I play solo mostly, but im afraid titanfall will die out soon. Then again, Battlegeounds could turn out to be very boring after a couple of matches especially solo
This is why you should always play in controlled, cancer-free communities instead of being exposed to spastic AIDS, and by extension, this is why P2P is shit.
competitive =/= all multiplayer games
>what is trine 2
>what is risk of rain
>what is castle crashers
>what is any voxel game
>what is final fantasy crystal chronicles
Tf2 stopped being good in 2012
>he blames video games for his inability to have fun
>not realizing hes a depressed loser
Titanfall has a very dedicated playerbase, and it's stayed alive for this long at least.
The distinction is academic. All MP games foster a competitive environment, micro or macro, it doesn't matter. Games were original intended, and at their best, when they are experiences. The best experience are the single player ones, and always have been. Ironically games a 'nerd' item was to avoid the competitive environment, as either a self imposed and culturally imposed separation from the 'norm' (i.e. kids ostracized, self or by others, from playing sports at school). Dude-bros have taken over gaming and brought their hyper-competitive attitude INTO games, which is why quality has suffered over the last decade. All MP games are competitive, even the cooperative ones, and as a result cater to the worst sorts.
>state that there are multiplayer games that arent competitive
>as an argument says that a competitive game is competitive and that competitive games are shit
but dota is great, if you think otherwise you're either a LoLnigger or a shitter deep in the trench
all mobas are trash user. they require too much emphasis on your team not being fucking downies
then try to get good so you can play with and against good people, if you're shit you get matched with downies, period.
youd fucking think that wouldnt you
in paragon i'm in the top 600 players and i still get people that dont know what cs is or people that build full crit on mages
in league i'm high plat and still get matched with low golds
no matter how well i do in a video game SOMEONE on both teams will have actual mental deficiencies
Rainbow Six Siege faggot
Not really alive, but Reflex is great if you like quake duels, the matchmaking works very well considering the low playerbase, you should check on steamcharts before buying a dead game though.
R6 Siege is interesting and worth trying but it's deeply flawed in both concept and execution, I still wouldn't buy it as of now, even with the recent patches.
Titanfall 2 is tons of fun, it may not last forever but both the campaign and the multiplayer are great, the movement system and projectile weapons feel amazing and the titan/pilot interplay is really unique.
Squad is good, it's still in alpha but they are constantly improving. It's the only "realistic" shooter i actually like, while i dropped quickly games like Insurgency or RO2 and found them pretty shallow. The community is communicative, so be ready to communicate.
CSGO is still decent though
Sorry thought you were intelligent.
Multiple players, as in any game where the number of concurrent players in the same physical instance is >1, will *always* be competitive, regardless of intent of the game. That is to say, even a cooperative game, where no player is fighting another player, say Payday 2 or L4D2 (non-Versus), is still inherently competitive, and will devolve into such, due to *human* natural competitive nature. A L4D2 cooperative game will end up with players competing say for most kills, or to acquire better equipment, things of that ilk. All MP games are competitive, either by intention or human nature.
This would not be a problem *except* competitive games, intentional or not, have to have focuses in development shifted from the experience, narrative, pacing, graphics, sound, all placed lower on the development poll to game balance, so that it's harder for one player to have a distinct advantage over another. It's a flaw in the development process and indicative of a sport, not a work of art. That's why Super Mario, or Uncharted (SP), or Halo (SP), or GoW (SP), or the SP side of COD, or any SP game will always, even with less attention than the MP side, be more polished and overall better experience. Proof of concept: BF2, Battlefront 2, games like that where they are an MP game, but with bots thrown in it when played single player. Ultimately the overall product is flawed because the originating premise and development goals are anti-theoretical to an *experience.*
mmmh what could the problem be?
mario party games are competitive because its literally "Who can get the most shit and win the most games" it has nothing to do with human nature you fucking retard
go play trine right now and tell me how competitive it is. you cant apply competitive human nature to a game where both players are required to solve puzzles together at the same speed
Good taste, user.
Our local tournament banned melee, because they got too hostile towards smash4 players. Also the bad smell meme is real.
What about Rocket League fucker?
>literally actually no hyperboly fucking dead game
I'm not making fun of you user. Im so sad. Its fucking deader than disco. 0 games.
What did she do this time, Sup Forums?