>played a game with friends for the first time in years
do you play games with friends?
Played a game with friends for the first time in years
End your pitiful life worthless pedophile weeaboo.
Borderlands 2.
Potential homo animeposting thread. Will continue to monitor.
I'm too autistic for it, I have to play the game poorly in order to enjoy it with friends because they understandably don't want to go through the effort to play it "perfectly".
I'm lucky I have three bros who I game with at least 3 times a week. We recently went through DS3 together, got Battlefront while it was on sale and have been playing Killing Floor 2 and Marvel Heroes recently.
I would have killed myself long ago if I didnt look forwasrd to these moments.
I want to impregnate Megumin
IRL friends? No
Online friends? Of course not
i don't have any friends
and it was really awkward when i tried playing with people who invited me to play with them
I do when I can.
Usually once a week for a few hours at most.
Could use some more people to play games with though.
Are you like the barneyfag for weebs?
I don't play games with my friends because I don't have any...
Used to play only single player games, but I recently started playing multiplayer shit with my only two friends.
It's fun.
On the rare occasion that they play something other than League or Overwatch. I end up playing a lot of RPGs instead.
>having friends
People are a bunch of lying, cheating bastards. The only reason anyone ever does anything is to fulfill their own selfish needs. Your best friend would throw you under a bus if it meant moving up in life. Fuck that I'm happier alone.
Oh noes, anime-chan is going to die a lonely, pitiful death void of human warmth :(((((
Anime-chan, ganbare!! J-Just end it now so you don't have to suffer anymore!!! DD:
I could play games with my IRL "friends" right now but instead I just stay at home, wasting my time playing vidya alone, doing nothing productive.
That's not very nice...
I play games with my bf
What games do you like?
>do you play games with friends?
I try to, but usually they are free late at night when I'm tired and about.
Doesn't really matter because usually I get ditched or every week they hop on a new game and I get left behind, so I don't really feel like I'm part of the group.
I only have one friend, and I moved away from him for work, so I only play vidya with him very rarely when he's not in his college courses or banging his gf. I only see him once or so a year.
B-But anime-chan... give in to those urges. J-Just kill yourself already you autist piece of shit!!! :3
Nobody will love you and you will die alone. Anime-chan, you can do it!.... I b-believe in you! :DD
I don't want to be a friend like that.
Um, the only genres I don't really like are MOBAs, RTSes and JRPGs... I'd rather not post mine, I think people would be mean...
You should really treat others kindly...
I want to fucking choke you, you generic piece of shit.
Well then prepared to be trampled on, because if it isn't you using others, then it's your friends using you.
Wait a sec I know you...stupid sissy
Who hurt you, user?
You DONT like JRPG's even though you are posting anime?
Wierd. Well list some games anyway.
>Had a 360 and a PS3 on the side
>Played with friend every day on 360 for some years
>Was fun as hell
>8th gen arrives
>Sony makes everyone pay for online now
>Have to choose a side now because not going to spend $120 a year for online for two consoles
>Chose PS4 because it was clearly the better console in the beginning
>Friend stayed loyal to xbox and went with bone
>Playing games with strangers since 2014
>Can't even be bothered to plug in the mic after a year, everyone is a dumb piece of shit online
>Considering buying a Scorpio to play online with my friend again
>tfw you and a friend introduce each other to games and love them
>Have friends who play vidya
>We play Age of Empires 2 once
>Never again
>Rise of Nations
>Once and never again
>Civilization V
>Once and we didn't even finish a match
>They all buy Worms which I have
>We never play it, they didn't even install the game
>They all play Dota and CS all day every day
>Now some are also playing overwatch
Having friends is suffering
>meet a old friend
>mention my new mid-end pc
>"lol why don't you play a good game again like League of Legends XD"
my friends just play western multiplayer trash games and i would rather play single player because i can't stand ebin meme shouting and chatspam with my friend in online games
it's not like i r-really want to die b-baka
Why? Please be nice...
I'm not stupid...
I mean it, I'll pretty much play anything...
List Steamid i'll play mount and blade or something with you.
>Group of friends slowly drifting apart due to work, relationships & other goals in life
>we see each other like every 2nd or 3rd weekend
>decide to start wow with the new expansion
>already played it once together when BC was new
>its fucking fun to play with them even though we sometimes need to plan 1 or 2 days ahead
>i'm happy
Define 'friends'. If you mean people I know IRL then no. I had like 7 people I knew added on PSN at one point but I deleted all but 1 of them since I never play with them.
If by "friends" you mean people on my friends list...not really since most of them only play NBA 2K or CoD and I've since quit both because 2K is terribly shit and so fucking boring now and I grinded those 100 wins in BO3 and they gave me a shitty sniper so I uninstalled it.
