Help. I can't stop.
Help. I can't stop
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Just had this prob a couple weeks ago. Until you get to year 2 I was hooked for days
Honestly couldn't make it past winter. Game gets unbearably boring then
Played this two weeks straight. I romanced that emo twink.
Mining was the least boring part of the game
a true harvest moon clone, then
That's exactly what it is. Harvest moon. Add crafting and combat
Can't decide between Leah and Penny
Hayle is 3rd but she seems unbearably bitchy
Just call it Rune Factory then.
Penny, she is best girl.
Also created by one guy devoted to making a harvest moon clone that didn't get stale with lame "new" features
Trailer trash.
the easiest solution is to just keep playing it. bc eventually you will get tired and stop..
just enjoy it while you do.
Switch version when? Seriously this was supposed to be a launch title, why is this fucker so slow?
I already own it for PC but I hate playing this type of game on it.
Penny is a whore who banged every guy in the valley.
I keep starting over and I have no idea which girl or boy to marry
Most people got bored by year 2, i managed to get through because i wanted to get Granpa's letter, now i'm in year 3 just cruising and screwing around
I cant even imagine playing a game with menus like this with a controller and not KB&M.
Penny is the most popular choice
The Switch has a touchscreen dummy
>I already own it for PC but I hate playing this type of game on it.
What? The game is much more fitted for KB&M than for a controller
Still sounds awful without kb&m.
>waiting for that multiplayer update
Don't Make me use the word anons. Please.
I played this in pc and used my l
PS3 controller because it was comfier
>launch title
No it wasn't. It's just going to be the first console version with multiplayer.
She is pure
I just made it to autumn in the second year.
The only thing I am missing from the bundles is 3 apples but I have an apple tree already grown.
After I finish the communistcenter I really have no wish to continue playing it desu.
>Going for Leah
>I like her decorating taste and she's cute
>Getting to know her better
>Heart event comes up
>You walk into her house when she's talking on the phone
>She tells you afterwards that it's her ex
Oh well I'm sure she's still pure, it's not lik-
>She says they lived together for like a year
Why does the seemingly best girl in these games always come as sloppy seconds?
Oh well, Emily seems nice...
This. Once you complete the bundles there's no Skinner Box treat at the end of the tunnel and you realize that you're literally just doing work when you could be playing a real game.
>Not seeing the crazy in her eyes
I married Abby.
is there a mod to get girls pregnant outside of wedlock yet
You'll make it into probably Spring of your second year before losing interest. The only thing that kept me going was trying to finish the community center.
No idea, but I would guess yes.
I'm a perfectionist which requires replaying certain days and ten minutes of planning for every minute of game time.
I don't recommend it.
Haley is actually the best, you turn a city girl into a country girl.
Penny is baby crazy.
Leah is a hippie who fucks the guy on the beach and everyone else in town.
Wrong, if Penny banged anyone she would be a single mother, she's baby crazed.
Its also funny if you have children with someone else and Penny gets super jelly.
Emily is a lesbian.
this. there's not much end game content to keep you playing after year 2.
I want a harvest moon type game where farming is actually hard and there are mechanics to improve your crops e.g. better spacing, watering at the right time, getting rid of pests, adding fertilizer to change the composition of the soil.
Does this game exist or is it my million dollar idea? No autistic german sims plz senpai.
Penny is the save her from being poor nu-male bait. Alpha male choice is Marnie