Game ends

>game ends
>suddenly empty feeling

Anyone feel the same sometimes?

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But Kurosawa has a sequel

Games, anime, books, anything really. It's like "what did I even do before this".

>fun as shit
>gives you something to look forward to after doing boring shit
>finally game gets boring
>literally get depressed
sometimes? all the time

Ten > Akagi > Zero > Gai > Kurosawa > Gin to Kin > Kaiji

Prove me wrong.

>game lets you keep playing after it ends
>all NPCs say the same things over and over
>nothing new happens
>feel completely alone in a dead world

Post-hum melancholy

I get that way with open world games, even if there's stuff to do after.

An unnecessary sequel that shit all over the neat ending.

The "Last of us" made me feel like a shit fucker and I never wanted it to end,

Happens all the time if game takes about 17 hours or more to beat.

>thing you really enjoy ends
>go a year before you find something you enjoy as much

>beat the final boss
>credits roll
>game returns to title screen
>you will never see the world you just saved

I hated this so much in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, especially because the castle town ends up being in ruins forever and you never get to see it restored ever again.
It made me feel so empty inside, no matter how many times I beat the boss.

then you'd probably suicide playing a real game

I finished The Witcher trilogy and it kind of put me in a depression I haven't climbed out of.

Netflix show soon, brother

Happened to me with Persona 5. It felt worse than usual because they made you say goodbye to everyone before leaving.

Witcher 3 made me feel like shit as well because the third expansion made it pretty clear we won't be seeing Geralt ever again.

2 months ago when I finished Persona 5
Felt empty and sad for a whole week

fucking kurosawa man

I felt that way for weeks after finishing Life Is Strange.

>ywn be a cute teenage lesbian time traveller

After Cyberpunk, I'm sure they'll go back and simply set some games in the past. We could have stories about Geralt centering on his time BEFORE losing his memory and the whole Salamandra/Assassin of Kings/Wild Hunt bullshit took off.

Holy shit this. This is what they need to fix in games. It's like you've hit limbo

FFXv is the same. I wana see the fucking rebuilt Lucius

>tfw still havent gotten over umineko
I dont even know why it resonated so much with me

you are me

>tfw actually finishing FF7 and FFX gives me that feel

I had that feel after I finished Witcher 3 and Nier & Nier Automata

Felt that way after finishing Persona 4. 5 was a much better game, yet it didn't leave such a feeling, even after like 100 hours of first playthrough.

I hated Ten.

>Fantasy life
>12 lives
>Become a God in all lives

Xenoblade Chronicles!

Witcher 3, BotW, and The Last Guardian (although it was reasonably short) had this effect on me most recently.

I'm planning on playing Yakuza 0, Rime and FFXV soon. I'm not usually a fan of hack-and-slash (not sure that's technically the right term in this case) type games, but Nier:A looks intriguing, is it worth it if I'm not a fan of that type of game generally?

>play a game that is far and away the best in the entire franchise
>feel empty knowing that it will never be topped


Last time I felt this feeling was Red Dead Redemption

>Phone rings while you are playing
>That soul draining sense of vertigo while you are sucked back into real life and the dystopian hellscape that is life in 2017


Probably only reason why I endured through the later chapters

Last time was after Blood and Wine

same here bud, fucking loved that series

The last Splatfest

Make me forget so I can live it again.

its pretty easy and you could probably find it fun

Thanks, bud.

only for story heavy games where i get invested in the characters. if i enjoy a game for gamplay then i just keep playing til i get bored of it and then i don't really miss it.

i can't play anything because i feel horrible every second

Same, user

I've been there, friend, have you tried just making yourself put an hour into something? Doesn't always work, but sometimes a game just gets its claws into me.

thats why I browse Sup Forums instead

really? thanks for posting, i needed that
i'm not "being there", i always live like this and i'm not young anymore. yes, i try to play because of boredom but then i remember something from past and cold sweat appears on my body from it

>cry after the last of us when i realize the ending was shit and theres no more game
>stuck with the feeling of empty because no game will feel just as good
too sad for me

I'm not your bud, dud

>My depression/anxiety is deeper than yours. Don't try to identify with me.

Ok, bud. Carry on.

>Spend 75 hours on Persona 5
>That uplifting ending drivin home with your buds going to your new town, and you won't be able to see them again for a long time
>Leaving your gf behind as well
It felt good, in a bittersweet way.

i didn't mean that in any way, just tried to explain but no one will ever understand someone. sorry.

