Post some of your favorites lies that this man has told

Post some of your favorites lies that this man has told.

"It just works!"

dude height lmao


>Skyrimjob is RPG
>Failoutt 4 is RPG
>TONS of things promised during every single marketing campaign for all BGS games (ES and Fallout alike)

Being afraid thta Obsidian could do much better job with both ES and Fallout as they have proved with New Vegas.

Guy is fucking Michael Bay of not only RPGs but video games as well.

user I think you're gonna have to come with me. I just got a report that you're spreading misinformation and you're being charged for defamation.

I like when he shut the door on the vault guy in the fallout 4 demo. Everyone thought he was being funny but it was because the vault guy ragdolls after a few seconds with his hands

The only thing that got me was the claim Fallout 4 would be bigger than Skyrim. It is not.

"We're very proud of Skyrim, but Morrowind is clearly a better game."

See that mountain?

You Can Climb It.

no dual wield shields
no burnable foliage
no spears

a few off the top of my head

Pretty sure this was in reference to the throat of the world in that demo, which you can climb...

Infinite quests.

> i make good "RPG"s

Looking down and seeing ants.

Radiant AI

200 different endings

"Thanks everyone you are so smart to pre-order my game."
(I didn't pre-order.)

>"open world rpg"
>forced role in rpg with forced linear story

Not exactly a lie but that Pip-Boy they made for Fallout 4 was the most embarrassing thing they've done, they never even updated the app so there are still no icons for the DLC items.

>Bethesda Game Jam
>shows working spears and flails
>doesn't get implemented in a future patch or DLC, but everything else does
Fucking hell Todd
What, you just told them to delete all the code and burn the drives?

My favorite was the one about how Fallout 4 was going to be good


fucking probably i got pretty t r i g g e r e d abt tht

also why the fuck did he get rid of the giant crab too? and dont forget the riekling "spears" that was probably a purposeful troll but idk.
on top of all this he keeps playing footsies with the old dunmer voice style he even did it with oblivion

Of course there's engine limitations if you recycle the same core game for 18 years straight

the fires that start in recent far cry games
more games need this

Have to save something for the next game.

What does Todd think of Toddposting?

yeah itd be cool to have more environmental interactions it might have made being a mage less boring

i honestly think it s contributing to why he is getting so salty about making another fallout/ES

he is quickly becoming a v. strong meme

I don't get this meme. You can climb at every mountain, I did it all the time.

He meant like this, user

requesting a rare laughing crying todd

paying with rare artisan todd

Game developers have been gradually trying to create more-open games over the past few years, but it looks like Bethesda is planning to take a huge leap forward with its upcoming title Fallout 3, which will feature over 200 different endings to the game. The company’s executive producer, Todd Howard, said:
>Being that we are Bethesda, everything gets a bit big, so as of last week we're over 200 endings. That's not an exaggeration.

He's already saving so much disappointment that I don't think there'll be any place left for them.

>why he is getting so salty about making another fallout/ES

he was all like "we arent a vending machine of just fallout and ES" in his latest interview

that doesn't mean he's salty