>still no american high school simulator

Pico's School.

>getting shot simulator XDDD pls gib me upboats

What would be fun about that?

There was that one Colombine RPG

dante's inferno

>Still no Europe citizen simulator where you see Americans shitposting over a minimal group of people in your country while ignoring their far worse problems


Play basically any First Person Shooter

Except it's always yuropoors sperging out of burgers out of nowhere, that's exactly what you did

But there is Super Columbine Massacre RPG

there are tons of games where you can get shot though


Hook, line and sinker

>Burgers call Europe "overrun" by Muslims when in most countries it's around 5% when they have this problem back home

>post on american image board
>get shot


>post on European board
>have to enter Islamic captcha
>Image upload pauses half way during prayer time
>Image uploads
>Get blown up by suicide bomb

I'm mostly concerned about those "other" people. Fuck others.

>wanting to play the most boring game on earth

Why do you keep posting this outdated fucking statistic. Asians are supposed to become the largest minority, not Hispanics.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism
remember this, Sup Forumstards


Yandere sim represents American schools way more than it does anime

It's entirely subjective opinion whether anything constitutes those things.

>facts and statistics are racist
well they do make niggers look bad

What about bully

hey man I'm calling the police

What is Life Is Strange, though it lacks the school shooting part.

I´m the only one bothered by that hallway needing collums? Was the architect mentally handicaped?

>Persona 6 takes place in an American highschool.

Would you play it?

Am i*
Fuck maybe i should meet that achitech
