Obviously The Golden Girls bluray box set
This is a dojyan thread now
is that supposed to be a package of some sort or supposed to get me interested in any way
Not had a package thread in for ever! I'm guessing a PS4 game?
Nobody cares
that package makes me want to spend money
why do people make unboxing threads for boring shit like modern, currently available video games?
It's shit.
Fuck off
Awww shit for the vita? Okay it's gotta be something rare
Best not shit on RoR faggot
I cant believe i spent 5 minutes with this tab open
Dont waste my time like this again for a worthless vita game
what the actual fuck
why would you want this
the fuk....
Of all the Vita games you could buy, why in the actual fuck would you want this one? And TWO of them?
but why.
they've already cut support for it on vita, it hasn't been updated at all since it's launch, and it still crashes every 5-10 minutes.
>Meme game
Like a said before
Just buy a dragon dildo next time
Risk of Rain fucking sucks though.
I don't even have a vita
I thought it was a pad.
Fidget spinners
>RoR is shit
when did this mean start?
are u a grill
Cute :3
still no host.
no, a stove.
post boipucci or GTFO
Are you a cute trap?
I want to empty my balls on your socks
I detest buying pads too user but don't post this on Sup Forums, take it to /cgl/.
What the fuck are pads
at least it's better than weebshit
You're gonna post ass and balls and you're going to like it you dirty little slut.
i hate gay people and now they infest the Sup Forums
Faggot you already tried making a thread until it got deleted. Stop posting your gay ass knee highs
how can you possibly fight it?
it's time to leave
>thought you were talking about Ring of Red
Can we talk about good games now?
i doubt it's him
i saw it yesterday
Chads get out
Reminder that TRANS is NOT a sexual deviancy,
It's just a coincidence that all these completely mentally healthy adult men are getting off dressing like 12 year old school girls.
This would've been less gay if it was a dragon dildo
What grills use to bleed into every month, but only the girls who don't like shoving tampons up their vagina.
it's the women's fault, they are becoming so disgusting with their antics that men turn gay
bulge or gtfo
Awww how cute. Are you underage b&?
this to some extent
I'd kill myself before spending any extended time with iThots
what did you mean by this user?
No, I was just assuming it would be something video games related given the context
Put on the black ones :3
>vita weebsh-
>...woah what
Not bad, OP. It was amusing.
>You're the only one not getting off
How does it feel to be a FAGGOT
>Assuming anything would be vidya related on Sup Forums
would fugg.
Is this going to get any lewder?
Nice fucking monster feet
those are some HUGE feet.
>bonyass knees
>longass feet
I hope so
i chuckled
Hey ronald I didn't know you posted on Sup Forums
Fuck off waldo
>don't want to wake the rest of the house
how loud do you put on socks?
I just wanted some of those socks man not penises
gain some weight
>how loud do you put on socks?
user I'm losing my shit please stop
I have size 40 EU tho??
>he doesn't moan as loud as he can while masturbating and putting on kneesocks
There is no other way right?
No but I'd have to turn on the light and stuff
>mens 7.5
>He deleted it
Nice feminine hands faggot
nah just sm0l it seems
40 is fucking small though
Do not bully the cutie.
>tfw tiny feet and hands but not a faggot
>pretending to type like a girl
This is just embarrassing
Janitor deleted it.
It was shitty nylon socks tho
>those nipples pressing against that soft sweater
Holy moly