ITT: literally the most evil fuckers in videogames
ITT: literally the most evil fuckers in videogames
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shes cute though.
>he gets away with it
He was supposed to be killed in a boss fight but it had to be cut because of time constraints, so instead he's seen in the ending completely unharmed
Does he still get away in the manga?
This little piece of shit on the right.
The fact he gets away is fucking brilliant though. He's literally pure evil but the meaning in the fact that sometimes evil simply gets away is powerful.
Yes but Ursula and the other vow revenge and they decide to hunt him down.
Nah, she loves cows.
Marche from FFTA
Why is she evil?
Evil route in NG+
>hunting down a teleporting keikaku master
Good luck.
>inb4 "H-He had good intentions the entire time, though!!!"
He never had good intentions
Marche isn't evil, he's misguided. He actually thinks the world he's destroying is not real. And truth be told - we have no proof that isn't the case. All other Ivalice games have a completely different world from the one we see in FFTA, and they outright say that their Ivalice is a mixture of two worlds dreamt up by Mewt on more than one occasion.
His intentional evil is comparable to a little kid playing the sims and killing a whole family for fun and then uninstalling the game.
... except for that whole shit with his brother. Asshole.
The book was eating their souls user, it may have been left out of the english translation but it was happening.
I often see this picture. I don't remember gba games to run at such resolution. I mean look at the textbox, usually it takes up the half of the screen. Is that a romhack or something?
Here's your meme answer.
It's just some escapist faggot's sprite comic.
>snaps your fucking neck
>says a quip over your dead body
Boring and not nearly as impactful as literally stuffing a tortured waifu of one of the characters into a nuclear cannon as an ammo.
>"wah, if I was happy it would okay others were suffering"
Literally did nothing wrong. Hell, he was noble for giving up his own happiness.
It's just a edit, none of that occurs in game. The person who made it probably zoomed out to make it easier ti see him walk around.
Caim is an anagram for murder. This man was never good.
Caim was a bloody psycho, but he never outright betrayed or killed any allies, or attacked the seals that were keeping the world stable.
So he had some semblance of standards.
How about this cinnamon roll
Yuna did nothing wrong. What he did was for SCIENCE.
Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever get an antagonist as well written as Eric Sparrow again. It astounds me that one of the most despised antagonists in video game history was your rival from a fucking Tony Hawk game.
If those loony scientists had just taken the kid out for ice cream once in a while she probably wouldn't be so grumpy.
This is the entire reason he's memorable. If he got what was coming to him, you'd never hear about him. If they'd even ignored him in the ending rather than giving him a scene reminding you that he got away, it'd probably be the same.
The line at the end was great. After killing everyone including Gig, he kills the two gods of the world and eats them, so everything is fading away. They to ask him/her "Is this what you wanted?". Reyva's answer was, "It doesn't matter. It was fun".
He never had any good intentions. He wanted to kill people with his sword. If those people were part of an empire of assholes, that's their problem, not his.
sometimes I wonder if FF8 is so well-written and she was intended to be the true villain that you need to put thought into to realize it. Or if they were borderline retarded.
After shit like the entire scene where they had to call Squall because she couldn't lift herself up makes me think it was just bad writing.
Just like so many Nazi's in Argentina, including Hitler.
I think I can speak for everyone by saying this guy was the worst motherfucker in the game
What's wrong with Tifa?
Don't yell at me, dude. I was just answering.
>tfw havecseen people defend him or say "he's changed"
Literally a child rapist, I fucking destroy him every playthrough.
>"Hey I made an antidote for that plant virus thing, but I only have enough for one person and need more time to make enough for everyone."
>"loljk it's poison"
That was a great moment.
Surely you jest. Eric Sparrow is the greatest skater of our time
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.
Iris is fine tho.
>holding up the Nigger-stu in Uncharted 4
>after he and Sam just went through an entire group of Mercenaries making quips along the way
I wish Drake would have answered that. I wonder what he would have said to not make him seem like a murderer.
Oh man, I needed that. How do you get that ending?
knowing Drake I'd expect a sarcastic
>"Yeah, well they shot first"
I like that they keep Marty's nature kind of ambiguous in the end after all those years, but I can totally see why Brad would go after him without a second thought.
Him and Kaybliss feel like a real threat because of the all the shit they pull.
When he starts wiping out factions because you took to long to capture all of JAPAN
>when Leia gets captured
Are there any other games where you play as an evil character but the heroes still win in the end? That ending was way better than the edgy shit that happened after you win the last battle.
fuck morals, Marty must die.
woah, keep it pg dude
Weeb Reinhard Heydrich, having become omnipotent by absorbing the souls of the 11 million jews who died in the holocaust.
The worst you can accuse Reimu of is being lazy and always getting the wrong idea.
>b-but she dindu nuffin
> because she couldn't lift herself up
Women have really, REALLY weak upper body strength. Even if she's fit enough to fight, it takes active work to achieve the strength required for a woman to lift herself.
The reverse of this is, like, if they had to drag Rinoa down to Squall because he couldn't pass The Chair Experiment.