No aa

>no aa
>nintendo won

Other urls found in this thread: Games - Reception and legacy

so this is the power of reuploading old trailers


It always surprises me how huge Mario still is. You'd never know it by going to any place that discusses videogame, but it's consistently Nintendo's biggest series, beating out even Pokemon.

It's also the biggest series in videogames in general.

what the fuck are you talking about?
that was uploaded right after the presentation.

They reused shots from the last trailer, sweetie.

I'm glad we're back in January!

...This is an intentional slowpoke thread, isn't it?

So the Switch will finally get a game.

He mistaked it for being meant for the upcoming E3 presentation.

I still have a hard time believing that this game actually exists

Mario is literally one of the most iconic characters on the face of the planet.


*unleashes days gone stage demo*

Why? It's not even a revolutionary concept for Mario, the only weird thing about it are the environments.

>...This is an intentional slowpoke thread, isn't it?
Nintendo won E3 last year with just one game.
This year Nintendo may have a game that surpasses that game.

>Unleashes the same demo a second time in the same conference

What the fuck were they thinking?
I love the movement

oh i see
it's not for e3 dumbass

why do you fags always play it safe with that fucking phrase? He IS the most popular fictional character period. Who the fuck else is more recognizable? Who? Literally fucking who? Tell me. Mickey Mouse? Pacman? LOL.

I know, but I was just commenting on the distinction between what the people into videogames who post online talk about and what we actually see in the wider environment. It's nothing groundbreaking, it's just something you forget in the sea of shitposts on Sup Forums sometimes.

the fact that we're getting a new sandbox-style mario game after nintendo has been slowly turning mario more linear for the past decade, just feels weird. it's kinda un-nintendo for them to actually give people exactly what they want.

>Mario gains a small speed boost when landing a long jump


Well, the same happened with Zelda, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. At least Mario already had 3D sandbox-type games.

Bigger than the likes of Superman and Homer Simpson? Lmfao.

He's definitely in the top 10, top 5 is debatable.

God is more popular

>orchestra music

When will this meme die?

>the worst looking mario game in terms of graphics
>the worst art direction ever in a mario game
>25 minute long pre-recorded video mostly about this awful thing and some amiibos
this will be the end for nintendo if the gameplay at least doesnt make up for how awful it looks

>Mickey Mouse?

This man is right. When Mario causes wars and stagnates technology, then he'll become the #1 figure of Earth.

Its fine if you think it looks bad, but to deny that most people love it so far and that it will sell millions is just dumb.

>Haha get it cause magical sky beard?!
A tip o' the hat to you enlightened gentleman

how could Nintendo have won if Sony already did?

Literally looks like fischer price baby shit lol

This is too much bait


pray your triggering away

He's definitely more famous than fucking Homer Simpson, Jesus Christ. His games have sold over half a billion. He's more famous than Mickey Mouse.

How is that edgy? God IS a fictional character in a book.
Im not talking about the chance of a higher being existing, just about the character in the book

lol no. And that has been OLD fucking news. It's guaranteed in 2017 that kids recognize mario more than mickey mouse. Do your research

>comic book character

and homer simpson? are you serious? No one in my asian family even knows what show he'd be from.


wrong Games - Reception and legacy

>In the 1990s, a national survey found that Mario was more recognizable to American children than Mickey Mouse.

Also Pokemon has 3 out of top 4 selling 3ds games. 3rd is mario kart

Lol not even
Grow up user

>Who the fuck else is more recognizable? Who?
>Mickey Mouse
yes actually

imagine honestly deluding yourself this bad
there is no possible way this isn't bait

aww, don't get too worked up about it. do you need a kiss before bed? should mommy read you a bed time story? make sure not to stay up late playing the maryoh, you have school in the morning !

Mario surpassed Mickie Mouse a long time ago already.

Maybe for kids now or something, but literally anyone who isnt a baby would recognize mickey over mario

>Who the fuck else is more recognizable? Who?

