what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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You tried to force a meme.
One only shows the topography of the map, while the other show the entire points of interest and takes away any fun of exploration.
delete this
Actually, why the fuck am I saying something you already know, troll?
This thread.
While Nintendo did get some things right (no clusterfuck of icons), it did suffer from the same problem of repetition. Both in terms of gameplay and aesthetics. Towers and shrines all had pretty much identical structure and aesthetics. Certain towers did have things at the bottom (and the Lost Woods tower has a skull at the top that intentionally blocks most of the view), but they're still the same basic asset copypasted repeatedly, and the gameplay is the same climb and rest cycle over and over. Novelty is incredibly important in games focused around exploration and I think a lot of developers underrate it.
your life
Too close to it for real discussion.
Need to wait a while before the fog clears and people can look at it clearly.
The tears will never stop for little kiddies like you. We're in month FOUR now.
Well you see to create a three dimensional game we have to generate and mesh enough polygons together to create our in game objects. From their positioning, to their physics, to whether or not they have been even loaded into graphical memory from regular memory all take quite a bit of processing power to accomplish seamlessly. What we have here is an ambitious project that was halted years ago when they had realized there was no fucking way what was shown in the E3 showcase from 2016 (we're not going to talk about the one in 2012...) was happening on the Switch without some serious drawbacks.
yo uknow what game looks like this too?
the last of us
The fuck are you even talking about?
Yeah I mean, sure there's the one with the bramble
the one in the pond and constant rain with a bunch of lighting enemies
the one you have to fly from a mountain too
the one by zoras domain with a whole lot of enemies to get through
the one with the meteor casting faggot
the one surrounded by mud
the one on top of a castle covered in poison muk
the rito one you can't get to unless you blow up a strutcure to fall onto it....
Nah, I'm probably just mad
Eat the fuckin frog
Also, remind me: DLC when?
not on day one like every ps4 game
its okay when nintendo does it
Because they did it right.
It's only bad when Nintendo does it
nintendo has done it once and made almost every tower a unique and interesting ascent. ubi copy pastes the same towers across every yearly entry of every franchise. it literally is okay when nintendo does it (like this)
it died after brotherhood or when assasins creed turned into a naval combat simulator
I'm not sure what this image is trying to convey.
towers are bad now that nintendo did em but were fine for the last 10 years of Ubi games
Top kek. Ubisoft and tons of other devs are constantly fawning over BotW.
Benjamin Plich was the lead designer on Assassin's Creed: Unity and For Honor, and is currently employed as lead game designer at Montreal's Reflector Entertainment.
>Breath of the Wild showed something most designers already know, but which is hard to achieve... [these games are] evolving from classic open worlds to an open-game model - open progression following each player's intrinsic motivations, adaptive challenge curve and economy, open narrative structures, and so on.
Damien Monnier served as senior designer on The Witcher 3 at CD Projekt RED
>Breath of the Wild has managed to bring classic open world mechanics together while not relying on them to guide the player through its world. You go and explore it because you wonder what's out there, not because a loot icon tells you to.
>My expectations, and I mean for me as a Zelda fan, have changed for sure - they've raised the bar when it comes to world crafting and this sense of total immersion I get when I play it. While its world includes classic open-world activities, collectibles and loot-filled mobs, it definitely doesn't feel overloaded and allows the focus be on the exploration. You want to explore this land whether or not you are on a quest, or being tasked to collect/gather something. You know, If you were to remove all NPCs, quests and mobs, I would still take pleasure in exploring that beautiful world.
Tommy François, Ubisoft's franchise director.
>For every creatives, it's a lesson. The game [BotW] seems to tell us : put yourself in question. We realize that we are far from excellency.
Time to give up Sup Forums.
Oh, and the one with like 5 guardians too
How will Sup Forums ever recover from this?
Why are towers bad? Or is it that by climbing a tower you get map info?
> Open World shit
Well, there's your problem.
map towers are bad because they're a tired concept. AC1 was fine, but by AC3/Brotherhood i personally was over it. if nintendo hadn't changed things up and added unique shit to each tower i wouldn't have liked them. it's not hard to understand
(same goy) if nintendo does towers again, i'll be upset about that too. it's not a loyalty thing, it's an enjoying good game mechanics thing.
by ignoring it and reposting the OP a dozen times a day
Gotcha, thanks bud. Haven't played BOTW yet but yeah, Ubi has a way of running solid mechanics into the ground.
Breath of the wild is a good game, but anyone who defends this tower bull shit needs to die
glad there are still reasonable people on v
>Ubisoft and tons of other devs are constantly fawning over BotW.
Yeeeeeeah.We should really give a fuck what others who made shitty open world memes think of this open world game by nintendo.Fuck off
There are still people here who want to talk about videogames.
No surprise there. Ubisoft are a bunch of numales which is exactly the Switch's western demographic.
.... said the salty child.
Here was me thinking Nintendo just wanted to make good games. Thanks for correcting me.
>neo Sup Forums defending ubisoft tower
what went so wrong?
>Instead of stepping up they proceed to use same formula for their next games
to be fair they were sort of neat the first time you saw em in AC1.
That you're stupid and no trealizing that this tower and the shrine in the Zelda picture actually have more gameplay than everything in the brown shit on top.
What the fuck does Doom have to do with ANYTHING?
That rockstar are full of fucking shit and they should get on their hands and knees and suck John's cock because all roads lead to quake you fucking johnny come lately nigger.
Are you fucking deluded? They're not even the same genre. You might as well be trying to compare Tetris to Lara Croft. Get fucked you imbecile and let the adults talk.
>not just flipping the board over and skipping the maze
I like that image, holy shit
Go play CoD or CSGO you fucking faggot
Theres no right way to do towers
BotW did.
I honestly don't see a problem with getting to a higher vantage point to see the area around you, I think it's just the fact that assassins Creed abuse the mechanic that tainted it, and then everyone will be soft game that it then that really got repetitive.
I don't think the mechanic itself is bad, but I can at least see where people come from when they say they don't like it.
The Naval part of Black flag was the best part of the game
The way that you make the towers interesting instead of just the tired concept would be as if you had a system in place that the higher you get the better the vantage point you get is in the more of the map you uncover, that way without holding someone's hand or have any huge fuck off penis pillar out of the ground you make people want to get the highest steam climate just for reward that isn't explicitly told to you.
The 1st game to do that creates a new mechanic that's going to be industrywide.
They said any one who makes 3d games that doesn't steal from mario and zelda are lying is laughable, fuck half the shit they did in Mario 64 and Zelda 64 had been done in OG doom.
The man in the quote is just mad as fuck because they made amiga and commodore shit for years. He isn't even part of the very first GTA and even worse the first 3d GTA ran on renderware which just rams John Carmacks fat fucking throbber down that bitch's throat.
It's because they used renderware and are talking about 3D. They might as well buy legos and try to talk to people about marble sculpting.
I did this and it was satisfying as hell.
I honestly don't think you have a clue what you are talking about.