I broke my damn leg

I broke my damn leg.
I can't work for a fucking month.

Please suggest me some PC games for me to play while I heal.

Is this a pic of you OP? Are you a cute baby lama?

EYE Divine Cybermancy

I thought they killed horses when they broke their legs

Mirror's Edge

Unfortunately not.

Llamas are closer to camels than horses


What happened to that fox?

story behind leg breaking ?

that's a horse


Something with endless replayability like Terraria, Minecraft or The Sims, casual games are good for burning time
How old is a baby lama in human years?


What Llama dude?

Hollow Knight

workplace injury, rolled over by a forklift backing up


What's the best way one would go about getting seriously injured to get a month off of work to play vidya? Initial pain isn't an issue. I just need to be able to be conscious quick enough to take advantage of my month of gaming.

Did you offend your manlet boss too hard there Paul?

Go get a skateboard and try do something cool in front of a bunch of kids and fuck up terribly


Will his legs be okay?

Does anyone else want to fuck that llama?

>Initial pain isn't an issue.

Just break both of your legs

Damn, that sucks user. Did the guy who fucked you over at least get help?

inb4 OP starts spying on his neighbors and thinks one of them murdered their wife

Last summer we hit a girls ankle with that thing they sharpen knives until it got bruised enough. We went to the hospital she said she couldnt walk because of the pain they x-ray'd her and found nothing broken but still she got a week off of work and a prescription of pain killers

I haven't play minecraft in years, what have they added to it by now?

Doom II
Thief II
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Master of Magic

Wisdom teeth get you about a week. IMO it wasn't worth but that's cause I live in Canada and unlike you faggots in the south they don't put you to sleep when they do it and the drug they give you after is aspirine

I hope your family bought you some running shoes.


A bunch of useless shit, probably. Minecraft is only worth playing with tons of mods.

>tfw you work in a place that you'll never get hurt by the company's fault

You know you hate your job when you hope for an injury or illness that'll get you out of work even for a few days.

I was thinking about playing the older Thief games? how do they all hold up?

Mages of Mystralia
Hyperlight Drifter
Crypt of the Necrodancer

Play Morrowind faggot.
Even if late its time to celebrate its birthday

>Muslims rape baby Llamas, Camels and Sheep on a daily basis

Yeah of course, otherwise we would have found out and his ass would have been kicked to the curb for an accident.

There aren't lhamas in the Middle east nor muslims in South America

Morrowind is boooooooooooooring!

Are you into basebuilding?
If so then Rimworld and Factorio are considerable timesinks.

(You) sound boring.

whatever then
suit yourself




Currently I've been playing Banished, I've sunk 40 hours into it already.
I'm sorry i just cant get into morrowind, i would rather replay Oblivion at that point.... which I might now

It's an Alpaca

Isn't that an alpaca

I never had a broken bone in my whole life. Does it hurt?

There's lots of muzzies in South America bud, especially in Brazil.

Rimworld also features cold and starvation but focuses more on a small group of colonists, their individual stories and relationships.
It also features guns, mortars, raids, artworks (picture related) exploding animals and the option to go full cannibal (meals, clothes & furniture) if your colonists can stomach it.

Factorio is for when you want to obsess over production lines and efficiency.

I heard it snap and instantly I couldn't feel my foot.
I think the adrenaline rushing through my brain took away most of the pain, but with my foot dangling clearly something was wrong.

Imagine having a really bad bruise except your fucking limp is literally broken.
Yeah no shit it hurts


Thats clearly a dog though

What's the difference


Does Factorio have constant wave of attacks

It feels like you build your defense once and you're fine, like the factory building is the actual meat of the game

Well it's not like you lift or do any exercise

>Does Factorio have constant wave of attacks
Yes, but a peaceful option is also available.
Defenses are fairly simple, but the enemies do slowly improve over time, so there's a necessity to improve defenses/wipe them out.

Dance Dance Revolution

I don't want peaceful, I want some game where I have to constantly improve my base because the enemies improve as well. I don't want a game where I'm like now that I have a diamond wall with nuclear canons I'm basically done since the enemy can't get me anymore and it's boring now

Can you give me that?

It still hurts all the time even though it's casted up.
It's a very uncomfortable experience.

Just going from what I've been playing lately:
Brigador because it's fun.
Rimworld because it's comfy.
Dark Souls III, if only so you can shitpost about it with the rest of us.
Wargame Red Dragon, because trying to get good at that shit is kind of fun.
Running With Rifles is Battlefield + Cannon Fodder, and worth mentioning.

i want to hug that llama

hurt like hell, few months ago i fall on my arm and had a little hole in my bone, hurt like hell for the first 6 hours. in the first hour after fall you don't feel too much pain, pain come later. and is was just a little hole, i can imagine if you broke your leg like this

my bone didn't puncture the skin. But that's pretty much how the break looked.

Impressive. Very nice.