Do people legitimately like the crash series or only like it because their parents couldn't afford an Nintendo64 with super Mario 64 back in the day?
Do people legitimately like the crash series or only like it because their parents couldn't afford an Nintendo64 with...
I had both a PS1 and N64
Spyro was the best platformer on either system
Fight me
I only played Super Mario Sunshine on GC, so I'm no expert but I have seen footage of the N64 mario game. One thing you can't deny is that Crash 2 graphics have survived the passing of time way better than Mario's early 3D graphics. Same reason why PS1 version of Duke Nukem 3D is way better than the N64 version with the weird 3D effects that don't look good in retrospect.
Crash looks much more fun to me, but I guess it's kind of arcady compared to 3D Mario platformers so if you can't get into that.
I had a PS1 and a N64 though, I played PS1 more.
this nigga
Yes, and I used to play a lot of mario at my friends house.
>N64 retail price was $199
>PS1 retail price was $299
PS1 was more expensive at launch though. Crash was and still is a simple fun platformer. He and Mario are totally different games in terms of structure and what you do in both.
You have it backwards. The PS1 was more expensive and had a better library. The N64 was the poorfag system with a worse library.
Crash was way more fuun than Super BORE-io 64
>Parents still couldn't afford
>They fought a lot
Who would like playing as retarded character? Never found it good. Ratchet and Clank were THE SHIT. Especially Going Commando and Up your Arsenal (Or 2 and 3 as they were named in the European market)
I like it because it's not a shitty collectathon but has fast paced levels with a nice sense of flow to them
The only thing N64 was good for was Mario Kart
UYA Online Multiplayer was the absolute best times of my childhood.
I'm sad to see that nobody really plays it in the PS3 collection. It's so much fun.
>be kid user
>at a friends party
>he unveils his new console
>introducing the Sega Saturn
>boot up virtua fighter
>holy shit, these graphics
>all everyone does is take turns playing it
>comes to home time
>me and my younger brother begging our parents to buy us one for birthday
>mam tells us she's seen one that can play music cd's as well
>she buys me a playstation instead
She saved my fucking childhood to be honest, especially with how shit the Saturn was in comparison, what the fuck was I thinking.
Crash Bandicoot had cool collectibles and actual challenge.
It's way more fun going for all boxes in Crash than it is going for 100 coins in SM64. It's not even compatible, not to mention the extra levels and secret colored gems.
SM64 is just bland while Crash actually had some sense of discovery.
For example, to keep you from getting a star in SM64 they put the goal just out of reach. In BoB you can't get all the stars until you get the wing cap, but why? You can see the coin rings and exactly what you need to do, you just can't do it. It's boring time waster. In Crash you see the low transparency hidden gems if you don't have them and wonder where the hell it could possibly take you. Then, they end up taking you to harder parts of the earlier levels instead of giving you 10 extra seconds of gameplay like the Wing cap.
The movement in Mario 64 is better, it's just too bad the level design barely ever uses it until TTC and RR.
Crash isn't retarded, he's intellectually superior to most other vidya characters but not many people understand him.
>implying the ps1 didn't get a price drop before the release of the N64
When are Nintendo fans going to stop pretending Mario 64 was good and not boring to play as a child.
My nostalgia of that game is turning it off to play a better game
I preffered Rayman 2 to either
From my experience the poor plebs had N64 though.
Playstation was the cool system.
If we're comparing Crash to Mario 64 specifically, I think I'd rather play Crash.
N64 games were more expensive. But I guess that doesn't matter when there's so few of them.
Yeah turns out if you only render a single hallway games can look quite pretty. Something Naughty Dog is apparently very practiced at.
I like the Crash series because I played Crash of the Titans and saw a playthrough of Twinsanity.
Fight me.
It was Ape Escape
Have you played the original 3?
N64 was for people with money to buy games. PS1 was for people buying 15 games for 10 bucks at the corner Moroccan.
I am planning to.
In the future.
That's 15 more games than the N64 had.
He wasn't retarded in the first 3 games, just comically impulsive
I had an n64 and a playstation and i enjoyed mario and crash
I like it. Crash games are challenging platformers with really wacky stages... And I mean this in a good way. Although I'm disappointed wit the 30fps thing to focus on useless fake 4k.