barely seen any threads about this
anyone excited for it?
barely seen any threads about this
anyone excited for it?
I was interested in it until I saw the combat in the gameplay trailer. I like the aesthetic and the setting but the combat just looked like shite.
Vampires are for immature people.
"The sheeple walk the night, oblivious to the dark underworld which lies beneath. The world in which I, the Darkling, doth dwell. A city of millions of faces and sounds and personalities. They think this endless charade is somehow meaningful. Ha ha - how insipid these mortals are. I, Scavian, vampire patriarch of centuries past and future, perceive only one thing - the scent of their BLOOD."
Fucking hell, grow up.
>If that's not Vidya Game Kino™ then you shouldn't be on this board because you can't appreciate real art.
If they fulfill their main promise, I think I'll love it. I don't really care about the combat and shit but I'm intrigued by the idea of a village where every single NPC has a name and friends and family and hopes and dreams, so you're forced to carefully consider who you feed from because you'll have to deal with a spiderweb of consequences from their death.
By that, I mean I want nuanced and impactful consequences. I'm talking less "you killed Bob and Bob was my brother so now I'll try to kill you" and more "you killed Bob who was the baker so now bread is scarce and I can't feed my family so I turn to crime which affects everyone else around me".
We'll see, I guess.
Day one buy unless it's proven shit
>"you killed Bob who was the baker so now bread is scarce and I can't feed my family so I turn to crime which affects everyone else around me".
Hmm, where have I heard this promise before...
They showed too little of gameplay
But the setting and setup looks interesting
I think that was promised in Oblivion though with their radiant AI shit.
prepared to be disappointed then because they tried shilling here a year ago saying it's be the next VtM:B
you know that shit isn't going to happen
I haven't followed this game apart from watching a video ages ago. However:
>a village where every single NPC has a name and friends and family and hopes and dreams, so you're forced to carefully consider who you feed from because you'll have to deal with a spiderweb of consequences from their death.
That claim sounds like it's straight out of the Peter Molyneux book of 'You can do ANYTHING'
>MY tastes are superior than everyone elses
>you have tp like what I like
>you must not like what I don't like
>telling others to grow up
This fucking ironing, it's golden.
Will pirate.
If it hits the sweetspot I'll buy.
Yes and?
you'll have to wait for like a day or two
no, you have to go back
they didn't learn anything from Remember Me
There's a new Trailer for it.
Pretty nice Trailer, I'm into it moreso for the Atmopshere and return to proper Gothic setting for Vampires. One of those "Atmosphere and Writing" over gameplay sorta deals, ASSUMING the gameplay is just normal, nothing crazy or exciting nor shit and broken, just normal Gameplay to drive an interesting setting.
>goes back to playing Mario or jrpg after this post
Top kek
If they don't fuck up and make it too generic and mainstream I will love it
What's there to be excited about?
Most vampire movies are way too lame.
I like more monstrous sorts like in 30 Days of Night or Stake Land.
Can you play as a strong independent woman?
>A Vampire game set NOT in modern day
>Set in London 1918
>Everything looks proper Gothic and not Hottopic "Gothic".
Marketers in full force for this shit.
Before maybe 2 days ago, not a thread since last E3.
Suddenly one every few hours, one gets deleted and another replaces it.
No you're a WWI British Surgeon who get's DRAC'd.
>no gameplay footage in trailer
>no gameplay on screenshots
>preorder now to get free dlc
It's going to be trash. Mark my word.
I just want another Vampire the Masquerade game. My dream is a full World of Darkness RPG, where I could choose to be either a human hunter, a vampire, a werewolf or a mage. Perhaps even a changeling?
Too bad that even if such a game were to be announced, it would probably be putrid shit.
People are actually EXCITED for an event in which we learn about new upcoming vidya?!
user I'm shocked at such a revelation!
What the shit? You've seen 0 game play you have no idea what's it going to be about for all we know it could be a RPG. Are you actually shilling a game that no one knows about yet?
Gee it's like people find Vampires interesting or something go fucking figure.
New trailer showed up stupid
Who the fuck cares, let them market this shit to me instead of le manufacture FC5 outrage thread #100.
Here you go. It looks typical in the gameplay department, but I'm falling for that Artistic Design and setting.
Mhm. And threads going up literally seconds after an old one gets deleted.
Not weird at all.
>A Vampire game set NOT in modern day
Vampire - The Masquerade: Redemption
>Set in London 1918
Why is this a thing to be excited about?
>Everything looks proper Gothic and not Hottopic "Gothic".
There are plenty of other games, albeit not vampire, with gothic styles to them. Bloodborne comes to mind.
No, we have seen gameplay. It just looks like complete dogshit so marketers are silent about it and try to work OMG VAMPIRES ARE SUPER DUPER COOL :D angle.
>le manufacture FC5 outrage thread #100.
I'm sure that's NOTHING compared to what's going to most likely get spammed when the actual segment comes during the Ubi conference.
And god HELP us if they actually attempt to make political allusions.
That's the sad thing. You see the promised base set up and you expect Pathologic vampire edition, and then you see gameplay demos and they make the game look pretty dumb in spite of the promises.
Hopefully the game is good, but this being Dontnod, I have little hopes. Presentation/artistic direction will be good though.
No it'll be marketing. Nobody actually cares that whites are the bad guys. You're pretty dumb.
please get out of your room
It's a vampire themed game, so yes.
It looks horrible. I'm all for vampire games and i watched all footage of this one but i can't shake the feeling that authors has never seen a good melee combat in games. It looks like something on the level of Technomancer which was a budget trash with zero redeeming qualities, only about vampires.
I was reffering to the Vampire game not in Modern day setting as a GOOD thing. Too much Vampire media is set in 2000s Earth. I want a return to something Victorian or at least pre-1970s.
Also I just like Early 20th century London. It's just a nice setting to me.
Given the people currently managing the WoD, I wouldn't expect anything good.
Might happen, just don't expect it.
You really think that's going to stop the Baiters from making 10 threads about it just to make it?
Oh yeah, a new trailer from a literally who studio that have never made a decent game. No wonder these thread creators are hype as fuck.
A new trailer for a game from the Gothic/Risen devs (who on the other hand have actually proven themselves before) also came out recently, and also happens to be a 3D action RPG. Do you see constant threads about that? Denying there are marketers on Sup Forums is just as stupid saying every thread about a new game is astroturfing. In this case though it's pretty damn obvious.
Well, no buy then, I'll just pirate.
>A Vampire game set NOT in modern day
That's a HUGE negative because there's literally only a handful of RPGs set in modern times and the vampire theme is perfect for this.
Yet we only have 1 and 1/2 games.
I'm buying it. Dontnod are competent devs
I'm sorta in the same boat.
I'm more looking for the experience of shaping a world and playing out vampire fantasies than I am in excellent combat and great level design.
All that stuff would be great. But my hopes aren't high for that. I just want to create a vampire harem and summon them to help me take down bosses or distract cops.
Honestly, the game didn't look bad. It looked decent. But it seems to be without a hook. I'm trying not to get my hopes too high but I genuinely want this game to succeed. But barring success, I just want it to let me create a vampire harem.
I'll wait for post release reviews, but I am interested in the title nonetheless.
Before someone asks, here's the source:
>focus interactive
no thanks
thank you my friend
It's not though. The devs are the ones who did Remember Me and Life is Strange.