>better than No Man's Sky
>no longer terraria in space ripoff
>more content than any survive/sandbox game in the market
>only 4 years in the market and already surpress memecraft and terraria
Check the new trailer of that masterpiece: youtube.com
>better than No Man's Sky
>no longer terraria in space ripoff
>more content than any survive/sandbox game in the market
>only 4 years in the market and already surpress memecraft and terraria
Check the new trailer of that masterpiece: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
you know it's a dead game when the shilling gets this desperate.
I wish starbound was no man's sky
>better than No Man's Sky
Yes, even if you compare SB's early access and NMS launch
>no longer terraria in space ripoff
It still is. At the end of the day, SB's endgame is collecting vanity armor or building shit (NOW IN SPACE!)
>more content than any survive/sandbox game in the market
>only 4 years in the market and already surpress memecraft and terraria
Well Terraria doesn't stretch its content as thin as SB does. And if you look closer and actually play it (SB that is), there is not that much stuff to do.
And I have no idea about minecraft, but who cares.
t. an idiot who bought SB in 2013.
and despite all that terraria has more content that copypastebound
even now the Terraria devs still working on the game and still pump out contents. This is what devs are supposed to be desu and not pumping out DLC to jew players.
Quit shilling this indie trash
They removed and reduced content to "fit" the new progression system and story and forced you into the "hero of the galaxy role". Beta Starbound was gameplay wise better than 1.X
Fuck you.
Just no.
And you faggots don't even think about buying it. Buy terraria or exanima instead.
t. bought it.
>starbound threads only made during uk working hours
I wonder why
>more gimmicky meme shit
>more shallow content
>still abundantly clear the devs have no idea for the direction of the game whatsoever
You know your game is a pile of shit if the first thing you say about it is
>W-well it's better than No Man's Sky!
>No longer Terraria in space ripoff
If only, then it'd at least be a decent game, now it isn't.
>More content
Cosmetic bricks and furniture isn't content you drooling lemur, planets still have fuck all to do on them as the only valuables are the fucking 3 different upgrade bits you need for anything worth doing, and maybe scavenge for fucking cosmetic faggotry.
>Only 4 years on the market
And still worse than games much older than that.
>better than No Man's Sky
That's not really an achievement
Isn't it enough that you killed that poor dog with your pineapple pizza?
>side scrolling pixel shit
lol come back when you have a real game kid
This. Want to roam the stars your way? Haha, nope, now every time you are the same person while a some Mollygos grandma proxy tells you everything to do.
>more content than any survive/sandbox game in the market
Oh boy, more versions of dirt. But dirt is still only dirt. And Starbound is still shallower than any sandbox game on the market.
Can't wait for spaceship battles like FTL
Can't even kill NPC's anymore if you want. Even "evil" ones like the guards in the ape camps. Such fucking horseshit.
Explain more of that
>not playing terraria instead
This was my first Early Access scam.
Never was I so fucking angry and duped.
>Want to roam the stars your way? Haha, nope
Akshully you totally can. You're told to kill bosses, but there no restriction on where you go in the universe.
Just destroy their furniture bro, those an-cap fags won't do shit unless you violate the NAP.
You used to be able to visit any kind of planet in a sector. Now you are forced to progress along specified types of planets. Also, you are forced to complete missions instead of explore your way. Worse yet is how NPC's overstate every fucking thing. Remember when exploring the mining colony and the horror of those pink elephant men turning out to be former miners? Well now some stupid fucking Mollygos old woman explains it and destroyed the experience.
desu, it was better during the beta before they added the main quest.
they shifted focus too much away from crafting and building shit, it's essentially a pointless activity now.
>You're told to kill bosses, but there no restriction on where you go in the universe.
Did they remove the system where you can only visit "cold" or "radioactive" planets depending on your protective suit?
nope, that still exist.
you have to craft a backpack to get oxygen -> backpack that has oxygen + cold protection -> oxygen + cold proteciton + radiactive protection -> oxygen + cold protection, + radioactive protection + heat protection
you're forced to go trough specific types before being allowed to move on, as you need to scan (forced) things to progress
I'm not going to lie, it's aesthetically good looking but the game is very VERY shallow - don't let it deceive you. The content is very minor and there is little much to do. I really did want to like this game, because it's literally fucking space Terraria, but unfortunately it's going to be a long time for this game to even be half as good as Terraria.
decided to look through the changes they did. It's pretty fucking pathetic.
>add mechs which are a shittier version of modded mechs
>changed the navigation UI to be 50% more gimmicky
>can build "modular space stations", so even if you were looking forward to building giant space domes, too bad motherfucker
>game now pauses when you hit pause
The worst part is I'll still end up playing it because i'm addicted to shit
It will never be half as good as Terraria. Because they keep updating Terraria and bringing it well out of reach.
You'll die, but no one is stopping you from going into hostile environment without proper gear.
It's not tied to bosses/story, just upgrade your shit, like with armor tiers.
