Why didn't you protect her smile?

Why didn't you protect her smile?


I did in the end, even with NISA's shitty bug getting in my way.

I did, and am still in the process of doing it again on PS4.

Her smile is an actual miracle of the universe and makes me feel warm inside.

I was too busy protecting the cute dog knight. I don't mind the smell of wet dog.

I got the good ending after she bled out like the swine she is. That's good enough for me.

Witch 2 western release never ever
enjoy shitty touhou dodjinshi games localized by NISA

She is a cutie.

She must be fucking disgusting with her always wet nose.

Please no bully. Its not her fault she's like this.

What the fuck is wrong with her legs?

Isn't that the game that melts the console?

No, that's some other NISA game. That one just crashes on PS3 constantly.

Isn't she super satan? I haven't played the game yet, it's been in my backlog so long I upgraded it a generation. Still, I saw the reviews and it seemed like she was pretty damn evil, wasn't she?

No, she just has a bit of an attitude.

Probably a part of being a doggirl now.

Who is this qt?

>stopped playing because found a game breaking bug with shuriken oneshotting everything and horrible spoilers about true end
>still want to finish this because love the characters and sequel announcement
What to do?

I'm so sorry. I ended up buying Persona 5 instead, but I'm sure my next game will be yours!

The Witch and The Hunder Knight.

Just play through it, it might be a bit repetetive at times but I liked the story.

Metallia from The Witch and the Hundred Knight. She's a witch that you work for.

To quote RPGamer:

>Metallia is quite simply an awful human being. She swears at and threatens every single person she meets, often with excruciatingly vile acts. There is no humor in any of it, and certainly none of Nippon Ichi's usual charm. Metallia is simply offensive; she is immediately unlikeable and remains that way until near the end of the game, where the story grasps at some sort of redemption, but fails miserably.

Swamp sniffs are bad sniffs