Games where the hardest enemy is the camera


>Boss is actually the camera

>Not always pressing R

That's like any jap game ever

Git gud, pussy

Every 3DS Monster Hunter

Games where the hardest enemy is the controls

Hotline Miami 2

dark souls is way worse

Played it on ps3 and the controls were fine

I tried the demo of 3RE and man it wasn't fun. I fucking suck at it and spent like 20 minutes trying to beat some gay ass wizards

no iteration of 3 is fun
the original version of 2 is where the series was last good
I dunno how Team Ninja fucked it up and then refucked it up with the reissues

it's weird because DOA5 was a perfectly great game, so it must just be Itagaki going full retard on his own


what was it with Japs and their refusal to assign the camera to an analog stick?

I think Dead Rising was the first game I played where the actually went and did it, the mad men

Is there a single action game that doesn't have a terrible camera?

viewtiful joe

Oh god, I remember that game. It was so great. Why it didn't get more attention is beyond me.

It seems every 3d Sonic game except for boost era


NGB has the camera assigned to the RS though, you just need to click it down first.
Still the camera was annoying, specifically against Alma 1.

It did well and got a sequel.
Kamiya still needs to make Viewtiful Joe 3 though.

Why were games of that era so stupid about 3rd person camera control? Same deal with gta3.

I mean the camera isn't really the enemy in this game and you're better off using the shoulder buttons to rotate the camera, but Nocturne has to have the weirdest camera controls, I have ever seen, when you use the left analog stick to look around.

Definitely Bloodborne. During fights with Gascoigne and Ludwig, I often had no fucking clue what was going on.

Loved the game, but fuck the camera.

Honestly don't get this one. I mean, the game was really easy, so I get that it's not hard to beat 'the hardest enemy', but still.



O right

Silent hill 1-4

Itagaki left after 2.

Press the R stick to for free camera control
>b-but it's inverted
get over it
use shuriken or any other attack to hit an enemy then press camera reset as a sort of lock-on.