Name 1 (ONE) western game with good combat that actually has smooth animations and a sense of impact

Name 1 (ONE) western game with good combat that actually has smooth animations and a sense of impact

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Max Payne 3 if you're talking mostly shooting mechanics, but even if you limit it to just melee it does that good as well.

I really liked Sleeping Dogs combat.

Sleeping Dogs

Any of the Batman games?

>good combat
you'll deny anything on this point alone
>smooth animations
western animation is outsourced to south korea if its good
>sense of impact
what the fuck does that even mean you shithead

That's literally just the Batman Arkham Asylum combat system.

I probably should have mentioned melee combat but I agree that Max Payne 3 has good shooting combat

sleeping dogs is a chinese game you retards

Witcher 3. Suck my dick.

Spiderman Web of Shadows.
Bully and The Warriors

Are you implying that the garbage you posted is any good? Looks like Dead Rising 4's weightless combat. Also Chivalry, Savage Resurrection, and Dying Light all have great melee combat.

What the fuck do you think it means you inbred simpleton?

>Spiderman Web of Shadows.
Winner. I'm a weeb and I can agree with this.


For Honor's combat itself is god tier, maybe one of the best representations of melee combat in games. Every single other piece of the game is a fucking dumpster fire though, but I guess you only asked combat.

Dying Light and Dead Island. I don't think there are that many games that allow you to break individual bones on your opponents body, but Dead Island had that and it was great.

Darksiders 2.

Wait, did Yakuza finally change their fighting engine?

Is this that Yakuza game you all sperg about? This looks fucking retarded lmao

kiryu looks a lot better without his suit jacket

is there an option to play with that costume all game

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic still has the best melee combat system I've ever seen in a video game. Japshit can't compare to it.

This looks like genuine shovelware. What the fuck is this trash?

>Y6's retarded shit

Literally worse than Y4

Yakuza is good, I think, but yeah the combat is eh at best. Generic button mashing. Sleeping Dogs kills it, for a similar game that is far superior.

No this is Yakuza 6 which is set to come out next year. People shit on it because of the massive changes to the combat system, garbage story, shit performance and horrible screen tearing
Yes you can play like that the entire game.

DMoMM is a good game, but people are seriously overvaluing it. Chivalry is pretty much the same combat system refined, and soon we will have Mordhau which is further refined from Chivalry.

Only a few games have combat this good, Dark Messiah is truly greatness.



Absolver I hope

Chivalry is like the autistic sperglord cousin of DMoMM the fuck are you on about

Quake 4

Chivalry and Mordhau are strictly multiplayer games though

It's like that because of tryhards that exploit the glitches (that Mordhau is fixing) in the game. When you play it like a normal person, it is very reminiscent of DMoMM combat, with added things like dragging, feinting etc.

>sense of impact

Fucking Watchmen, the game is really mediocre but i always liked the fighting, also i played it with my AI bot ;_;


That's literally just Bam Ham combat

Even fucking Dark Souls pvp looks better than that shit.

Looks like a fucking garbage Jap ripoff of Sleeping Dogs.

that's a pretty shit opinion

Japanese animation = stylized realism
Western animation = cartoon

>Yakuza is now considered a ripoff of Sleeping Dogs
We've come full circle boys

I liked Eternal Darkness combat
also this

fuck screen shaking

that is all

in what games can I perform a rolling thunder?

>sense of impact

Fucking Condemned. It's like I'm really beating the shit out of hobos.

Little Fighters 2

Doom 1/2
Quake 1-3
Painkiller black
Serious Sam
Unreal Tournament
Hotline Miami
Gears of War
Metro 2033
Prey 2017
Shadow of Mordor
Dead Space
Max Payne
The Surge

Dark Mesiah of Might and Magic
Infamous 2
Divinity Original Sin

Yes and cut lots of other features, which didn't happen with the previous engine changes.

Hobo Simulator 3 WHEN

>Prey 2017
How good is the gunplay then? What can you do?

>brutal and satisfying combat
>has great physics
I've only played yakuza 1 but the 6th looks like the game I've always dreamed of. I remember buying overgrowth because it looked like it fit that description but it's still trash to this day.

I mean you could always check the game out when it's on sale or something

same, I'm a sucker for that shit
Are there any other games like that?

Boy am I glad I pirated this and dropped it halfway through. WB is Ubisoft-tier now.

>real time action game
>enemy waits turn before attacking

Why is this still a meme

does Yakuza 1 emulate well on pcsx2? I've put this series off for too long.


>does Yakuza 1 emulate well on pcsx2?
yeah it does

>brutal and satisfying combat
>brings up the physics

This is legit shilling at this point. Ive seen this thread at least 10 times over the past week and it has replies like this every fucking time.

Why are you guys shilling for the most disappointing game in the series when its nowhere near a western release?

Because otherwise you fall for the press button to dodge meme. Or you go the iframe route, but apparently you faggots don't respect timing based combat.

Weapons have smooth animations whilst having heavy shots akin to nu-Doom. The mobility of you character from leveling and powers is always great. It's just a solid shooter.

And before I get accused of hating this series it couldnt be farther from the truth I have loved these games since I first played them 10 years ago but its the exact same thread with the exact same webms and very similar interested anons replying about the combat looking satisfying when its anything but that.

I know nothing about yakuza you aspie, I'm just saying it looks good.

