Did anybody here play 7.62 Hard Life?
Where the hell can I find that Paquito drunktard, he was in the santa maria bar in the base game, but not here.
I don't want to pay mercs.
Did anybody here play 7.62 Hard Life?
Please respond.
What's the difference between Hard Life and High Calibre?
It's a mod witch changes a lot of things, similar to blue sun mod.
>not operating solo
>finally, a 3d squad-based tactics game I can really get into
>your "squad" most of the time consists of 3 people
Why did they do this?
Yeah good luck with that at the next bandit ambush in the open.
You can find either "free" members who are pretty shit or hire competent mercs who cost money and bump it up to 6 people.
I want to build a free team right now, already got my first shock troop Benicia who can't hit a barn, but she will learn.
Final hopeless bump.
Are most of the mercs in this female? And if so, why?
No they aren't, I've just picked one for giggles because some NPCs react different.
The second gal is actually a quest NPC which you have to rescue, but I don't intend to bring her in so I can have a free soldier.
IIRC Benicia is pretty smart right? She'll be the Gumpy of 7.62.
If Phoenix Point actually used those mechanics I would fund it.
Right now it only makes me depressed.
Why only slavs can make advanced games like this or Silent Storm?
Not that smart actually.
Well, shit. Guess she's just gonna be permanent shotgunner then.
Or just use her as bait to lure enemies into sniper fire.
>Why only slavs can make advanced games like this or Silent Storm?
Because slavs cannot into graphics due to budget constraints, so they just focus on gameplay mechanics instead. Not that I'm complaining, 7,62 and Marauder are objectively the best two real time squad tactics games ever made.
>If Phoenix Point actually used those mechanics I would fund it.
What mechanics are you talking about? Phoenix Point and 7,62 belong to two completely different genres: one is real time with pause, the other - turn based.
>7,62 and Marauder are objectively the best two real time squad tactics games ever made.
that doesn't mean much when your only competition is those UFO:After____ games
You forgot Commandos games. Technically, they belong to the same genre, it's just that Commandos games force you to use stealth heavily, while 7,62 gives you the option to take both direct combat or stealth approaches.
>Yeah good luck with that at the next bandit ambush in the open.
It's actually possible to complete the game solo, you would just need to savescum like mad.
>you would just need to savescum like mad
Only a single save possible during combat in this mod.
Still no luck finding Paquito.
Fuck me.