I only have 2 people on my list that play shit like Paladins/BB/DS3 and 1 of them only plays Overwatch all day and the other is a ex-famous Youtuber who only plays what gets him views on Twitch.
So no...I don't play games with friends.
I don't have any anymore but when I did we always had to play what he wanted and seemed to dislike any game that I liked.
i thought this was happening only to me, but i guess not.
we all get hyped up to play a game, but we stop pretty soon after and then go to our usuals (when we all had the same usuals in common, like CSGO, LoL, Overwatch).
now my friends hate me because i'm just a depressing mope, like a rain cloud over their heads. i don't have the patience to play csgo and trell xd xd with them, or start playing LoL again. i'm just fated to be alone. i had a lot of fun playing with them, but i've changed and so have they.
I'd rather not post mine, people are being mean enough here...
I haven't spoken to another person my age in 6 years
>complaining about weebs on a weeb website
Just post it man.
>tfw you're not disgusting
I know what your steam id is, can I post it?
youtube is how we raise our children these days, didn't you know? Just like web 1.0 with us
It's not a weeb site anymore though. I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy watching anime but pretending like this site is strictly for anime/webs is just idiotic as fuck.
It's funny because their are actual sites strictly for anime/manga and other weebs shit but people insist on shitting up other boards instead of the dedicated boards they belong on, which is comical when you think about how much degenerate Sup Forumslacks and furryloving ponyfags get so much hate for posting their shit on other boards but weebs think they deserve some kind of special treatment or something...keep that shit on Sup Forums or /c/ or /w/ or the other 15 dozen dedicated boards for that shit, faggot.
Please don't, that'd be mean...
Well, you're not avatarfagging with an anime girl so I'd say the chances are pretty high you're not some fat smelly cunt.
If anyone is actually interested in making a friend, post ID or email [email protected] (throwaway) your ID and I will add you.
Weeb friendly
Girlfriends brother loves games, and is as good at them as me. So we play often.
But being mean to you is fun
Why do you enjoy being cruel...
cuteposters are cute sometimes no homo
Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. If you aren't a weeb or a nazi or an anime nazi, you don't belong here.
You know user, you kinda remind me of myself. I prefer the whole no bully thing too. Treat people well and enjoy their company!
>your life and existence will never be so sad and pathetically shit that you'll have to resort to pretending to be an anime grill on Sup Forums
I don't think many people are going to email a destructable email address for this.
You gotta bite the bullet and actually post your steamID if you want me to check compatibility.
Because you are being an attention whore.
People including myself ask if you want to play games and you say no.
That's probably fine then. Don't have a lot of friends who can do it though.
I dont know I cant explain it, bullying dumb sissies is entertaining
>check compatibility.
Different poster, but what does this even mean? Are you looking for arbitrary red flags and reasons to not add people? This kind of shit is why nobody in these kinds of threads can make friends and end up being crying anime girls.
never on the inside though. it takes a damaged person to do it;
I don't like when people are mean, I like when people are kind, those are the kind of people I like to be around...
If you already have me on Steam, why not ask me there...?
Be nice...
Stop getting off on being "bullied" please.
Are you actually looking for friends or are you googling "crying anime girl" to get off to being publicly bullied?
Well, assuming you're the user who made the throwaway email, I sent one! No bully and good times hopefully!
pls rape my face Horo
>Not on the inside
Did you do a cavity search to one of them?
>I post your steam id itt
>I beat you up
Pick one sissy
He isn't that person, I guarantee it.
Gimmie your steamid and ill play with you.
I'll be nice to you if you suck my dick.
>literally getting triggered by a pair of anime eyes
I don't enjoy this, I just want friends!
That wasn't me, I'm sorry...
Don't do either!
What the fuck, you're annoying. Why must you blog about everything we do?
Consider our friendship OVER.
how many animes do i have to post for you to let me?
no homo tho
>fag begs me for ID
>friend requests
>proceeds to literally never want to play anything
Why do these fucks even bother and they have ruined friend thread forever.
This is Noun, don't let him take advantage of you.
Only a cousin I see for a month out of the year.
My other friends are extremely casual. They Only play on PC.
Can you all just shut the fuck up?
That was fast.
That's what I want though tell me where he usually posts
>M _ _ _ _ e
Hmmm? We all know you get off to being bullied and beat up
Sounds like you need a friend for a change, user!
All good!
I play a bunch of different stuff, anything from MOBAs to Warframe to DS.
occasionally, sometimes i hate them, and know they feel same way. I guess i dont have real friends.
Nah, just talked with a few. IRL they should be avoided even more.
Are there any actually decent anime related youtube channels? News ones or something. Even opinion ones would be fine as long as the person presents themselves normally and not like that pic.
oh fuck what if I know