Why aren't you part of the pcmasterrace yet Sup Forums?

Why aren't you part of the pcmasterrace yet Sup Forums?
Pic related me and my friends cracking a cold mt dew and enjoying the best gaming platform on 60+ fps unlike some of you here...

>tfw no more local LANs

why are all your friends 12 year olds like the rest of use here.

you can't play that game on your filthy PC, gtfo

better not play at all than play on 30 fps

>all white and asian

sure is Sup Forums in there

hey im in the pic too haha who are u xD

>and they're all connected via wireless
makes me sad

So what game are they playing?



As if

No niggers because they can't afford and aren't smart enough to use a computer, maximum comfy.

unironically this
also they just steal their ps4s and come shitpost on Sup Forums how bloodborne is the best game ever

OP go back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums is a diverse board

i drank mountain dew for like a month straight while pc gaming for around 12 hours a day when I was about 19 and got a gnarly kidney stone.

o dumb PCbroins..
>Play fightan.
>Weeklies every week.
>Tournaments every few months.
>All games are 60fps.
>Can bet on salty runbacks and get drunk.
>No people ducking invites because thet can't get their rig to a party.
>Much easier setup and teardown.

LAN parties are the shit, I wish my friends and I had more when we were younger.

console drones will say pc did that to u

This. Also, unlike LAN parties, people srill do this shit.


Illusion games are the only thing worth playing on PC.

>you will never carefully lug your 70 pound CRT to the car and take it to your friends house for a weekend LAN party ever again

Only one Black has ever invented a PC and he was also a child.

>adult console gamers are dumber than a black 11 year old

>fighting game console party

Nobody wants to be cramped together with fat latinos and the only black kids with autism.