Which graphics card should I buy?

>GTX 1060 6GB
>RX 570 4GB
>RX 580 8GB
>GTX 1070 8GB

>Games like Total War, modded to fuck Fallout with ENB, Arma 3, GTA V, DOOM etc + future sequels of these games and other similar games.

1070 seems like overkill for 1080p and 1060 seems like a meme for DX12. Is 580 enough to run those on 60FPS+ and new games for the next 2 years? 4GB VRAM doesn't seem enough.

CPU is 4590

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Personally I use a 1060 and it's fucking awesome but it kinda depends on your current situation like if you are planning on doing a large-ish upgrade to your pc you might want to get a 1070.

I'd say that the 580 could run games for the next 2 years at 60+fps.

The problem is that the miners have them all, so the price is stupidly inflated.

If you can get one for a modest peice i'd recommend it, i have the 5704GB and love it so far. Play Doom at 120fps.

Otherwise get the 6GB 1060, great card all around, just won't be sure about the performance in upcoming games

Get on the used market get FuryX or 980ti for much cheaper. I got a FuryX and can run all the games I've played, including the ones you've listed, at max settings 1080p 60fps easy.

Almost every RX 580 is at GTX 1070 price at the moment and they're out of stock everywhere.

Good fucking luck getting your hands on an AMD RX card. If you can beat the Ethereum miners to the punch and get your hands on one in the 30 or so seconds they are in stock you could easily turn around and make a hundred dollars selling it to miners on Ebay.

what games do you play at what res?

I don't mind to wait a few weeks or so until they come back in stock.

Is there going to be an 8GB 570?

I have a 1080
Still not enough for my ultrawide monitor

agree with this guy playing 1080P up to 1440P with certain games

I've got a 1070 and it is absolutely overkill for 1080p, but it's nice being able to rest assured it'll run literally anything that isn't a resource guzzling crap port or emulator at AT LEAST 60fps.

Ok I'm thinking of going for the 1060 6GB now. It's cheaper than the 580 and about the same performance.

Which is the best one from these? (mostly reliability and quietness & temps)

>asus turbo
>galax OC
>msi OC

how desperate are you for a new card? Vega is right around the corner, but for real this time.
I have a 1070 with a 6600k and can get 144fps in pretty much any game no problem.

>Vega is coming guys
Sick of this meme, been hearing it for years

even whenever it comes out, it's going to be more expensive than 580 so no point if i could just buy a 1070 now


Why do you lie?

DO NOT buy an AMD card. Nvidia needs our support right now.

EVGA w/ ACX cooler.



he's right tho
But Vega is actually coming this year

But Vega wasn't even a thing years ago. Polaris was the thing before Vega.

>implying you need more than 2GB


The RX4/580 market is so fucked right now because of mining, I'm selling my card for 2x what I paid for it and getting a 1070 with cash to spare, it's amazing

the cheaper of either MSI or ASUS imo. I don't know shit about Galax so ehh.
I think the MSI is quieter and the ASUS preforms marginally better.

I got a 1070, it is overkill for 1080p. But i don't regret it. No stuttering, plus it's more or less future proof for the resolution.

this one? it's actually one of the cheaper ones. same as asus

Serious, what is going on there? I thought Bitcoin mining was becoming less of a thing

Etheruem mining is the hot new meme right now.

The RX480 can make about $4.50 a day mining alternative coins.

>75% market share and growing
>needs our support
Nah, fuck off.

>buying any GPU for 1080p gaming
you're a fucking retard. Any person with standards stopped being satisfied with 1080p 3 fucking years ago, it's time to move on. Do not buy a card that cannot play modern AAA games 1440p 60fps.
>buying a 1070+ GPU
1070 is the minimum standard for 1440p 60fps gameplay and it costs $350. You shouldn't buy a minimum standard card for any more than $250. Wait for price drops/Vega release
>buying a 1080ti
only buy this if you need 4k gaming RIGHT NOW (like I did) and don't be upset when next years $400 card outperforms it

>1070 is the minimum standard for 1440p 60fps gameplay and it costs $350
$350, my ass. More like 450-570 euros depending on the exact version.

What are the energy costs involved in running it all day?

Pretty high since you use 100 % of your gpu 24/7

buy whatever the best you can find for a bargain

now fuck off

Zotac Amp

kek this autism

So then what's the point? You would be making so little that it would take years to pay off the cost of the card alone

Because you potentially earn loads of money.

I think they are hoping for another Bitcoin explosion

not that one no, that uses the shit stock cooler.


That one.

it is the only good advice ITT

poor children arguing over which 1080p limited card is worth purchasing is fucking pathetic in 2017. the answer is get a $150 470/570 and be happy with what you can get until an actually powerful card with a good price:performance ratio is released

Etheruem is worth a ton right now.

I just got an EVGA 1060 6GB SSC delivered yesterday and I love it so far although I haven't really had a chance put it to work yet but so far very impressed. Now just deciding which game I haven't played to try on it first.

I'm running an 6gb evga 1060 ssc w/ acx cooler.

Perfect card for 1080p which is all I do.

Might begin to struggle with higher resolutions - if you're playing above 1080 you probably want to be looking at a 1070.

ok which is the best from these four?

not that evga, see and idk, your budget - you decide.

Personally, i'd go evga or msi.

I have the asus turbo, it's working nicely.

I'm pretty sure the only difference between all 4 is default OC and how they're cooled down.

I'd say the MSI one would be the best if it had 6 Gigs of ram.

they're all 6GB. I think all the same price too.

