So I stopped at one of the VR arcades that are here now. They all started popping up for some reason and now they are everywhere, there must be at least five or six within just twenty minutes of me but whatever. It was pretty fun anyway, but are there any games for that system that aren't tech demos?
So I stopped at one of the VR arcades that are here now...
hope you like pink eye
>are there any games for that system that aren't tech demos?
RE7. Ace Combat 7 is supposed to support PS VR, although to what extend is unknown.
Black Lagoon needs to come back.
> VR arcades
These are going to be ground zero for easy theft, pickpocketing and pink eye
oh I thought he was making some sex joke. Yeah, I don't remember what causes pink eye but I don't think it's that.
>revy will never rough-handle you as she femdoms you
time to kill myself
I mean the idea is that it will spread the bacteria/virus/whatever the fuck pink eye is because sick kids are going to being slathering their eye sickness where you put your eyes.
little kids are too short to use VR machines and I don't think they have thirty dollars anyway those homeless fucks
>you will never see a new chapter of black lagoon
kill me
At this point all of the games are glorified tech demos, but some do a better job of hiding that than others.
Raw Data and SuperhotVR come to mind. Redout has VR support and it makes a much bigger difference than I thought it would, so I'd assume Thumper is also fun.
>probably not getting evangelion 3.0+1.0 this year
>berserk has been degraded to 13 fps shit MMD animation
>black lagoon new chapter never
>moeshit dominates the industry
this is truly the darkest timeline
>New chapter and Black Lagoon videogame never ever
Why are we here?
I think it was when a girl farts in your face.
>no double Revy so one can hold you still while the other femdoms you switching places every now and again
Nothing even compares to Black Lagoon but can y'all try to recommend something?
Sleeping dogs? You won't have the awesome characters, but I don't know of any other chink crime town setting.
>puts up BACK IN BLACK with a date
>lol nope
I guess people enjoy shark waifu, though
fuck that's hot
More anime girls need to wear short shorts.
>muh manime
>hating moe
female detected
Give me moe over evashit any day.
isn't it coming back?
roberta is the best girl!
except im a moefag and even watching k-on. but even as a moefag, it saturates the market too much
choose one
does a more cringe teen angst anime exist
>worst girl
Nigga what
I want to take care of this crippled drug addict!
Wasn't the manga just starting back?
>man i sure love reading subtitles instead of watching whats going on in the actual show
Do you live in Japan or something?
I don't really prefer one or the other, but K-ON dub is trash.
>too stupid to read and watch
>thinks keion is some fucking subtle deep action anime not blobs blobbing around
Fuck, that's never getting a continuation either but maybe I should replay that.
>ywn be whole man in Sleeping DDogs 2
Elfen Lied
Welcome to the NHK
i wanted to plat it, but its too much fucking work
>implying i think keion is subtle deep action anime
im watching it because its cute and for mugi since shes best girl. the dub isnt even bad, everyone's VAs but yuis' sound uninterested but its better than having to read text instead of watching the actual fucking show
Pink eye is when you get fecal matter in your eye.
You people are fucking retarded.
Yo, Elfen Lied is just gore, incest and tits
Unrelated in theme, but I watched Parasyte recently and think that it's real good.
>Wasn't the manga just starting back?
See: It was supposed to restart on May 19, but it just never materialized apparently
when? i watched the whole series not even that long ago and i dont remember any incest
Tried it and kinda got bored and watched The Thing instead.
But it was though
i liked the manga but i still didnt watch the movie or anime
huh, I just looked it up and there's a few in my city in burgerland.
whaddya know, didn't even know these existed.
Didn't Gangsta get an anime adaptation? I read the first 2 volumes liking it and never followed up on it though for some reason. Anybody know if I should dive in fully?
Huh, you'd have thought I'd have heard more about. Been busy I guess. Then again
Can't have everything, I suppose
Eh, they have gotten a little better. No more kinging like kong.