It's friday! Pre E3 hype Sup Forumseekend!
Let's race!
It's friday! Pre E3 hype Sup Forumseekend!
Let's race!
Other urls found in this thread:
>third lap
>near finish line
>3 greens
>3 mushrooms
>nail someone in 4th place who was a few inches from finish line
>speed past him
>finish 4th
>dude I hit finished 8th
dead i suppose
Anyone up for some wii U races?
Whoever that faggot is in the kart
>Not switch
But why
>tfw no Switch or MK8 yet
>waiting till November to pick one up and play
I'll just keep playing the classics till then.
D-do you wanna try?
I'd rather not spend $300 for ports, I'm more interested in a PS4- FF7 remake(I hope it turns up good), tekken 7, and dark souls/bloodborne
>tfw you're a Toad player but it only started because you liked him as a character, and the added speed and lack of weight was just a bonus.
How do I play online with you guys? Have my Switch for 2 weeks now
>toad player when young
>cant pick a main now
>stick between rosa, mario, male inkling and toad
>Go back to the main menu
>Boot up Puyo Puyo Tetris
Why is the 200cc one empty? It doesn't show the number of players, and when I join i'm in a lobby by myself.
e3 and dead Sup Forumseekend threads.
last weeks threads were shit
discord killed them. oh and the fact its basically the same game and stuff
What are some essential tips for newbie?
>cords killed mk8d
look around you fag, the only Sup Forumskend cord mention is yours
we didn't kill mk8d, retards like you who bitch out of nowhere did
5/12 200cc
thats because everyone else left.
also I mentioned that a 3+ year old game rerelease game did not help the fact no one wants to play but you didnt mention that did ya discordfag
Poor underage kid can't get his mom to buy him a Switch.
remember to send a complaint to discord support via email about the discord server for breaking TOS.
Server ID: 277568922109083649
Channel ID (which break TOS):
Server Owner ID: 189320828918300673
Current "owner" ID: 131165454977728513
If you're on the server, you can report individual posts as well. Remember, there are other Sup Forums related servers which do not break TOS and don't risk YOU getting in trouble.
fuck off Zel
But does anyone wanna race on the wii U??
Do you have the "But why?" one? pls post
stop shitposting and just talk about mario kart, my dudes
How can I if there's no one to play with?
>rosey will never be my waifu even if I can afford to fly her to me and she will never need to work a day in her life again and I would take care of her forever
>She's already taken
Just how small is the Sup Forums population that people recognize fucking Miis of people they've never met? Boney, Rosey...fuck who are the Sup Forumsidiots you all seem to know? I speaking to the same 30 people for the past year???
spooky did nothing wrong
By who I'll fight him I refuse to be cucked
His bf is a cuck though you could easily take him if you wanted to.
Is this Sup Forums?
boney, boneys 2nd acc, bellabean, chaos, brett, aloof, lozfag, pimpdaddy, you know this guy, jitaxis, odd, you know this girl, user, jiggz, bo7, venomroy, ayres, voteridley
feel free to shame these circlejerkers
Its a fucking dude that doesn't even play videogames nor race in these threads
You forgot brow!
SHE is NOT a dude you dummy
Has anyone posted themselves irl?
literally this
Ayres and VenomRoy did
>spookys discord being better than moxys at raiding threads
please, does anyone wanna race???
Wii u
>doesn't take smash seriously
>leaves when loses a few games in a row
>starts crying when someone else is also playing little mac
is this the rosey bully thread?
I swear Rosalina's ass has less definition since wii or wii u
>discordfags killed Sup Forumseekend threads
Thats fine i guess i hated video games anyway.
then youll fit in with us!
only if you delete the "oldfag" only channel
its not even there idiot
Nope sorry im only comfortable talking about video games on Indochinese snail racing forms
(not only that i have a cosmic fear of being unable to pick a username)
reported, get perfect pivot up tilt turnaround KO'd
thats a meme
haha all these fags that cant accumulate 800 posts to get in the sekrit club
Fuck off Zel.
With Arms like next week, and then Splat2n and later Monster Hunter
I wanna participate more in MK8D but I fear I'll just stop once I unlock it all.
1/12 200cc Switch
Switch killed vkends
Lets migrate to the wii u
youre a cuck contrast
Contrast not only are you never joining the server again, you're not even wanted in the thread. I know you posted this shit
because you're the kind of faggot to threaten to report people for no fucking reason. Literally no one likes you and we all agreed to shun you out forever. get it through your thick head you piece of shit.
damn... gottem...
What about Rosey? Is "she" actually a man? Post pics
3/12 200cc Switch
Wtf as soon as I joined communication error and I rejoin to find it an empty void.
is it better than wii u
He's just some tranny who begs for attention because probably has issues irl
Battle? 100% without a doubt
Racing? about the same, since it is same courses. Only major changes I notice are:
1. drift sparks go past blue for a super PURPLE (blew my mind first time I pulled that off by accident).
2. added features such as an auto turn corrector (basically if you're playing with your shit 4 year old cousin it keeps his ass from falling off every turn and becoming a big crybaby).
Try joining through recently played with if you get a empty room again
I got you senpai
Jesus shyguy with that last minute Overtake attempt.
Damn that was close
How does a discord help?
Do people get money from the site if a discord gets popular enough? I swear since week one I've seen discords spammed. I never understood the need. I mean we got the threads to shitpost in why shittalk?
4/12 200cc Switch
>$5 has been sent to your eshop account
The person who makes the discord decides who they want to shittalk with
if you hit the mod in the chat with a red shell you get muted for a day
lightning bolts and blue shells are an automatic ban
Interesting stuff if true.
Who runs it?
>tfw you get nothing but speed boosting items on Neo Bowser City
SendLewds and Luna
Watch them get pissed off in discord and threaten to ban anyone that targets them
Blue shell
>readds two slot items from MKDD
>does not give the ability to switch between them
can someone explain this to me
whats the best level
Tick Tock
sherbet land or mount wario
This is misinformation
Brow owns/created the server
spooky is the highest admin along with his tranny girlfriend rosey