Why does Sup Forums hate this guy?

Why does Sup Forums hate this guy?

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fuck off eva

fuck off eva

Evaxephon pls


>posts a girl


so this is the power

of weebs

wtf, is that actual code?


fuck off eva

it's a .png file

He's pretty annoying. His big freakout about Sup Forums not liking the game is amusing though. Eva was a faggot before Yanderewhatever though, a total creepy Gaiafag.

someone who codes well tell me what's wrong with this?

Im assuming this poorly optimized and should be condensed into a switch or some flags?

>It's just a bunch of Else Ifs

Classic Eva

Its the lowest form of working code, usually you would create objects (which held certain attributs that can be changed while theese objects exist)

Nobody gives a shit and Eva makes these threads to stay relevant.

Lazy ass guy who is trying to make a game he can fap to cramming it full of memes and anime tropes, and trying to pass it off as a SERIOUS game.
Also the fact he has embarrassing "conversations" with fictional characters he makes.

1. this.Witnessed should be an enum type. String comparison is (1) stupid inefficient, and (2) prone to typos
2. Spurious casts to (float).
3. Should do an early return if !this.Teacher || this.WitnessedCorpse. Nested ifs that could be early returns are disgusting.

"witnessed" as a string is inherently inefficient because comparing strings is very taxing compared to other comparison operations.
An easier way to do it would simply be to have various forms of "bad shit" teachers can witness be just bools (eg, witnessedBlood or something) which would also make the checks far less complex since you don't need a separate state for only seeing blood, or seeing blood and a weapon, or only seeing a weapon.

He diddles kids.

>Shit coding
>Asshole to anyone who apparently helped him
>Steals art
He's like the weeb version of SgtMarkIV

Ironic weebs need to get shooted.

Usually when coding you want to streamline things as finely as possible. So instead of having a one function that does five things, you make five functions that each do one thing. His code basically has several giant functions that dictate 20 different things

Don't know the guy but he always in chat of one Twitch streamer I watch.
If he's actually a game developer then he's a pretty lazy one.

kys yourself eva

I know it's you, Eva
Your 2676 LOC method made me physically ill

He came here begging for unfiltered opinions and threw a shitfit when those opinions weren't a hugbox like his beloved reddit.

Also he's an idiot who complains about how his whole day is spent reading emails instead of coding when he could just stop reading emails all day at any time.

>Asshole to anyone who apparently helped him
Not to mention those people were people who actually helped him out of the kindness of their hearts because he doesn't pay anybody for their help.
He's a major douche to be honest.

>"If you don't think an ACTUAL GAME COMPANY would hire you at your skill level, then DON'T offer to help me with Yandere Simulator." -Eva

The contents of every if/else if statement is effectively the same, meaning it would be more optimal to abstract that shit to a function. He probably has the same exact code in other places for things that aren't teachers. Also he's storing "Witnessed" as a string (denoted by "Weapon and Insanity") meaning instead of doing things based on a list or an abstract data structure, he's using strings which is fucking retarded and forces him to handle each different string individually.

>throws a fit whenever anyone criticizes him
>steals designs and models
>steals art for his videos says it's not stealing since he modified them
>spends more time streaming than working on his game
>game mechanics are mostly lifted from hitman
>horrible feature creep because whenever he sees something he likes in a different game he tries to cram it in

... Isn't this the guy who started developing Yandere Sim because his senpai shat on his code for an earlier project in the first place?

Loli rape sim dev is a way better programmer with a real game 7 years in the making.

Witnessed could easily be a dictionary list of Boolean values which would make comparing more efficient and less prone to error, and he could also abstract the contents into a single function since it's all exactly the same code.

For his shitty fighting game? Yeah.

This game wasn't directly because of that. He never finishes anything and has a few unfinished games under his belt.

>professionals will work for me FOR FREE because I've got a really UNIQUE idea.
How is it possible to have one's head that far up their ass?

Have you forgotten Bob's Game already?

>Wants to make Hitman but anime
>Has no skills or experience
>Basic groundwork for the game isn't finished
>Suddenly wants to make the game open world
>Months go by with no progress
>Plays P5 instead of working
>Suddenly wants to add an ENTIRE TOWN, stylized menus, a few shops, and potentially animated cutscenes
>Groundwork STILL isn't done

The game is basically a Patreon scam so he never has to work or leave his house anyway


Just out of curiosity, how's his deal with TinyBuild going?

>51% female

>over 30

Yep. It's this guy.
His senpai happened to be one of the devs of Skullgirl actually. Very funny.
I think he also said that he criticized his fighting game engine (which was shit and copypaste of other engine btw according to the IRC) and that he felt humiliated. and since then, he said that he hated him and was going to outshine "this asshole". Truly, a big baby, but i'm not going to be delusional here: He REALLY outshined Skullgirls with his shitty games. No big youtuber ever played skullgirls, and skullgirls in the first place is a niche game. Yandere simulator is more populars than Skullgirls ever was.

Also he got a partnership with Tinybuild, the one who made Party hard and published SpeedRunner. Let's hope they make the game better because YandereDevs suck terribly. The concept is great, but the devs is a bad devs.

