He's right you know

He's right you know.


go play tetris

go watch a movie

>story is not important in porn
John is such a pleb

jokes on you i do

cool ill be over here playing video games

this, that kind of mindset is holding porn back

He'S rIgHt YoU kNoW

I agree with him, but a good story every now and then doesn't hurt. The right kind of story can make a good game even better.

No he isn't sweetie

Last good game this guy has made was 20 fucking years ago.

Why is he still being quoted as if he knows shit? Even back then he was just an engine dev.

ShE's RiGhT, yOu kNoW

lol what anime?

I love how he said that just before an explosion of quality stories in vidya

hahahaha fucking epic insta meme xD
u like cracking open a fidget spinner with the boys??? :D

lol what anime?

Yup. Video games are about gameplay.

do you guys want to see the tetris movie together when it comes out

A detailed/"Good" story is not required, and an excuse plot is fine, for plenty of games, but a good, well-made story can improve a game, both by adding emotional weight to the experience, as well as giving you stronger motivation in gameplay. An excellent example of this, is DMC3, which while the story is pretty straightforward and barebones, it does a fantastic job of motivating you to kick ass in the gameplay in the most stylish way possible, and also makes you want to shove Vergil's smug face into the fucking dirt.

He is not, you know?

>he doesn't watch porn for the story

quit being retarded

>the cable guy never actually fixes the cable
>nobody ever eats the pizza

Story heavy porn (basically ERP) is almost always better than regular porn though.

gonna post this
You can't make a good porn without story and a decent acting.
That's why italian/french porn from the 80's/early 90's is the best.

know some titles that back your statement?
Genuinely interested.

There are different kinds of games.

There are different kinds of videos.

There are different kinds of porn.

Not an argument.


Show me a porn film with just two people having sex in a room and there's barely a twitch these days. Show me a porn film about a female teacher coercing one of her students into sex and I'll bust a nut in seconds.

No, it isn't. It's intrusive to those who use it as a visual aid for our own fantasies.

>50 years old +
>he thinks he knows what the age group from 10 to 30 really wants

Sure Buddy... sure....

Sometimes I'll listen to the intro bits of a porn just to hear the inane dumb situations crafted for the fictional tale. I have personally only found one porn star who can reasonably 'act'.

What a pleb.

You know what's even better than ERP though? Romance in adventure / epics, especially with nudity, which is basically the next step above that.

Regular porn is the equivalent of mobile games or fast food.

t. girl

t. brainlet

I agree. Fucking Persona 5 was impossible to finish.
So. Much. Text. Shut the fuck up five seconds please and let me actually play a game instead of reading for hours.
90 fucking hours to get to the other faggot's palace, and god I couldn't even turn on the PS4 at some point, because I knew there was gonna be so much dialogue, please, do these guys ever shut the fuck up during the day ?

I can't wait to see the social and political implication of that situation

If you don't know reason why video games need a story then you should just fuck off.