Why does no one talk about Undertale anymore?
Why does no one talk about Undertale anymore?
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the hardcore fans and their fan art killed the fun
Without endless sequels it cannot be a western Touhou.
western people only know how to make shitty calarts fan content and not actual games, like the japanese do
someone post it
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
>western touhou.
Shallow shit for dumbasses west edition? that's CoD, you mongoloid.
What's there to talk about?
You are on the wrong board. Still have /utg/ on /vg/. You can bet your ass it will be just like /ksg/ and have threads 10 years from now claiming papyrus is the best girl.
you just forgot to turn off your filter, user
personally i'm too scared to take off mine
Because it's a mediocre, not BAD, game. It's only big appeal was it's writing, which was very divisive.
After it's flavor of the month status ran dry, and the autists moved onto the next big thing, there was nothing left to talk about.
I guess the fan base turned 15 and got into more mature stuff
Its dead for me for year atleast.
Still a popular topic on /trash/
Where is our son?
Look at this child, it is yellow, like us!
Im excited for undertale yellow after playing the demo
This. The game has been thoroughly explored already. There's nothing left to talk about.
It was a good game, and the threads on Sup Forums were great before the board decided it was shit.
You have to go back.
>mistakes into miracles
>only appeal was writing
>autists moved on
We are talking about Undertale, not Lisa. There has been a general on /vg/ since the game came out, and personally I liked the battle system and music more than the writing.
I love these, post more please.
The only people that liked it graduated middle School and have grown out of their younger tastes.
I meant the horde of autists trying to keep it artificially relevant moved on to the next meme game.
Of course there's going to be a sad few circlejerkers with next level autism who can't, and now quietly sit in there quarantine general because they made it so that it's literally impossible to discuss it anywhere else.
meme slut
The "good" ending gave me cancer
Undertale 2 this E3
Flavour of the month type of game.
flavor of the month for over a year
Not really. The largest group was players who played it and went on. But there was a group of dedicated people (Autists) that couldn't talk about any thing with out going into undertale.
Then Tumblr got a hold of it.
you mean Overtale?
Tumblr always cared about Undertale
Is there any reason for the body exchange?
switch port when?
>Frisk in Overwatch
I want to kill myself for even typing the words.
You misunderstood, he meant Undertale that isn't underground. under -> over
fotm whose fans tried real hard to become the next mlp but failed miserably by not having enough autism.
There's nothing left to talk about.
There's still a general for fucking FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S which is nothing but furry roleplaying - bragging about game generals isn't a smart or good idea
Im actually from reddit. :^)
Why marge head is Homer? OMG Homer head is Marge?!? How Undertale be Simpsons too?
What happens?
I remember doing this for someone who asked in a drawthread. It was amusing to say the least.
is 3lamestudio the plato of our time
A thousand million questions I have for Tobyfox about the music. Other than that I don't really care.
Fuck you, Lisa is great.