But you are forced to go in the game's order, you can't get the radioactive protection before the cold one.
>better than No Man's Sky
what an outstanding achievement, I'm glad you listed it as the first of it's merits
True, but in the same time mobs hit harder and have more health. You'll need upgrades either way.
desu, even with the best gear when you get to the end game you never truly outpace the mobs.
upgrades are pointless.
Is just me or the combat in this game is horrible? I remember hating the story missions because the bosses were impossible to damage.
That's pretty cool, to be honest.
Combat IS terrible, it feels more like it's lagging and there is global cooldown. And yes, balance is fucked.
I like Starbound. It is comfy
Sell me this game without comparing to or even mentioning other games
Why should I play it?
>find a chest
>there's a sword inside
>it's worse than your starting sword
Never uninstalled a game faster in my life desu.
It's a comfy hotel building sim in space / furniture collecting game. Explore the cosmos collecting unique furnitures for your colony
Also the music really is GOAT
If you like building things in one of ten styles on various planets of different color, then this game is perfect for you.
Everyone just hates the game because some Early access idiots bought the game hoping for terraria 2 and they are still salty.
Starbound has a fuck ton of content, colony building is comfy, and the game is 15 bucks.
Pound per pound its a good value game.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.
your better off to just play terraria
>>>add mechs which are a shittier version of modded mechs
how is that even possible, half the modded mechs were fucking atrocious
What still hurts me is that they removed fuckton of craftable racial weapons for every race and added instead generic weapons that don't even make full sets. It doesn't matter anyway since if you follow main questline you'll swim in good shit anyway.
did they add an option to skip/remove the awful story mission stuff?
>fuck ton of content
It has five minutes of content that you then repeat over and over for several tiers. The only vaguely interesting thing is collecting furniture and decorations for your house or ship, but you can do that in Terraria which is superior in every other aspect as well so there's no reason to bother with Starbound.
I don't really get the appeal of Terraria either desu
It seems just as shit as Starbound. Same shitty combat, same nothing to do except gather furniture and fight shitty bosses
Build colonies and explore the galaxy vs Terraria limited world resources and having to spawn new world that are more of the same.
Sorry terraria is a great game but i am so fucking tired of the same old landscape over and over.
None of those is true though except for the first one
>same old landscape over and over.
Same in Starbound.
why did they remove all references to alcohol?
But Starbound is even worse. At least terraria has different biomes. Starbound forces you to switch planet if you want a different biome, and even then all you get is that same biome all over the planet, so no variation whatsoever.
They could have aimed for MegaMetroidVaniaSlug Squadron maker. Instead we got this. I've seen H-games with more complex interaction than this one.
In Beta Starbound, in the first galaxy I explored, I came across a pyramid with an underground crypt full of looters, two different science facilities holding fancy tech, a floran village, pirate ships, an avian village, a huge castle with a boss and tons more.
In the "complete 1.0" release of Starbound, I was lucky to have found a boring town.
>surpress memecraft
If you only knew the things I've built, the worlds I've created..
This. They removed all the potentially cool stuff and scattered the content into an endless grindfest to make it look like they actually did something. They didn't. It's shit. Don't even pirate it.
>build colonies
You can build your own town with NPCs in Terraria and they actually have decent functions, granted in Starbound you can have more NPCs around, but they're pretty much window dressing.
>explore the galaxy
The only difference is Terraria has all its biomes in one map while Starbound spreads them across some planets a screen transition away. The level of exploration undertaken is pretty much the same, though I'd say Terraria's feels more rewarding because loot, materials and enemies are tailored to their biome whereas with Starbound you're fighting the same randomly generated garbage you could find on another planet with a different coloured background that effects nothing.
u avin a chuckle m8?
>there was so much removed content that the wiki pretends there isn't any
Pretty sure even superman 64 is better than no man's sky
Not sure about more content, yeah for sure with mods but vanilla seems a bit lackluster with the borderlands loot and samey creatures and locations
But really has the new update launched yet I wanna explore directs already I hope to God someone makes a dead space mod
>surpasses Terraria
Oh I'm laffin'. Take your shit Pokemon sprite teject ridden """""""""game""""""""" and fuck off.
Not officially but there's like 10 mods out that do that
>Removed content
Wew lad.
>start up starbound
>begin intro
>eventually get my own ship
>stuck on one planet, told to run right for a while
>find NotStargate
>"alright now collect a bunch of shit."
>get the minerals I need
>"alright faggot now you need to do a thing for me."
>finally get back
>"okay now you need to collect more shit to make your ship go."
>Finish collecting everything I need
>Finally able to traverse the space between stars
>"Fooled you, you fucking retard! This game is actually shit!"
>Everything took so long that I can no longer steam refund
Can you spell "Jews"?
If it's better than Terraria why doesn't it have actual class based items, trinkets, mounts, wings, ammo and bosses that don't play and look like shit?
Fucking hell, I miss the pirate ships where you could get all the gun loot and the science faculties with the traps and platforming.
