Animal crossing is one of the best video game series

It's not a game that's intense, it doesn't require any sort of skill.
You just play it, and relax while listening to the wonderful music of the game

>it doesn't require any sort of skill

It does if you plan on catching all the fish and bugs.

i like animal crossing as much as the next guy but
>but one the best video game series

Not intense? Nigga you ever TRIED TO CATCH A COELACANTH. Fuck you with that shit. This is the hardest game I ever played. Especially grinding Island Medals. And trying to find a path layout for your village that doesn't trigger your autism.

I would have agreed with you up until the 3ds one.
Was the Wii one that babbified too? Never played it

If it had actual stuff to do and didn't gate content behind a time mechanic, then it would be. Add some farming or mining and then I'd play it all day. As of now, I can only play it for 10 minutes a day. Not only because there's so little to do, but the game forces you to wait until the next day to do something.

No, it is not one of the best game series. Isabelle is cute as hell. But I can play Mario Kart 8 if I want her. And the sad part is, you see her more in Mario Kart than Animal Crossing because her game keeps her in the fucking office all day.

Now that we're mayor it needs more rts and city building elements, as a start I would like mines to gather raw resources and contain undesirable villagers until they die in a collapse.

You do know you can just set the clock to 5:59 AM to skip over the time shit, and it count too much as "time travelling" because it's still the same day.

Villagers will start rumors about you being a "time traveller" if you do it like a dozen times in a row though.

What does Isabelle do when she goes into heat?

I've been meaning to pick one of these up.

Which is the de facto best one?

Wild World for nostalgia
But the one with the most content is new leaf.

If you have to keep changing the time on your system to get around a bad mechanic, then its just that. A bad mechanic.

It was a nifty idea when they did it in the first game, but they should have moved away from it. As of now, Animal Crossing just feels like a smartphone game. Actually, its even worse. A smartphone game at least lets you pay money to skip the gated content. Sadly, I bet the next Animal Crossing will be on smartphones with the way Nintendo is going.

Right now, New Leaf, though everyone liked Wild World you can't play it anymore because online connectivity is impossible since Nintendo shut down the servers, which locks out some stuff like store upgrades that require other players to buy your stuff.

Also you can fuck around with your friends in New Leaf over the internet, and it has the best holidays and you can design your town any way you want.

You don't have to change your system clock, nigger. You can change the time ingame by talking to Isabelle on startup. In fact the game even accounts for it by allowing you to do it but penalizing you by destroying all your turnips because they are "Sensitive to time paradoxes" and in Wild World you were allowed to do it in the title screen but if you did it too much Nook's Catalog system would become "Backed up with orders"

Anyways there's a point where the worst of the time gating is over with and it's tolerable at that point.

Also Nintendo is actually releasing an Animal Crossing app very soon, but it won't be a game, just a "Companion App" for New Leaf or for AC if it comes to Switch, that will interact with the console games somehow.

>"Nintendo’s Next Mobile Apps: Building on the positive consumer reaction to Miitomo, Nintendo announced that its next two mobile apps would be based on the familiar and beloved Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing franchises. (...) Nintendo will design the latter game so that it will be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems. By playing both Animal Crossing games, users will find increased enjoyment."

Having to reset the game to refresh things is just as bad as having to change the system clock. It's the same mechanic.

If I were to be sent to an unhabited island, I would chose to take New Leaf with me because the year long events and the fact that you have to wait at least a year to catch everything would help me cope with time.

But the character interactions. My god. Spruce up the villager dialogue! It is ridiculous that, after two years of having the game -and one year of playing it- the villagers say the same things on how to use the items, Pete's schedule and do the same tired "GIVE THIS TO THAT VILLAGER THAT IS RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE".

It IS a comfy game, but behind the surface, it is a kind of boring one. That's why I stopped playing Wild World.

>walk through grass
>it ruins my lawn overtime

>didn't gate content behind a time mechanic

you aren't the target demographic because nobody wants to burn themselves out collecting everything in 50 hours and drop the game, I have 1500 hours in new leaf and didn't change the clock once

Same as any other huge fish except it needs to be in rain/snow.
>Island Medals
Play hide and seek.
>layout resetting
Agreed, fuck that.

>you aren't the target demographic

>because nobody wants to burn themselves out collecting everything in 50 hours and drop the game
Well clearly some people do or they wouldn't be complaining about it.

Also, you're going to extremes. The game could keep the time mechanic, but just add MORE stuff to do. Like I said, add in farming or mining or something. Content that takes more than 10 minutes to do and feels more interactive. And improve NPC interaction. New Leaf is so bad that even the star character of the game is locked in the mayor's office all day and only comes out on a handful of days for specific events. It's just poorly designed.

>Wild World for nostalgia

As a Nintendofag, this is their only series I never could get into. Shit's boring, not comfy.

Unlike most of you, I missed the GCN one, so I hace zero nostalgia for this series.


What's with the cans?

I'd have to agree, this is one of my go-to games now that I'm an adult with full time school and two jobs.

I set my in-game clock to be 12 hours ahead tho, so i generally play the last little bit before I go to bed, since I only really have time to play games late in the day now. But at least its comfy and gives me something that feels productive right before bed.