>be a fat 80 year old virgin who still lives with his parents
How did my life turn out this way, you whipper snappers

Hey, we're all people. We all feel horrible if we're really aware of the world around us. The only thing that makes me feel better is to talk about it. Bottling your opinions and emotions suck ass.

i like how MC looks at the camera like saying
''its your turn now''

Let it go user. Geralt had a hard life. He went on a trip to help him get better

>accept that i have no motivation to do anything and will never amount to anything more then a laborer making 40k a year
>after the crushing depression i come to accept it
>enjoy games more
heeeyy thats pretty good

>Empty feeling

Not really, but I remember being a kid and the first few times I beat a game, I cried because I didn't want it to be over

post pics of your phylactery

40k dollars per years? Jesus, i could live like a king in my country and i'm not even exaggerating. can't believe such jobs exist

>That panel of all the guys touching Kurosawa's arm
Fukumoto you motherfucker

I found the Ace Attorney series in 2015, so I played through the first five games in like 2 months. I felt really depressed after beating them all.

its a decent amount living in an apartment by yourself, i wanted to be something more and help people, but we can't always have what we want so you might aswell accept whats given to you and whats realistic.

Any game that thanks you for playing always just hits me hard.

Sorry, man. I didn't mean to be a prick. I was probably projecting a bit. I hope you find what you're looking for. And for what it's worth I think I do understand, even if "being there" isn't what you are.

How the fuck do you know how to use a computer

What cuntry? What stopped you? Won't bill you for this session, don't worry

>ending credits
>theme of game/main characters starts playing but more sadly

Automata, after getting E I spent like a week of nothing but listening to the OST and chatting about it in the threads. It's a shame threads on it took such a sour turn after a few weeks, they were fantastic for a while there.

america, me no smart enough.

Save for private spoon-fed teaching

ive already accepted my position and live comfortably, i just imagined myself being something grander like a psychologist. but i lack the true motivation to go out and learn and study to become that, its a nice thought really but i'm pretty lazy outside of my work as it requires no real brainpower. i'm pretty much a brainlet ;:^)

Honestly while I love Akagi and the first two parts of Kaiji (3-5 are medicore with a few amazing god-tier moments) Kurosawa and Buraiden Gai are easily Fukumoto's best works.
>Gai cutting his wrist in order to motivate the prisoners into rebelling against the guards
He has to be Akagi's bastard son or something. Absolute fucking madman.

The end of the the house of the dead 4 hit me quite hard surprisingly, the girl's VO is well good

>credits roll
>forced to restart console
>save file takes you to just before the final boss again

Brainlets rule the world, don't be sad

>finish a truly great game
>can't have enough of it/deal with the feel
>fuck around in post-game forever or go after NG+ and beyond or start over with a new character and beat it again
>collect over 1000 hours of playtime despite the burnout

What's her name, Sup Forums?

>have to go through the dramatic emotional cutscene like 7 times

Okami, OoT, and Dark Souls hit me hard after beating them. The feeling of completing a long journey is a always bittersweet because you know that you'll never recapture the feeling of wonder and excitement you had when playing them.

There's nothing wrong with being happy to be a labourer and living within your means if that's what you want.
You're doing you, user, if you can house, clothe and feed yourself, have the vidya and lifestyle you want, then what could be wrong with that?

thanks anons

It's hard for me to pick favorites when it's Fukumoto we're talking about (and I've still got things from him to read), but my favorite is probably the last three volumes of Ten. It hit me so hard and helped ease my existential crisis.
Kurosawa is up there, of course, but I also loved Gambling Emperor Zero a lot, because of all the variety it had, with its various games (Part 1 at least, but Part 2 is fantastic in its own right, the mystery story was great).

Who is the Washizu of video games?

Only when finishing anime

why does this hack keep making the same thing over and over

Find something more important in your life than fucking video games, faggot.

>tfw high IQ, got through education without effort, bored with everything and constantly miserable

I actually felt worse knowing that there was a sequel, because of the implication

Kurosawa's ending was perfect and I should read it again

why do you choose to keep letting penises enter your mouth over and over?

Years ago when I first played Dragon Quest VIII, it took me nearly four months to complete at a fairly casual pace. I really came to love the quirky world and its characters, and didn't really want it to end. Slowly but steadily, however, I arrived at the final conclusion. When the credits began rolling, showing all the things me and the party had been through over many months of play, it felt like my soul was being punched in the gut.

You've got the intelligence but you're as dumb as a brick.

I had that with Xenoblade during the ending. Melia had a hard fucking life and at the end of it all she's left with basically table scraps.

It's the feeling of knowing you're wasting time doing nothing productive, wasting hours procrastinating while wanting more out of life in a never ending cycle of "bored, but don't want to do any actual work.".

It's your subconscious shaming you into committing to something else that you should be doing instead of playing video games.

It's you, slowly realizing, that video games are a drug, a quick-fix to ease the burden of the things that you should be doing instead, like studying, drawing, exercising, cleaning your room, cooking, socializing, working on a project, sorting your life out, etc...

I still struggle with this. Try to go a full month without vydia, focus on something else that you like or want to better yourself at. And then play video games as a reward to yourself. It'll feel a lot better. Just don't fall into the addiction again.

Dark Souls II. Seeing what became of the king and then going back to Majula instead of hitting NG+ right away really sold the idea that you really didn't change shit in the long run.


I get that every time. That's why I stopped playing single player games, watching animu, movies and TV shows.

I think you've explained why I never have it in me to pursue post game content. Most of the time it just feels so dead and half assed.