How do i save my friend from wasting his life Sup Forums?

how do i save my friend from wasting his life Sup Forums?

>quit his decent job to try and become a 'full time streamer'
>after nearly 2 years he's only got around peak 25 viewership (likely bots as there are no accounts)
>convinced he is going to make it
>put himself into debt
>wont look for another job
>gf is cheating on him and he doesn’t know

Is it possible he already knows he's fucked but is too afraid to do anything about it?

link this thread to him

Biology wanted him out of the gene pool user. Just sit back and laugh. Nothing else you can do at this point

probably, he's definitely the type of person who doesn't like to admit they're wrong.

what is his channel?


Become a twitch streamer yourself, get bigger than him, become bigger than everyone else, laugh at his dead channel

post his channel, lets have a laugh

blow up twitch HQ
kill his gf
become a trap and fuck him to death

How dumb do you have to be in order to become a full time streamer without having any pre-established fanbase?
Tell your friend he's the king of retards.

Post the channel fuckhead

What's the point of botting on twitch?

you could destroy his computer
and fuck his girlfriend

Not really sure, but if you're the channel owner then obviously way more exposure and all the benefits

Well, the only thing for you to do honestly is start streaming yourself and become successful streamer who is partnered, go ahead and host his channel when your streams are done for the day and this will cause the thousands of people watching you to now watch him and in turn it will allow him to get partnered and get some twitch bucks

I mean, if you're really his friend that is

If this is seriously after 2 years, there is no hope for him. Let him go, user

Streams with more viewers are placed higher in the directory so it's like a snowball effect.

He has been doing this for 2 years and thinks he will make it with 25 views. Some people shock me with the level of delusion they land into.

Main thing I'd recommend is try to convince him to go "part-time"


you dont "make it" on twitch until you hit like at least 400-500 and even then you're probably earning like min wage

>gf is cheating on him and he doesn’t know
How do you know that?

Start by not cucking him.

Maybe he's trying to inflict pain on himself due to the fact that's he's being cucked?


>quit his "decent" job

burger flipping is not decent user

Just let him learn a valuable life lesson