Filename thread


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We dont deserve dogs

The dog is trying to bury the fish most likely.
And even if it didn't it would be splashing water just to trigger the fish reaction, not because it knows fishes need water to live.


not this shit again


Fuck off, catfag.

me on the stairs


What breed are they?




Why so many doggos

intensive farming



look like some particularly large-bread american foxhounds. could be a tiny chinaman messing up the scale, though.



But why

>maga hat
Of course



Holy shit that's awesome! I have to buy a training one and learn one of these days



I wonder how much pain one has to go through to get that level of skill.

that steak is undercooked

thats fucking disgusting


Depends on your definition of undercooked. Technically, it's completely pasteurized and safe to eat.




It looks overcooked, actually.

None, unless we're talking about an idiot like you who'd apparently be ready to practice that with a sharp blade.




It would be pretty sad if he had no clue how to shoot.

I never said anything about doing it myself, faggot.

you use a blunt blade unless you're a fucking retard and want to lose your fingers

the one on the stairs know they are going to be eaten


I don't get it? Scorpio will btfo PlayStation

>all those cuts on his knuckles and wrist

Those oranges are perfectly fine on the inside.

>alt-right frog cult

wtf is the context of this?



Jesus Christ...

Guy invited his neighbor kid over to play VR, tried to scare him by tapping him on the shoulder, kid overreacted and jumped into the wall, breaking the headset and leaving a nice hole in the drywall.

meant to reply to

yep, Street Fighter V players hate challenge



>please play my dead kusoge
go back to begging for games on discord, goober

The suits stay inflated because of a battery powered fan. That guy's fan gave out.

>hot girl i want to rape

well shit

The fuck was his problem

Shhhh let the user dream.

thats not at all what it looks like

not him but his suit clearly more deflated than the others

get fucking rekt!

what is happening


What's all that crap flying around the room afterwards?

It looks like he tried to jump in front of the car to scam to sue and scam the driver, the driver noticed him and stopped, the nignog got pissed and chimped out.

Why the fuck didn't they hit the gas as soon as he jumped up and run him over as he fell off or get out and stomp his head in?

Dust that shitty cameras like that pick up easily. You see it a lot in shootings and car wrecks that hit buildings.

Holy shit was that for?

>guy who is in charge of dance tries to get deflated pikachu off stage
>security doesn't know they work for them
then the rest is history


I never taped my blades. Only a few cuts overall, but I started slow until it became second nature.



I read the cashier was his ex gf and he did an hero in front of her

Nice photoshop skills

pretending you aren't the guy who said it was an maga hat so it looks like (you) got (you)s

Trump supporter doing the world a favor.


>bethesda game at launch

are all low income blacks like this in US?

God this picture is making me physically ill.

you can't win against my photoshop skills

Whelp, there goes the thread.

Holy fuck

No, some just sit at home and play street fighter.

hey what are those blue bars user?

are you vip?

ok now prove it


dotted ones are my posts, solid ones are replies to me
i'm using 4chanx




They're hunting dogs
They wouldn't be trained if they were for eating

>Charcoal lover found
If it's not still bleeding you're doing it wrong.