Uh oh. What should I do, Sup Forums?

Uh oh. What should I do, Sup Forums?

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Why there is jizz on her way from you?

>illegal immigrant
>sales rep

Lmao who wrote this? An illegal immigrant wouldn't be able to get a job above being a waitress at a mexican restaurant.


Top kek.

I gatchu family

Is there a flamethrower in this shitty game?

No, it's a shitty game.
Nothing but the standard open world memeshit affair; rifles, pistols, shotguns, and like 2 or 3 grenade launchers.
Also a stun gun.


Is it really that shitty? The little demo they had of it didn't seem that bad but I'm assuming it's just boring as fuck after a couple hours.

It's not as shitty as Watch_Dogs 1, but it's pretty boring.
Barebones gunplay that doesn't fix most of the issues from the first game (still no blindfire or even shooting without aiming down the sights), annoying main cast, tongue-in-cheek irony that goes beyond endearing and wraps back around to annoying, a generally pretty basic story, and the WORST
Seriously though, the ending to this game is one of the most unsatisfying endings I've seen in a game in almost a decade.

woah, woah
do you have to play as a nigger?

its only okay if rockstar does it

You also get to play as a "qt" Arab girl.


>call the cops on Yoga Man
>make new video
Ahead of its time, truly.

Kill the criminal, that's 55grand that isn't being taxed, meaning we pay more in taxes cause this bitch gets paid under the table

I'm not too far, but I've been having some fun with it. It's not amazing, but it's pretty good. Stealth and hacking are cool, and driving controls are better than most sandbox games.

Have you tried doing a barrel roll?
Do a barrel roll.
Press Z or R twice.

What is the ending

I have the game on my Hard Drive rn but i cant bring myself to finish it, its too boring



>"Yup, one big invasive shitty cake:
>"You're terrible"
>"You love it"

Where was the joke? What did she say that was so terrible? Who fucking wrote this and though "Ya this is good"? Do these people get forced into isolation cubes for years until they forget human interaction, then finally let out and forced to make dialogue?

I completely forgot this game even existed. I remember specifically not wanting to buy it because the first one was shit and this didn't look too great either so not going to waste money.

Did it ever get cracked?

>Did it ever get cracked?

cool. it's almost impossible to flip cars over.

>KKK actually believes this

your behind her

>Mfw first black KKK member
I made it ma! I'm the greatest oxymoron.

>not wanting illegals in your country is KKK

you reddit fags are pretty diluted



How fucking stupid are you lamo

Pooshitters and Arabs all look the same to me.

San Franciscos kinda pretty to just walk around but the games not much better than the first. Maybe worth a pirate if you have time to kill and are fine with ubisoft games.

That's like saying Brits and Mexicans look the same. You're a feckin moron m8

No, it's more like saying Japs and Chinamen look the same.


clearly you don't know how commiefornia works

It would be cool if you could report her, follow her around and eventually watch ICE come and pick her up. Perhaps games will one day become this immersive.

>thinking illegal don't hurt niggers the most
i can't wait until they finally chimp out on you libtards

You can call the cops on NPCs and theyll either arrest them or kill them depending on the level of the upgrades and the person in question being arressted. You can do it with gang hitsquads too.

Forgot to say you hack forged felonies onto their record and then call the cops.


I guarantee nobody in this thread bought the game. Im posting my screenshots from January when it became piratable.


Revolutionary jizzing mechanics