It says 3GB on the box of the msi though.

I mean it looks like it says that, it's hard to see.

it's just a stock image senpai. you get the idea

I feel like putting off building a computer even more until next year or even longer, not like I wanna play any new games.

>paying $250 for a card that won't even run above 1080p for 75% of games
why don't you just throw your money in the garbage

Why don't you just learn how to read ?

>that ASUS
don't buy a blower card unless you need it

if you dont need it now, then just wait - you'll get yourself a better deal.


So it's really not worth building a new PC right now? I was thinking of buying a new one in october or so for Destiny 2 and total warhammer 2. Budgets meant to be around $1k or maybe a bit more.

when would I need a blower card?

Small form factor case or any time it's better to get hot air from the gpu directly out of the case instead of letting hang about in the system

if you don't have any fan blowing in or out of your case
if you have a small case
if you need the heat to go out of your case

good goy

any of the RX u mentioned so that u can mine coins while u don't play

I literally bought a 1060 this week. Switched from an AMD card that miners made the price 3x what its actually worth.

What can I do to upgrade this old piece of shit?

Replace everything, or just get a modern low end gpu like a 1050 or 460

I would get a 480 4gb or 580 4gb but good luck finding one at a reasonable price due to cryptominers. If you need one now might as well get a 1060 but im sure it wont be long until a crash and fleabay will get flooded with cheap 480's and 580's

sell it online for $200

Best possible upgrade there would be either two things.

Replace hard drive with a smaller SSD if you are just looking for a snappy feeling computer. Everything loads instantly. You'll have to reinstall windows onto it, and then use your old hard drive for storing large shit you dont care much about load times like movies, music, etc.

Replace graphics card with a 1060 6GB. Most brands will do if you aren't overclocking. People get autistic about coolers but 99% people don't need to.

Logicalincrements .com will help

>1060 6GB
>throw $50 in the garbage to get 5% better performance on games that already run over 60fps at 1080p
1060 3b or 470 or go fucking home. spending extra for a "nicer" 1080p card is a bullshit meme

I bought a 1050ti to get me by until I can build a new comp. Thanks guys

>1050ti instead of 470
enjoy losing 40% of your performance for the price of a chipotle burrito

They're all sold out

1070 is not overkill at all. In fact it will struggle with some games at max settings. You'll need it for ARMA 3 because ARMA is so hindered by cpu. I think you won't be able to max out games like Witcher 3 and the Division. Tomb raider is hard to run also

>1070 seems like overkill for 1080p

It's not.
t. 1070 owner

I hope it works well for you

It seems silly to not go for something that is overkill. You're not aiming for adequate performance, you want the best fucking gpu you can afford so you bump up the graphics in every game you play

What's the best CPU to be paired with a 470?

I have an i3 6100 right now.

I have the MSi GTX 1060 6G Armor Edition, it performs flawlessly but it has some fucking annoying coil whine. Can only hear it with the side panel off. Also, it weirded me out that fans don't spin until temps reach around 30 degrees. Plus the cooler looks kind of meh, I might switch it out for an NZXT one.

Also remember that you can't SLI 1060's. You can x-fire rx 480 tho

>overkill for 1080p

what is this meme? dont you like higher framerates? You do have a 120hz+ monitor dont you?

I have a galax and it has great temps and runs quietly. Though there are semi passive models, you should probably take a look a these.

>seems like a meme
People should stop using 'meme' in connection with everything

600hz master race here

What did he meme by that?

Is Gigabyte a good brand for GPUs?

I'm a little pissed the 5xx came out like months after I bought my 480, but I love the card. Freesync is cheaper than Gsync, too.

Only problem is I guess the RX is popular with bitmining faggots so they might be hard to get.

>tfw want a 1080ti but psu is 50w below recommended wattage
should I risk it?

NuLara requires a lot of memory.

No. Trust me bro, PSU should never ever be skimped on. It fucking sucks if it dies.

is a 1080 still viable or do people either go for a 1070 or straight to a 1080Ti these days?

the coolermaster psu calculator says I would need like 510 watt though, my PSU is 550

I like more leeway, but as long as your shit is rated Gold you should be okay.

Brand doesn't matter if you're not retarded.
I always bought the cheapest, and it always worked perfectly even with high overclock.
Right now I have a PNY 1070 that's 50 bucks cheaper than the cheapest one, and it works great, never heard of that brand. Had the cheapest 970 from an unknown brand aswell, worked great.

Only time where you don't take the cheapest is with the motherboard and power supply.

Going to get a 1070 soon, I currently have an i5 3570k. How long till my CPU begins holding me back? I don't care about anything higher than 1080p buy I'd like to play at a higher fps at some point in the near future

is a Gold rating a thing or something?

Truth. Well, I still prefer some gpu brands due to cooling, and like Samsung SSDs, but yeah. Mobo and PSU shouldn't be dumpster brands.

>Only problem is I guess the RX is popular with bitmining faggots so they might be hard to get.
Currently they're all either sold out or cost 200% their msrp. I blame AMD for not keeping up with demand. The same happened with the 480 and the r9 290

I just bought an RX 460. Did I fuck up?

You're going to lose some juice to heat.
The 80 Plus Gold rating meas that the PSU is rated for at least 87% efficiency at 20% load, 90% at 50% load, and 87% at 100% load.

Good luck finding a 570 or 580 in stock user

RX 460 doesn't have bad specs at all. Maybe a 10-15% difference compared to a high end Nvidia card in that range but it's gonna play any game at 60fps.