Which unpopular/dead MOBA is/was the best?

Which unpopular/dead MOBA is/was the best?

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Dawngate was the best. It was basically League of Legends at a point in time where it was the most fun. But then it was even better because you could respec your summoner skills mid-game and everyone was nice because if you got commendations you'd end up with a higher chance of unlocking characters and stuff from winning the game.

As far as i know it had some kind of rune system. How it can be good with shit like this?

Man glad someone else fucking loved dawngate

I actually did alot of the analytics on the playerbase and it got slammed funnily enough the most when Hots came out.

Any that are dead.

Because everyone got them for free and it was a tessellation board so you had to choose between getting significant passive boosts like a 10% shield or some movement speed after getting a kill or stick with basic shapes and get tons of raw stats with simpler pieces that fit together more easily.

HotS IS the best.


>rare instances of a spirit monk in games
>rare instance of a beastman monk in games
I just want Salous back

Shards of War

I miss it

Land of chaos online was a better version of Smite

as a comic fag i wish i played this when it was out

Hots is quite popular, to be honest family

Oh man, I never realised how I miss these

Fuck Uber Entertainment

>TFW Guilty Gear had its own MOBA

>tfw ran into this thread just to post this and its first post
best post

What? Where? When?


This is the one game I played each single hero in and couldn't really dislike any of them, which is super weird for a moba for me

don't remind me

Yeah, Flash was the best imo. Pretty fast but not broken


I enjoyed strife a lot

>EA shut it down because it didn't surpass League at the height of League's popularity in under half a year with zero marketing
>literally right before a major update
Fuck EA. Fuck EA. Fuck EA. Fu

>Gaslight series heroes for once
>All of those map objectives that kept people from singling out any single part of the map for too long
>The ITEM building in general, more less buying selective items to come back from a back start/mid and then able to take their stats to combine with the gear you needed to finish off a match
It really was the best fuckig MOBA in every catagory, even if I just would do lifesteal Bats/Catwoman and break all the creep. I wish it caught on, but it's shaky release + how it reworked it's coin system for unlocks fucked it over hard.

Gigantic. Its not very popular, but it should be out by the end of the summer. People still think its win10 exclusive, and that really sucks, because its a fun game. I liked that monster summoning aspect where you could summon a dragon to shoot fireballs like a mortar, or a healing tree thing, or cyclops that made walls for easy escapes. It was also nice that you could change the properties of your abilities.

Gigantic and Paladins both ended up far different games then what they started off as in earnest.
Hell, I'm kinda happy OMD!U changed from a shitty MOBA clone back towards it's roots as it was quickly learning it couldn't do the MOBA route successfully. Honestly though there's far too many games out, and Gigantic, while well polished, is still asking for major time input for gains, when so many others things are doing the same.

I liked a couple of the characters but overall Strife was kinda shitty.
Yeah, it's like a less ugly Battleborn. I played the beta(?) last year and it's fun but I wish there was any way at all to communicate with my team.

Whichever one died fastest and rid the world of another cancerous piece of shit MOBA.

>no heroes of newarth
underage kill yourselves

HoN was really fast paced and fun but it's probably the worst looking game ever.

>Ugly UI
>Outdated graphics
>Retarded management

They added voice chat according to this update I read a while ago. Not sure if they already added text chat in a previous update though.

HoS is scientifically shit

>outdated graphics
>for a dead/unpopular game
Redundancy why?

Put your glasses back on, user.

HoN and Battleborn win the most ugly interface and visural design
>Tower breaks
>Someone dies
>The placement of icons for debuffs/buffs and the like in general
Not even going to touch the texture quality feeling like it was ripped right out of Warcraft 3 in age as it really was that old of a game.

You forgot about THAT main menu

HoN was okay, had some pretty cool heroes

Loved my boy Moraxus
As well as Deadwood, punching people into oblivion never felt better

Obscure dota clone maps on WC3TFT, like EotA and Land of Legends.

>tfw playing Age of Myths with absolutely insane magic effects and stats
>ultimates were ACTUALLY ultimate, like literally covering the entire screen levels of ultimate abilities
>every ability ridiculously unique
>not a single one even resembling any Dota characters
>tons of custom models to boot
>had a slightly edited version of a dark ranger skin I had a while back
I miss it

>Ugly UI
Maybe but in terms of function t had the best UI of any ASSFAGGOTS.

>Dawngate devs visited every community of the game to get feedback, even fucking /vg/
>When EA closed them down, they came to /vg/ to share their unreleased concept art they were working on before saying a final goodbye in the last general thread ever made for Dawngate
That day hurt in ways I didn't know were possible. I was forced to go back to LoL to play with """friends""" because I had nothing else anymore.

>tfw you no longer have the game files.
>tfw you want to reverse engineer the server so people could play it again.

Feels bad man. I'd kill for this game again.


Honestly someone needs to buy the stirfe character design team. They were the most fun I had in mobas

Rip Caprice

Lord of vermillion arena was great.

have you seen Shrine of Imanna?

Archeblade. Man I loved that game.

Adventure Time Battle Party unironically. I'm pissed that I'll never get to beat up literal children with a penguin that throws bottles ever again.

Dawngate was really comfy. It was probably on the same level as HotS though honestly.

I miss Dawngate so much goddamnit

The revival project? Is it out?

Not that user but that sounds pretty good, actually

>last update 2 days ago on their website
Let's hope it still lives

Tides of Blood

i actually enjoyed that game a lot.
great character designs and fun gameplay.
no idea why i stopped.

It's fucking W10 and some gay ass korean launcher only. Of course it's gonna do shit

Not to mention they've been developing it forever

Fellow tob refugee what was your handle

newerth lived glowed and died and i never touched it
just kept playing the dotes

not yet. they said it's in "Early Alpha" with only Vuroc being the fully fleshed out Shaper. they're testing the map and are planning a stress test soon to fully complete the map, then they're gonna add the other 43 shapers.

>oh that sounds really familiar
>let's google it
>get this youtube.com/watch?v=vsRl_YS6QBU

Voluc? Fucking based. I hope they do Faris next.


I dont know how trash games like smite that ride the 3D moba meme while doing little to actually utilize the vertical space succeed when you had a glorious third person shooter with tons of verticality sitting on steam and ultimately have both incarnations of it die.

>recording pubstomps

Galt was a scrub

I don't really like these games at all, but Heroes of Newerth because it has my edge-fu.

I only played the original MNC when it was an XBLA game, but I enjoyed that one quite a bit.