Since you can change the Switch's langauge and it will change the games to that language on consoles from any region...

Since you can change the Switch's langauge and it will change the games to that language on consoles from any region, does that mean everything Nintendo of America censors will be censored in the Japanese versions too? The Inkling gesture was censored worldwide. Are burgers gonna ruin everything for everyone?

>Are burgers gonna ruin everything for everyone?
Harada was right, american SJWs and feminists ruin everything for everyone.

>Are burgers gonna ruin everything for everyone?
They usually do.

The inkling gesture was censored because it was offensive in Europe, not America.

>american gestures

This. Americans don't see anything wrong with the gesture, in fact it's pretty iconic here. Blame the euros for this.

In this case it's Europe, but most of the time it's America.

I'll never forgive America for getting the Game Corner removed from Pokemon games.

That was also europe's stupid gambling laws. NA followed suit since it would be stupid to translate the game twice to add the game corner back in

What said is correct. I can't tell if you guys are just baiting or not. Most of the shit is America's fault,l for sure, but Europe has caused the worst censorship, in my opinion.

ITT: we blame America when its Europe's fault.

Fucking this. Everyone wants to blame burgers when the real SJW are in Europe letting literal terrorists into their countries just to seem progressive.


Well I'm not gonna be all like "America's the best" or anything, since we've got our faults, but I will say that at least lolis are a-okay here and that's really all that matters.

They're not ok in Canada, though.

Well I didn't mention Canada. Beastiality's okay there though, I hear.

It's like how in Europe it's incredibly offensive to call someone a spaz. In the US it's rude, but not super offensive.

If Burgerlands doesn't fuck it up, Bongland will. You can't trust the west to not fuck things up.


I'm lmaoing at their lives right now.

what really?

Beastiality is OK in the US too depending on your state.

>at least lolis are a-okay here
Until you're caught, then they'll just plant actual pizza on your computer while it's being "searched" and put you away.

I remember a chart showing it's illegal in most states.

t. SJW

anyone else done with splatoon?

Most people have been for like a year now.

Which i found weird because i've literally never seen someone do it in my country or display it on national media. It always seemed something American.

The only Americans I've seen do it, ever, are deaf. Assumed it was because ASL is based on french sign language.

Actually in Latinoamerica it's considered offensive as well but you know, who cares about the fucking sudacas right? Nintendo doesn't even have a legit presence in most countries.

>B-but Mexico!
Nintendo doesn't even distribute their games here