Well this fucker came back somehow so I say we make our own animal mascot character

Well this fucker came back somehow so I say we make our own animal mascot character.

Sonic the Hedgehog
Bubsy the Bobcat
Kao the Kangaroo
GEX the Gecko
Awesome the Possum
Croc the Crocodile
As examples.

Throw out your ideas. I'll be drawing the best ones. The more 90s the better.

Other urls found in this thread:


We already have Pedobear.

Fucky the Frog

What's his gimmick?

leave him be in the meme retirement home

he can do everything a frog can but with attitude

How do you do, fellow 90's kids

Yeah but. What can an Anthro frog do?

>mfw I'm trying to start up my own let's play channel and I was thinking of going with shitty 90s mascot platformers as my first gimmick
Think it would work lads?


inb4 what?

Lick pussy at 5ft

Oh You know what it is. It's inevitable everytime a Bubsy thread is made.

Oh fuck i know what


Make him wear a baseball hat

some furfags will hijack and ruin this before it has potential to be funny


Yup. That. Fuckin'.. I'd rather endure a whole day of Bubsy's cheesey puns than see another one of Those.

One of what?

"Modern Bubsy"

I don't know what it is about them but frog characters standing on two legs lose all the charm to me. fuck that

What's wrong with this?

Tongue shit
Grappling hook, whip, y'know kinda like Yoshi.
one of you fucks better not respond "haha"

ultra newfag alert!!!!!!!!

Nothing. I meant the Pre modern.

Y'know. The suddenly tall, suddenly bangs, suddenly breasts, and MASCARA FUCKING EVERYWHERE modern.

also peeny

So like the Chameleon from Chameleon twist?

Make it an Owl. They're best birbs.

Fucking THANK YOU. You've earned my respect, user_379594161.

What the fuck are you talking about? Bubsy hasn't been seen since the 90s


You poor pure child.
May whatever lord you believe in have mercy on your soul when you see it.

early concept

Just bring good ol' Jimmy back, come on.

>"this is like chugging cum at richard simmons' house"

This is Bara-Bear
Say hi

Ricky Bobby

we are onto a real money maker here boys

Manny the Pardheg

Actually we already got enough fucking bears.
here he's a panda now


Rough concept

Hello Rebbitor! I see you're new here.
Please leave the way you came and don't let the door hit your balls on the way out.

aero the acrobat

>ribbeting adventures

say goodbye to sonic, there's a new cool kid on the market

He's so radical.

Needs to be drawn together with /vr/ guy.


Why does he have D|O written on his shirt? Is that a jojo reference?

Name it Fripp the Frog

Go to reddit with your shitty oc

You have to be 18 or older to post here

>"shitty OC"

the fucking creator of bubsy knows about it and aproves it, hell, he even said if he had money he would donate for a modern bubsy game

I don't even know.

Jacket pockets are hard in MSPaint

this is actually good


we have pepe arreddy

Now that may be because it was only goddamn thing at the time that was willing to 'carry on' the creator's 'legacy'. But since we don't know what the guy thinks about Woolies Strike Back that's just wild speculation.
The guy was on one Bubsy related podcast once as a guest.

The problem with the frog idea is that we already have the Battletoads. We can't be trying to compete with another mascot, gotta be more original boys.

nobody liked the gross-ass characters in battletoads so it's okay

looks like that frog from Killer Instinct

Let's just appropriate sonichu, it represents the autism of this board well enough.

I'm unironically hyped for her game.

I unironically loved the first bubsy game on snes

Just make a pepe game

An Emperor Scorpion.

I'm thinking a honey badger. Crotchety old kind of character. Talks shit on everything about how the older stuff was better, very aggressive and rude, wants to be left alone to do his thing but keeps getting visited by other mascots such as reddits little bastard of a mascot who keep pestering him.

He's this guys villain

U smart user

>tfw played this game last year after hearing about it
>YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA constantly, never ending.

reminds me of the "quit getting mad at videogames frog"

The scorpion drowned Fuckys father, now Fuckys ready to give the scorpion empire an ass beating to oblivion. Buy it now.... Only on SEGA Genesis. SEEEEGAAAAAAAA.

>The Frog is shown to attempt murder of unsuspecting animals for its own nefarious gain
>The Frog is symbolic of demonic impure spirits originating from false prophets and those opposed to God
>The Scorpion comes from the Gods, battling a Hunter who wishes to kill all animals for their own reputation and ego, and kills the Hunter at the cost of its own life
>The Scorpion comes from a River Bank, tricking a Frog who wishes to kill animals for their own gain, and kills the Frog at the cost of its own life
>Due to propaganda and lies, the Scorpion is called a treacherous being by nature
The scorpion did nothing wrong.

Why do people get so triggered over this? It's just a dumb joke

being smug

Scorpion propaganda.

>facts and the truth are scorpion propaganda
>frog "intellectuals"

for 30 seconds at max game volume and no amount of audio setting changes will reduce the volume

8 legged freaks not allowed here


Frogjews aren't allowed here either.

What would you be talking about as you play? Mainly focus on gameplay or would you talk about the mascots?

Fuck off to 9fag.


after you, you unfunny, autistic, meme-loving turd

I'm not him nor do I approve of frogposting, but ironically shitposting is even worse than non-ironic shit posts.
>inb4 yes you are him

His trusty steed, Big Horn Johnson


Vivian the Sup Forumsirgin vulture.

think I nearly threw up

But Toads =/= Frogs

It makes sense because it ryhmes with avian. Fuck U!

what about Vivian James?

Wasn't she stolen from Sup Forums?

Suck the Cock
Jump the Shark

Dunkey the Donkey. His signature move is the Donkey Punch.

Dustin the Dungbeetle

A livestreamer in his mid-late 20's,who goes on adventures in search for the rarest shitty games to increase his CPM.

His life is a complete mess just like his apartment, no job, no real skills, single kiss-less virgin, and he stinks.


Nitro Rad beat you to the punch on that one.