>Halo: Gravemind is fake
>No Banjo, Battletoads, Conker, or Viva Pinata anywhere at E3, all Rare has to show off is Sea of Thieves for the third fucking year in a row
>343 killed Halo
Does M$ WANT Xbox to fail?
My Xbone and my PS4 have been collecting dust for three years. The only games I played for more than 10 hours on either of them are Halo: MCC, Rare Replay, Fallout 4, and Bloodborne. This industry is fucking dead.
Halo: Gravemind is fake
Other urls found in this thread:
>Halo: MCC, Rare Replay, Fallout 4, and Bloodborne
Maybe you should develop some taste first
Halo 1, 2, and 3, Rare Replay, and Bloodborne are all 10/10 games though.
Maybe you should stop trying so hard to fit in on an anonymous imageboard.
P-please look forward to the Scorpio.
>Halo: Gravemind is fake
Who cares, I wanted Halo 6.
>Mainline Halo after Reach
>Mainline Halo after 3
News flash the Bungie team as a whole made Halo 1-3. Reach was made by the C Team a bunch of noobs, many of Bungie's key members either left Bungie and created their own studios or worked at another studio and moved on to Destiny. The team that made Reach didn't want to make a Halo game and it showed since Bungie didn't know how to evolve Halo past Halo 3. So as far as I'm concerned ODST and Reach don't exist.
There will be a Banjo game, they extended the conference time for a Rare thing and the Rare people are tweeting about take something for E3 were they show a Banjo bag here and there, and they are tweeting on grumtilda like rimes.
>all Rare has to show off is Sea of Thieves for the third fucking year in a row
They shouldn't allow any devs to showcase a same god damn game every year desu
No one that has an xbox comes to Sup Forums they are as normie as normies get these threads are just major hugboxes
Rare's PR stooge said on Twitter all they have this year is SOT.
>Gravemind is fake
Prove it faggot. No Frankie saying it's fake doesn't mean shit he said the same thing about MCC.
Cool designs, though
And this just so happened to be his profile picture while posting that. It's all a ruse.
Yeah, all of those sound like system sellers. Why do autists feel the need to express themselves?
Microsoft has one system seller and its Halo.
>already referring to this shit as "Gravemind"
You operate entirely out of peer pressure, don't you?
link plz
Thank you, here's a (You)