Do you wear gaming related clothing out in public?

Do you wear gaming related clothing out in public?

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How's that gaming related? I don't see it, too subtle maybe?

I think those chodes on his shirt resemble something used in a game... hmm

splatoon shirt

How do people like that look in the mirror and say "yeah, I want to be seen like this"?

that guy probably frequents several boards here

I wear a D.Va shirt, but I'm a huge fag

Wasn't ok the last time you asked, that shit is the same now. Just call this thread what it is, vidya clothes shaming

liberalism is a mental disorder

There's no way this fucker didn't lose some sort of bet.

anyone playing video games more than 10 hours a week is on the spectrum

The only gaming related clothing item is a shirt with the MG Foxhound emblem. I do wear it in public.

reminds me of this

why are these autists always nintendo fans

anyone here aim for their mouth when they cum?

Don't underestimate the mental illness among Nintendo fans

>4th thing posted in thread is
>Still posts this

Thanks, cancer.



stop bulling pamperchu

You want to see some real shit? Look at his youtube channel.


What the fuck are the chances?

No, I'm trying to achive a mori-kei look.


Furries aren't people, they're living attention needing black holes where all hope for their lives goes to die and their parents just pray they stay in their weird cave during Thanksgiving.

Back 2 reddit.



I play 60 hours a week and I'm perfectly normal!


Yeah, I love my Nintendo jacket. I wear it everywhere I go!

Snakebite piercings are always ugly. No exceptions. Why do people get them?

Thats why i want terrorists to win

This would look cute on a trap or a woman not in some fatass

>tfw one of the hottest girls I know is dating a dude who dresses like this
>when drunk she told me she fucked him in the ass with a strap on
The world confounds me sometimes

Autists aren't self-aware.

The only thing in this outfit that isn't garbage on its own is the undershirt
This is a masterpiece of shit

Don't you think he's Kawaii


What does she look like?

This is what i imagine 85% of reddit looks like.

>know cute girl in high school
>she's a hardcore furry
>seemed relatively normal socially but had a notebook full of explicit furry porn, some of it being gay
>would constantly show me her deviantart and roleplay chats

I'm still wondering if I should have tried to hit that or not.

I use my japan world cup jersey
does it count?

While we're on the topic, where can I buy Tommy Vercetti's Hawaiian shirt?

Millions of people died in World War 2 for this. Let that sink in.

>Implying it's not the same person



I want to say no, but honestly you probably should have.

I disagree.

You are well aware that such displays of mental maladies are more at home here than any other community, right?

>muh libruls

Kill yourself

Absolutely not. That's an example of something mainstream enough that it's symbolic of a culture, rather than video games themselves.

>and insanely ripped
>gets fucked in the ass
Classic /fit/

Stop whatever this is.

Snakebites are cute. C U T E

Pamperchu looka like a nice person to be honest.

do not put your dick in crazy. this is the one rule for manhood that persisted through the ages


I used to as a teenager. Luckily they were usually just t-shirts with a graphic of a blooper or something in the centre, and I usually half-covered it with a jacket. I wear normal clothes like a functioning human being now

Piercings are just generally terrible, but surely snakebites aren't all that bad on a not ugly person

good job finding the two non-liberal furries out of a million.

And pants.

God has abandoned us,


It was kind of hot when I was 16 and my girlfriend got them.

>It's a sex thing

>I don't see a way to start a fire with a microwave unless you are a complete idiot.

>Dives through the dump to find used diapers to wear.

I mean if anyone fits the criteria its him. I literally threw up in my mouth a little while reading that shit.

so hes got a fetish for 90's Nickelodeon? Does that mean hes jerking it when he plays splatoon?

Because they literally don't give a fuck/are too dumb about how to fit into society, not even remotely.

>helps fellatio

>I wear normal clothes like a functioning human being now
You realize nobody in the real world actually cares if you wear vidya-related clothing, right? Like, even if it's the most nauseatingly kawaii print, as long as it's just a T-shirt no one is going to look twice.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

False flag

It's obviously just a group of friends fucking around for karm--I mean (You)s. The other two guys in the photo are part of the group. They're just memeing.

even the food looks fucked up

>he thinks that's an isolated case


You seem to know a lot about the demographics that make up furries. How did you learn this?

>that pretty
>face looks like you headbutted a tackle box
lets see her without makeup and filters

maybe they think society is just another mmorpg?

>wear my sick ass underage panty quest X t-shirt to my gran's funeral
>everybody looks at me like I'm a freak
T-thanks, user.

Man 42/11 was good before whats his name lost weight and turned into a massive faggot.

>7 instagay filters

best I've been able to find is

and by best, I mean I looked for a few minutes before deciding that was "good enough"


>not rocking the leon look in public
Chrisfags need not apply, leon is the real hunk of resident evil. Look at that smug look, the hairstyle, the jacket, leon drops all the panties in resident evil.

Just because they don't say anything doesn't mean they don't care. A triforce bag or something leaves a bad impression

>can't fit into society
>start going crazier and crazier
>mfw i started to wear these slayer shorts with huge logos on them for shit and giggles

Mind you I didn't say she was pretty

The real question is, would you play games him?

I hope you don't think you actually look like Leon when you're going outside dressed like a retard.


me and my friends constantly makes fun of the autist with anime/videogames related t-shirts in class
it's kinda hard not to do so desu

i've got a few vidyer shirts, that are either subtle or mainstream enough not to care
here's my subtle one, other shit includes some fallout stuff like a jacket and a t-shirt and a shy guy's burgers and fries shirt
lookin into getting beat's shirt from jet set radio

You don't wear t shirts at funerals, period.

>A triforce bag or something leaves a bad impression
>Sup Forums actually believes this
I'm sorry, user, but that's just not how it works. It's you that's leaving the impression.

Wpuld you wear this shirt in public?

Not anymore