Wew lad, the game is disappointing but the combat is fucking great.

Imagine being this autistic

Nobody who has played the game thinks this way. The combat is floaty and unfulfilling as fuck and the difficulty is a joke.

If I was autistic I would be collecting neetbux instead of sitting on a bus packed with smelly blacks on my way to work.

Kiwami releases in less than 3 months.

I'm not sure I get these threads, but webms are nice.

There's a Japanese demo for half of the first chapter on the PS store. All you need to do is have a Japanese account which is EZPZ and probably a good idea anyway and obviously a PS4. It's probably not as good as you seem to think so you should try it anyway.

0 is pretty great though and 1 and 2 emulate well.

that webm almost made me want to buy yakuza. almost

there's literally no reason to mention the existence of dead island since Dying Light came out

Dying Light is like Dead Island except it's not utter shit, in fact, its bretty gud

great, thanks I have some catching up to do then

I've got it preordered but I also love to play the original versions of games because I think it's interesting to compare them, e.g. Resi 1 and REmake

actually it's more like Bully combat stylized into kungfu with Bamham counter

Dying Light didn't have the analog combat mode.

Y'all just lost

who care about that though


even though that shit is so old, ragdolls with melee combat always get my brain blood flowing to my boner.

>Nobody who has played the game thinks this way
I've platinumed it and while the combat is a step down from previous entries, it's still enjoyable. The focus on physics in combat and the various changes RGG studios made add some much needed weight to the punches. I'll admit that fewer weapons, recycled heat actions, enemies guarding with no reliable block counter and barely any QTEs in the final boss fight could and should be rectified in the next installment but you should still give it a shot instead of going on a tangent about how much you hate it without even giving the game a shot. I feel the demo isn't really representative of the game at all, especially the combat.

OST is top-tier though, I will give it that

Me. The only thing I remember about Dying Light is going into people's open co-op game and stealing their non-respawning chests.
Analog combat was actually memorable though.

In a thread talking about combat systems, that is a pretty important thing to mention, since it was and still is pretty unique and satisfying.

Arkham. Granted, it's stale now, but it's been top tier for western games.

God of War

Tekken. Dragunov has this move.

>what the fuck does that even mean you shithead
It means that you feel how are you hitting your enemies. Good sounds and good bloood/sweat spalshing when you hit your enemy. Also good animations and physic that make the enemies flinch and stagger when you hit them well. Western cucks are lazy as fuck so they replaced proper sense of impact with mlg hitmarkers.

I liked Shattered Dimensions more.

There aren't enough dynamite cop games, it needs more.

Yakuza is your example for good combat? Nigger there's a block button, a light attack, a heavy attack, and your special QTE attack meter.

Analog combat almost made Dead Island worth playing. Added so much more gravitas to combat than just pressing attack when they're in front of you.

>add some much needed weight to the punches
There is no weight to the punches at all. Literally every other Yakuza game had more weight behind their attacks than 6 does, even Kenzan with its fifty million slashes to kill a guy at least had the sword feel like you were cutting deep barring dual katanas. 6 is like punching air even when you connect, and there's two times where it actually feels like they have weight:
The final hit of the fight because of the brief pause.
When you punch someone and they block.

Getting more combo strings in the main game doesn't somehow magically make the actual base combat feel impactful, even hitting people with a bicycle feels less hefty than it did in the previous games, and in those games it knocked people down for maybe a sixth of a single health bar compared to 6's one-shots or half their health. You can even see in the webms how everyone just bounces around, kicking is done half-heartedly and the kick sounds in-game are like you're barely scraping the guy. Hell, look at the Tiger Drop in , it doesn't slightly slow down the game when it goes for the punch and it doesn't cause Kiryu to gather all the Heat and glow transferring all the punch into his hit, it's just turned into this immediate slam into him that slightly causes orange and white particles to fly out of his fist.

Want an example?
Tiger Drop in Kiwami:

Tiger Drop in 6:

It sounds like you're slamming into the guy's gut in Kiwami while in 6 it's much quieter and like you're doing just a regular punch.

There's nothing wrong with the Heat Actions though, those feel incredibly damaging all the time.

Another game with great hit sense is Amrored core For answer, you really feel how every bullet hit the target

People hate on it but I really liked the witcher 3 combat. Though I guess I was comparing it to other types of open world rpgs which are all bad.

I mean its not as good as dark souls but its nice and fast and you have a lot of abilities. I think if they made dodging and rolling more costly in terms of stamina it would be amazing.

I recently played nier automata and I thought witcher 3 had better combat than that, though less flashy.

matrix path of neo

So many cool memories with this game. I remember I'd raid the butcher's place and stealth kill people with salami. Good times


Can you stop shitposting about RGG6?
Ishin and 0 had a lot better combat, hell even RGG5 had more in depth combat then 6 does.

>that Ajax level and fighting off all the gang members in one go near the end
>going into China town with a shirt that pisses off the chinks
>those rage moves

I liked the changes, but shitting out unfinished tech demo game as a final Kiryu chapter was very low of RGG studio, neither Kenzan or Ishin had those kind of problems yet they were spin-off to test the water with new features and graphic engine.

I didn't like the direction they took with the second game, still I think they made like 4 of them.
2 arcade titles ported to SS and DC and I think 2 exclusive to PS2.