Combat feels much better in Terraria, there's a lot of weapons and tools you can use in combat, you also have more options in terms of mobility, also the enemy variety is absurd, and they are all hand-crafted and all have unique patterns.
The dungeon and the jungle in Terraria are procedurally generated but they still manage to have a distinct identity and have a lot of unique ennemies and furniture, while every "dungeon" in Starbound is copy-pasted and boring, filled with the same 3 enemies (with different faces!) and mostly useless items, also worth adding that the chest menu is awful, making exploration worse than it already was.
And the icing on the cake : Terraria has received tons of new content since release, while every update in Starbound REMOVES elements and somehow makes the game worse.
Terraria is miles ahead of Starbound, I should have listened to Sup Forums and I regret buying this shit game.
Starbound team, please get a better director, your game is a fucking mess.
>The tutorial lasts just long enough for you to be unable to get a refund
Fucking brilliant.
>actual class based items, trinkets, mounts, wings
Cut content that was in the beta
>>"Fooled you, you fucking retard! This game is actually shit!"
Never felt murderous rage in my life ever before up to that point.
Wew, why would they remove shit that makes these kind of games fun? They still don't even have one random event.
Is Tiy in fact better at telling lies than Todd and Murray?
>that fucking stretchgoal map back in 2013
Oh no, there is class based armor and weapons, the thing is that they're so shallow and unspecialized that there's next to no reason to pick one over the other aside from aesthetics.
There are way more biomes in Starbound than in Terraria. Also portal dungeons are more satisfying to loot than Terrarias grindfest or limited RNG chest per map.
I guess Tiy's better off than Sean since his lies didn't get mainstream attention, but nobody lies better than Todd Howard, this guy has been lying for years and people still love him and keep believing him. At least some of Todd's games are playable.
Because that means more equipment they have to scale and make tiers for, and Starbound's team is made up of idea guys. They can brainstorm, but they have almost no one that can actually make a game or code competently.
They even cut procedurally-generated dungeons, villages and towns with all sorts of random loot in favor of pre-built hub areas.
>mfw I build a settlement with 3-4 npcs and the game starts dropping to 20-30fps whenever i visit on my laptop
>meanwhile terraria maintains 60fps in bases four times as large
Doesn't feel good
Why would they do that
Nigga they can't do shit. They can't even brainstorm. The only good ideas they "had" they stole them from the forums.
Hell even the prototype for Starbound was made by a Russian imageboard lurker who thought he was gonna get hired and he didn't even get paid for his job. They deserve to burn in hell. Especially Tiy. People like him are the reason this world is shit.
What RNG? Aside from item drops you can make 99.5% of everything you want in Terraria exept special items like hardcore Dungeon, treasure bags and other shit like the Rod of Discord.
Well their ideas are all shit. It's really sad that Terraria has better Sci-fi than fucking Starbound.
It's pretty good for it's asking price. I fell for the meme back in early access and I enjoyed myself then and I still enjoy myself now when I've got nothing else to do. Better than Terraria? That's really subjective. Yarrharr it and try it for yourself if you're not sure. It's, at the very least, not a bad game.
Because making a single pre-built area you cannot build or edit is probably a lot easier.
They probably thought "procedural generation will procedurally generate a game for us, we don't need to do anything". When they realised that you still need to create the system for procedural generation and create content for the game, problem was they were all idea guys with like two actual, legitimate coders on the team, all sorts of content was cut and replaced with pre-built un-editable areas instead.
I'm not going to buy your shitty drunken combat simulator Madoc.
nice try devs
How are the sex mods going though?
>i can't 12 dollars.
t. Children.
I like SB more because Terraria looks like complete fucking garbage by comparison. Also being able to aim weapons is really nice.
>>better than No Man's Sky
you say this like it's some sort of achievement
shit their laptop confirmed
Eh, the extra biomes that Starbound has are miniscule and have nothing except some furniture and different coloured blocks, like what, the tar biomes? Plus as mentioned Starbound's biomes are nothing more than different coloured backgrounds to fight randomly generated monsters on, Terraria's biomes have purpose and feel different from each other.
Starbound's chests and loot is the epitome of RNG, you get random items with random stats no matter where you are or what you're fighting whereas is in Terraria nearly all items are tied to specific enemies and specific biomes, the only RNG is the modifier on some gear which you can reroll at an NPC in your town.
>I'll waste 12 dollars on some shit that's not worth it
t. Manchildren.
No this game fucking sucks dude, I'm sorry. I was a backer and I'm real fucking disappointed
Played this recently. Do the devs even care about this game? Has it even been updated once this year?
Several times, it just got another big update.
They just released it after 4 year long beta. My advice is get your money back and go get Terraria instead. A much more worthwhile experience.
>Several times
With no content.
> it just got another big update.
With the basics still not implemented they added yet another half-assed feature.
Starbound is past redemption and after the whole /sbg/ drama buying the game is a crime worse than pirating it.