Pre-E3 HYPE Survey

1. How old are you?
2. Favorite video game?
3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

You're not getting my information, nintendo.

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Jedi Academy
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
No. I beat 2 divine beasts and got the master sword then stopped playing.
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Hoping to see a new Fromsoft game or a big Bethesda reveal.
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>majora's mask 64
>fire emblem warriors
>2009, the best e3 ever

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
xenoblade chronocles
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
not yet
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
xenoblade 2
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

1. How old are you?
2. Favorite video game?
3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
>No, got bored of it
4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
>No realistic expectations, DeS Remaster.
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

1. 25
2. Bad company 2
3. played for 13 hours on wiiu but got bored and sold it
4. new spider man game
5. 2009

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Haven't played it
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Crackdown 3
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>1. How old are you?

>2. Favorite video game?
F1 Challenge 99-02

>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?

>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Batman (2017)

>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

1. 24
2. Resident Evil Outbreak
3. Holding off on a switch for now
4.Kingdom Hearts 3
>crossing fingers
5. 2012

1. 21
2. Mount&Blade Warband
3. No, I don't really like Zelda.
4. New SMT for consoles, Bannerlord.'
5. I didn't watch E3 with Sup Forums for my first few years here so probably around 10-11 (started browsing when I was 12)

I expect nothing but disappointment this year.

Super Mario 64
Wolfenstein sequel
2010. It's funny, nintendo had the most hype announcements in 2010 than a few years on either side, but almost everything they showed except DKCR turned out to be bad

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Recently persona 5 but I'm fond of paper mario 64 and the ace attorney series
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Yes, on switch
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Smash or animal crossing for switch, info on smt
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
I can't remember its been a long time

Nothing. I'm just here to see everyone else's reaction.

>1. How old are you?

>2. Favorite video game?
Shenmue II

>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Yes, and I loved every second

>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Metroid pls

>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
2005 I believe

tough question, Witcher 2 probably
Metroid Prime 4
2011 If I remember correctly

1. How old are you?
2. Favorite video game?
Super Metroid
3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
40hrs in and it got boring and HZD was more entertaining in the long run along with Nier Automata.
4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Kingdom Come : Deliverance (even if it's coming out next year)
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
I don't give enough shits to care if Sup Forums is involved.

fuck off reggie

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
AssCreed 2
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Yeah, it was ok
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Probably the new AssCreed they announce
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Metal Gear Solid
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
No More Heroes 3
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
It was before the WiiU got announced, can't remember the exact year

>Breath of the Wild
>Xenoblade 2

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
pikmin 4, hopefully
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>it got boring and HZD was more entertaining
Too much bait for one post.

1. How old are you?
2. Favorite video game?
>system shock 2
3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
>Beat 3 divine beasts then got bored
4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
>new elder scrolls
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
The Wonderful 101
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Nope. Beat Zora's Domain and Death mountain, then got bored.
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
The Kirby Smash Bros game. If they actually bring Adeleine back after all these years I'll cum
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
How the hell do people remember this? I can't even remember when I first came to Sup Forums.

>>Beat 3 divine beasts then got bored
>3. played for 13 hours on wiiu but got bored and sold it
>>No, got bored of it
Huh, what's in common here
>Bloodborne (PS4)
>Spiderman (PS4)

>Pre-E3 HYPE Survey
>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
I don't play Zelda
>4. Name one game you're looking forward
I dunno Spider-Man perhaps
>to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Games and some tech shit nobody cares about.
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
E3 2015

>how old are you
>favorite video game
Pikmin 2
>have you beaten BOTW?
I haven't 100%'d the game, but I've "finished" it.
>name one game that you are pooking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3
Pikmin 4
>what was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
2015. Hadn't really cared about E3 threads before 2015.

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Pokemon HeartGold
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Nah, about to enter Hyrule Castle.
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Sonic Forces
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

1. 20
2. Portal 2
3. About 40 hours into it. Two beasts down. 75 shrines down.
4. Animal Crossing Switch
5. I think either 2015 or 2014. Maybe even 2013 but I'd doubt it.

>b-but sony

every time.

1. How old are you?
2. Favorite video game?
Monster Hunter freedom unite
3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
No, but gonna buy A switch soon
4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Armored Core and Monster Hunter for Switch please
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
I don't know, maybe 2013 one?

1. 23
2. Mother 2
3. Not yet. 90 hours in, 2 beasts down.
4. Super Mario Strikers 3 or something by Retro Studios
5. The first one with that autismo mr coffee guy at ubisoft iirc

>how old are you?
>favorite video game?
Super Mario rpg
>have you beaten breath of the wild?
>name one game you're looking forward to this year
>what was the first e3 you joined Sup Forums for?
You don't have to join Sup Forums to post.

Bioshock, possibly deus ex hr
i got close then got bored of it, too samey.
something from from software, maybe deathstranding
this one

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
halo 2
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
no, only played part of it
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
new wolfenstien or crackdown 3 if they even show it
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>Super Mario World
>Don't own it
>Smash Bros. for Switch
>Either 2012 or 2013 but I've been watching E3s years before then

Yeah, but not 100% I haven't even bothered to get the real ending
Dragon Dogma Port for PS4/Xbone. I never got around playing it when it first got released and my PC is a toaster, so I'd like to get it now.
Not this one. I am a busy person.

Are you just waiting for smash to buy a switch or are you just not interested in zelda?

Just not interested in Zelda. I plan on getting a Switch later this year for Mario Odyssey regardless.

Sup ninty

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Legend of Zelda
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Waiting til Splatoon 2 to pick up a switch
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Monster Hunter XX western release on the Switch PLEASE
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

>1. How old are you?

>2. Favorite video game?
Persona 3 and Majora's Mask

>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?

>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Smash for Switch

>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?

Same. I'm assuming they WILL bring her back this time. If not, I might as well ditch modern Kirby...

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Legend of Dragoon
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Nope, don't even have the game or the console for it.
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
If Tekken 7 wasn't already launched the it would have been that, but I haven't been hyped for any game announcement for E3 in a while, after E312 I pretty much stopped caring.
5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
I honestly say I can't remember, however I've been following E3 since 02 or 03 so.

I can respect that, I got one for zelda but I'm counting on them to deliver smash

I really miss this art style.

>1. How old are you?
>2. Favorite video game?
Witcher series
>3. Have you beaten Breath of the Wild?
Stopped half way through, waiting for hard mode before I see all the content.
>4. Name one game you're looking forward to this year that you are expecting at E3.
Monster Hunter or Pokemon for Switch
Although any decent switch games will get me hyped.
>5. What was the first E3 you joined Sup Forums for?
2012 who would have guessed back then that Goobergoyim would almost kill not only Sup Forums, but America herself...