>32k between the age of 11-15

Yandere is a funny guy

>Months go by with no progress
He's been working on it for 3 YEARS at this point.

working hard or hardly working am i rite fellas

Wait he has a thing with TinyBuild? Do they not do any QA or make sure he's actually doing anything and not just living off of Patreon welfare money?

I feel bad for those kids. They're being deceived by a conman.

FFS Tech you dumb motherfucker.

Thousand of kids donate to twitch streamers everyday.

Thats just how this generation work.

>erotic content involving Japanese school girls painted as a negative

Some weeks ago people brought up Eva's weird fetish ideas (IE, kidnapping kids and harvesting their organs or selling them as sex slaves) and TinyBuild's response was basically "haha ;)"

I'll add by the way that he do FOUR HOUR OF STREAM EVERY NIGHT, playing many games including Overwatch.


weekly thread where eva's beta orbiters check the temperature of Sup Forums to see if he can safely return or not

kill yourself, emu looking faggot

This webm doesn't have the best part of that video

IIRC throws in GGXX are 1f and you have to tech it in a 2f window (but have very low range and share input with a punisheable move).
Still he could have easily avoided being grabbed just by not jumping around like a retard without a plan the whole time.

>tfw not jewed by eva's kike trickery

Reddit is that way my friend


What a talent less hack. He can't develop a game for shit.

Shouldn't he constantly feel the same way about the current build of his 'game' being available to others?

>animeme game for kids
>it's 99% kids
made me think

>51% female

wew lad

You need to be over 18 to post here.

He's too busy streaming, checking emails, and taking vacations from doing those things to work on his game.

When he's not doing those, he's too busy being an "idea guy." That game isn't going to be released until 2024 at this rate. Takes him almost half a year to make 1 out of the like 10 characters.


>He REALLY outshined Skullgirls with his shitty games.

Nigga, Skullgirls is loved by an entire dedicated community of people. Tons of people played it. Quality of quantity, my friend. The quality of the people who enjoy Skullgirls is much higher than the quantity of randoms who love a crappy "ironic" weeb game like Yandere Simulator.

and he paid the main animator to draw his oc

he paid several people to draw his oc with slightly different designs in a desperate attempt to make Sup Forums like her because she was everyone's biggest complaint about that game whenever he asked for feedback on it.

Yes. But we're talking about popularity there, which is what Yanderedevs aimed for.
Yandere simulators is more populars than Skullgirls ever was.
Has pewdiepie ever played Skullgirls? No.
First thing that prove how populars Yandere simulator has become.

>shitgirls players are THIS delusional
You're worse than goobers lmao

This might be the worst image I have ever seen

>that pic
Ironic weebs are absolute trash. How the fuck did they come to existence?!

I actually regularly play fighting games and I don't really like Skullgirls, but I can see what it is. It's a love letter to fighting games and fighting game players, which is admirable to me. It's a well made game and made by people who really have a passion for fighting games.

Unlike shitty fucking Yandere Simulator

YS is still more popular right now though. Eventually it is going to crash and burn, but until it happens, it will remain more popular than Skullgirls.
There's nothing wrong with that, YS is more popular than a ton of actually good games because Eva struck gold with the weebs and memes, it is just a trend.

>buy off the shelf assets and just change the hair color
>get free stuff from fans
>self insert your dream waifu and have her in love with you
>shit code
>feature creep
>makes an entire video telling people to stop emailing you

He also uses models people released for MMD for free.

forgot to mention that once Sup Forums found out it was eva, he was bullied off here and went to cripchan where the same thing happened

Because of you actual weebs shoving anime shit into everyone faces.

There is a reason why the hide your power level thing was real you know.

All of this. Remember when he wanted to add Yakuza style combat and pretty much everyone in the polls he set up said no to that shit? Or how about when he outright ignored the results of polls because he thought people would pick any of the options that said for him to take it easy and slow down even more, only to find out that people were getting tired of his lazy ass loafing around and not getting shit done?

reminder that eva tried to make a fighting game when he didn't even know how to play them

>channel features drawn version of owner/person
Always a red flag

Because he makes a ton of money on Patreon for simply working on a shitty ass dating simulator, who wouldn't hate him?

you say no to rachet pussy
eva can't

Skullgirls has more Sup Forums threads and Japanese fans than Yandere Simulator and you know how much eva autistically cares about those things

>Skullgirls has more Sup Forums threads

Skullgirls has at least 3 anons on the dev team, so that's to be expected

I don't know who to hate more, ironic weebs or actual weebs who are proud of their pathetic situation. There is a total lack of self awareness in both groups.

This dude literally just smiles and laughs obnoxiously all the time, makes me wanna set him on fire while he's sleeping

Yeah, having ZONE in the animating team really helps in that department.

>I searched my own name on YouTube
Working hard as usual I see


Nice rare eva.

People think that its a good idea to show they power level.

Is there a way for us to ask him to play Skullgirls on Twitch? Like, can we spam some kind of twitch inbox telling him to play it?
