Now that Japan Studio is moving on to Knack 2, Apr Escape 4 and who knows what else, let's have a good old Gravity Rush thread. We won't be seeing her again until some new hardware comes out.
What develoer would you trust to make a spin-off and what would it be like?
John Edwards
Grayson Morales
Thomas Brown
>E3 sony deals >gravity rush 2, horizon & nioh 25$ each unrelated but nice.
Brody Thomas
Nathan Brown
>Inb4 they pull a Gravity Rush collab with Ape Escape out of their asses
Jace Wilson
Austin Mitchell
Wyatt Morales
Jackson Cruz
Was that ghost at the end of gr2, when raven walks around, kat? Please i need to know. I don't want her to die alone
Christopher Reed
Adam Ward
It's supposed to be Kat, so maybe she did come back. Either way, the story is kinda retarded.
Adam Peterson
Jonathan Peterson
Leo King
A gravity rush thread, oh my. Don't go anywhere. Post Kats.
Henry Sanders
Dominic Phillips
wHY does kat look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome
Nathan Green
made up language
Liam Powell
Jeremiah Williams
>Kat x 2B turned out to be a thing What's next?
Michael Hernandez
Hum...amumu ?
Luke Lewis
Does Kat have pubic hair ? If she does is it neatly trimmed and maintained or a wild bush ? What color is Kat's pubic hair ?
Isaiah Anderson
>tfw i have hundreds of cute pics of kat from in game
photo mode was a mistake
Dylan King
>We won't be seeing her again until some new hardware comes out. >We won't be seeing her again* Fixed that for you. I'm of the impression that GR2 only came out because it was already being worked on from the Vita days. Sony seems to have a tendency to leave their new IPs out to dry.
Julian Robinson
Mason Ross
They'll reboot GR to turn it into InFamous
Aaron Ward
Sebastian Moore
>outfits >emotes >camera Motherfuckers knew. They knew !
Parker Miller
>What if Kat and Spike _____ What are they gonna do?
Christopher Hughes
Justin Hall
Gotta love this artstyle
Dylan Young
Jayden Martin
>Ghost ?
The game ends with Raven dealing with the loss of Kat after a year and meeting everyone else who knew her. Then she hears a cat meow and follows it, and after reaching the end of an area she shows surprise.
Then the end of the credits shows a picture the player didn't take, of Kat and Dustys shadow on the same platform Raven was on.
Yes, Kat lived.
Julian Bailey
Gravity Rush 2 was the last game. The director said they got no more ideas to expand the series, so they are moving on. Not to mention that GR2 flopped real bad because people say they want new IP's and innovative gameplay but when these games are made they don't buy them.
Colton Adams
Chase Morgan
>developer Atlus >genre Turn-based RPG >synopsis The Sonyverse is in chaos as mysterious glitches are tearing reality apart. A band of brave adventurers are tasked by The Director to find the cause of these glitches and repair the holes in their worlds. >starring Kat (rogue) Kratos (barbarian) Parappa (white mage) Nathan Drake (ranger) Sir Daniel Fortesque (warrior) Spyro (black mage)
Noah Phillips
Didn't he mentioned GR's future being a "blank"? He said he could make a new one if new hardware is made.
Jaxson Cox
>people say they want new IP's and innovative gameplay but when these games are made they don't buy them. First game sold around half a million on the Vita. Probably one of the best selling games on the system. The transition into the second game was not smooth, though.
Mason King
Evan Bennett
I can't do much more than buy the games
Nathaniel Lewis
Bah bullshit. GR2 was 10/10.
Jacob Howard
Michael Torres
someone translate this. please.
Grayson Brooks
Samuel Adams
7/10 I love it, it's in my top 5, but the stealth segments, camera, and slightly weakened story bring it down. Most fun movement in vidya there's been in a while though
Zachary James
Does Japan Studio work on more game than once? I was hoping to see a new IP from them at E3.
Dominic Cox
Angel Nguyen
Didn't they had different divisions? Isn't that why Ico and Project Siren/Team Gravity exist?
Julian Morris
Just finished the GR2 recently. Really enjoyed it. Would love to see more, but if that means waiting until there is new hardware I'm okay with that.
Also got the artbook, and it is pretty nice.
Leo Edwards
Logan Jenkins
Can you please explain to me how the photo uploading works ? Are they deleted from the server after a while ? Do they appear in other people's worlds where it was taken or where i uploaded it ? If i reupload the same picture does it deletes the other upload or does it make a duplicate ?
Tell me what you know.
Aaron Perry
Where's the other city
Parker Perez
Carter Evans
How would you cheer up a drunk and depressed Lisa?