>Kimishima said that the combined downloads for Super Mario Run across iOS and Android was approaching 150 million
What the fuck is Mickey even in nowadays?

>homer simpson

Imagine being this retarded

Pokemon go was downloaded over 750 000 000 so pikachu >>>>>>>>> Mario >>> micky with that logic

Where is the antialiasing?

Crash was never good. People who bought the PSone were just desperate for a decent mascot platformer and latched onto Crash. The only thing Crash was notable for was pushing the graphical limitations of the system. Pure style over substance

Honestly minions right now would be bigger than both mario and lucky mouse

no fuck that, Mickey Mouse still has shows out that are geared just for kids.
plus he has been in the logo for the Disney Animation Studio for all the recent Disney Movies, I think the first one was Tangled

>with that logic
lol. Yeah, let's just ignore everything else.

>Never says "IT'SA MEEA"


in my pants

Damn. These shadows look almost realistic. So this is the power of the switch.


>What the fuck is Mickey even in nowadays?
Mickey himself may not be in as much, but he's the mascot of Disney, which now owns star wars, marvel, and a whole bunch of shit. Its difficult to not run into mickey in that sense.

>scared nintenbro tells himself anything to calm down

You used a mobile game to base your opinion on a charcter being popular than ever. That's your logic

Ok well that proves my point even more thats hes more recognizable than mario

Superman doesn't have a single movie that has grossed over one billion dollars.

wait wtf, did i fall asleep during the january direct or something? there's a shit ton of footage in this trailer that i don't recall seeing.

Talking about mickey will he finally go public domain in 6 years?

Don't make me laugh

there's no reason to be scared when mario odyssey is coming out on the switch

You used the sales of a mobile game you fucking asshat

150 million downloads for Mario, yeah. That's not bad considering he's been around for so long and people still want to play Mario games. He's the icon of gaming for a reason

You wish

No, Disney's just gonna buy the rights again

The copyright laws in this country need a complete overhaul.

>somebody found this frame in the trailer, edited with le feeling man, and posts it in every SMO thread because they hate video games THAT much

wtf i didn't know there was gameplay footage either

god i am so out of touch

lol wow either Sup Forums has sucked Nintendo's dick for so long that it auto"corrects" Nin ten year old to Nintenbro, or actual Nin ten year olds bitched that much about name calling

Sony puts up a good fight though. Even if they don't have the highest rated games like BOTW, they have amazing titles like Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us, which far surpass pretty much every game on the 3DS and WiiU.

It doesnt say who he is and its tge fucking old version. My niece probably thinks hes part of some mouse family. Definitely couldnt tell you it was mickey mouse

Whereas everytime mario pops up in a commercial he says
>itsa me, mario!

but they're not shadows, it's showing mario clipping into the stalk, it's probably a dev thing

You are just too dumb
How did you dress yourself this morning?

>Disney ever letting go of Mickey

Those aren't shadows, those are the game's way of showing your silhouette when you're obscured by a wall like in other 3D Marios. Which means he's clipping through the vine.

Because the movies are shit. Superman films always have massive opening that based on his popularity. But content is needed for a billion

I am ridiculously excited about this game.

Goddamn, if Nintendo shows a new Metroid game, this will be the E3 of Dreams.

>uncharted 4
>last of us

lmao. I enjoy PLAYING games, not watching them, kid

It's really inexcusable, though.

this is why I come to nintendogaf for e3
sweet sweet delusional fanboyos

That's just to show where Mario is when he's behind or I guess in something in this case, Super Mario Sunshine did the same thing, it's very helpful.

With nothing superman related. I havent even seen superman clothing since the 90s. Youre deluded.

>no longer poses after back flips

No shit, thats why everyone is telling you to fuck off

Did you live under a rock the last month ?

>movie sales are the only way to guage a characters popularity

you must be 18 years or older to reply here kid

>excluding it



The metacritic scores speak for themselves.

>nintendobabies can recognize mario but not antialiasing

i love that mario is literally retarded

>implying it's not the babbies that are the ones sucking up all that movie game trash and encouraging the jews to shit out more