ITT we talk about capcoms latest emulator sold as port scam

>ITT we talk about capcoms latest emulator sold as port scam

how do they keep getting away with it ?

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I recognize it as such, but I'm still going to buy it just for 9 and 10 on a physical disk.

>9 and 10 on a physical disc

Look, I hate this a lot, and it should have been in the first pack.

But I'm a sucker for game saved from digital only hell

I don't think they will as much as they hope.

No Bass, no buy.

How so?

Watch the Mega Man 9 and 10 DLC still cost

legacy collection 1 was basicly just roms run by an emulator. it even had the same slow down issues in the "right" places. (capcom acted like they put these slowdowns into the original places to emulate the original feeling 1:1)

Eh, Nintendo is doing the same thing with the Switch so why does it matter?

>it's okay for the diner to serve shit because the other diner down the street does so too

That and 7th gen console hell. I'll probably get it when it's 50% off.

9 and 10 are new to PC though.

You don't even know what a scam is.

You can emulate the WiiWare wads, like the MegaMan 1-7 roms and 8 iso.

Native is always preferable.

Upscaling the 480p picture looks way fuzzier than if the game rendered at your resolution.

Why no Megaman and Bass?

Mega Man Legacy Collection 3

Too hard for the western

>wanting the bastardized GBA port

Because picking the GBA version translation and shoving it into a patch for the SNES rom is too much of a work for modern Capcom

Either laziness or they consider it a spin-off, which would be retarded as MM9 literally shows MM&B in the ending and confirms its part of the main series.

>MM9 literally shows MM&B in the ending and confirms its part of the main series.

You know Bass was in 7, right

What does Bass have anything to do with anything?

I'm talking about the part where Mega Man shows Wily all the past times he's kneeled and begged for forgiveness and MM&B was on that projection too.

MM&B has the internal name of Mega Man 8.5, it's part of the main series. The reason it got excluded is that the Super Famicom version isn't translated.

Like the other user said though, they could take the GBA translation and just put it into the SNES game but that's too much work for them apparently.

Games are at 240p
They're getting upscaled either way(although you can probably get true 240p output out of a PC with a CRT)

The game was a lot sharper on PS3 compared to the Wii. I'm no expert but playing it natively will probably look better.

SNES ROM packs back in the day before MM9 sometimes had MM&B listed as 9 instead.

When are the releasing an X collection i.e. the only good MM games.

Or have they already and I missed it?

You forgot it had sound issues most nes emulators used to have

Did the last one even sell well enough to warrant a 2? Those fighter rereleases they did last gen sold less and less with each one.

They either have to translate the snes game which they won't since all they do is shove roms on emulators

why are people acting like Bass was a good game

On one hand, MM9 and 10 are coming to other platforms and PC, which is pretty damn good.

On the other, No Mega Man & Bass again feels lazy, and this should have been part of the original collection in the first place and feels more limited then the collection that came out on PS2/Xbox/GCN years ago.

I am also guessing that since they put the work into making a SNES and Playstation emulator that they might do a MMX Collection down the road.

They did, but you weren't born yet.

The first collection was on PC, Xbone, PS4, and 3DS, so all together it most likely turned a tidy profit. The 3DS also had a useless silver Mega Man amiibo in it's limited edition that probably artificially boosted it's sales.

It must cost next to nothing to release these.

Because it is? Just because you can't git gud, doesn't make it bad.