Cooper Rodriguez
>One of the characters is named Aki
Gavin Wilson
they appear where you take them but i dont know about reuploading and deletion - i only see other peoples pictures ever so often so its hard to tell
Lincoln Powell
Buy her more alcohol
Benjamin Green
Does that mean that coordinates are send with the picture file. That's neat.
Is the picture still uploaded and visible to others if you delete it on your camera ?
Leo Miller
>Did a rap battle?
Jack Ward
no idea, you never get to see your own photo markers when you upload them
they probably have all this answered on an FAQ somewhere
Isaiah Roberts
I loved Gravity Rush, but wow was Gravity Rush 2 a disappointment. It was kinda like going from Banjo Kazooie to Banjo Tooie. Everything was bigger and there was more stuff, but in the process, what made the original game fun was lost. Except for Kat still being a great character.
Michael Stewart
Aaron Cooper
This is what i got in Google Translator >This time "J Sta Academy A" will challenge "Sarugechu"!
Dominic Clark
>a bright morning in Auldnoir >Kat and Raven spending a casual morning together >exploring the parts of the city that they had both previously missed out on >both flying casually and strolling around the sky >Kat squirming around with an uncomfortable look on her face >Raven with a look of concern ,"Kat what's wrong is, something troubling You?" >Kat ,"Be back soon, just wait here" as she launches herself flying off into the distance >Raven confused but intrigued sets off searching for Kat >after a short couple of flights around the city she soon finds Kat hovering high above Auldnoir >as Raven approaches the girl she finds Kat with the crotch of her clothing pulled aside peeing while hovering in mid-air >Kat shocked to find Raven hovering close beside her,"I had to pee, and I told You to wait for me" >no reply from Raven as she stares at Kat's exposed pussy peeing a heavy stream >Kat with a confused expression," why are You staring ?" as Kat continues releasing her forceful spiraling stream of pee >Raven,"You always seem so care free and confident, it's surprising to see You get worked up so quickly" >Raven pulling the crotch of her outfit aside exposing her pubic bush and pussy >Kat with a subtle but naughty expression looks over to her," So You need to pee as well?" >No response from Raven as her face shows a naughty grimace while she releases a forceful fountain of pee from her pussy that sprays outward and into multiple directions while almost soaking Kat's clothing >As Kat's stream slows to a stop Raven looks over to her," it wouldn't be fair to keep all the fun ideas to Yourself Kat" >Kat watching intently and with curiosity as Raven finishes peeing >the two girls then put their clothing back into decent order >Both girls holding hands fly of into the distance
Levi Wright
That can't be right. No fucking way.
Thomas Ward
GR2 was kinda poor anyway. Sure the atmosphere's there, and style switching offers good variety to combat, albeit a bit clunky since they use retarded touchpad for it, but they spread out gameplay so thin that most of it becomes pointless. Hundreds long side-missions offer barely anything more than upgrades to your numbers and a few jokes, treasure hunts just drop stupid generated equipment that again just adds to your numbers, upgrades are largely pointless compared to the first game, where each made a significant difference, making challenges not really worth the hassle as well. I missed the tight design of the first game, playing GR2.
Colton Smith
This. I think it was just some nico video stream of someone playing AE.
Jace Morris
Jonathan Reed
Lincoln Nelson
I really want to like this game but the combat is ass.
Samuel Hill
Adrian Bennett
Isaiah Rogers
Luis Moore
woah there
Asher Allen
>shoes in bed
Christian Morgan
Are the sidemissions worth doing? They seem like boring fetchshit.
Tyler Hernandez
Don't descriminate against my fetish
Xavier Wood
I searched and info on the photo upload is hard to find, it's all people asking how to do it which is why i'm asking to great anons. Linking my questions.
Eli Thompson
Lincoln Turner
Anyone play the Raven Story DLC? I 100% the game near release but haven't gone back to it. Is it any fun?
William Campbell
It says something about J-Stars challening ape escape or something
Thomas Moore
I hope they make the 4 trilogy protags all playable
Daniel Roberts
Andrew Moore
Honestly, not really.
If you're doing all of them as they're available, and also doing the main missions, you'll probably end up getting incredibly bored. They sort of ruin the pacing of the game. If you do want to do them, I'd just do them after you finish the story.
It is pretty good. Weird, but good. Not terribly long or anything either, so you could finish it in a couple hours pretty easily.
Hunter Bailey
Only if you like the game.
Easton Anderson
Austin Bell
Oh, I'm already long done with the story. Was just asking.
Dominic Phillips
Hey Ringsel, release your Raven pic already
Brandon Reyes
stinky smelly Kat
Jordan Mitchell
In that case just ask yourself if you're still interested in playing the game. There is your answer.