ITT: Post your vidya related wallpapers
ITT: Post your vidya related wallpapers
bumping thread
Any other good SMT wallpapers? Ive tried looking for some but i can't find any good ones
since so many images in this thread are not wallpaper rez/not vidya/4:3, I'll dump a few
ok minidump done
Took me forever to find it without "The Elder Scrolls III" text on it
i have one in green too
damn, you beat me to it. i made a few recolors.
Objectively the best wallpaper in existance
there's one with a bunch of demons and Demi-fiend in the middle, i'll have to look it up after this post.
I was looking for this earlier user, all I could find were a bunch of ones used for YouTube thumbnails with shitty numbers written on them.
Best wallpaper in history of mankind. Persona 5 XMB screen is a close second.
>all these sub-1920x1080 papes
still using this one
not wallpaper size but
exclamation mark kinda ruins it desu
good thing it's literally a mspaint tier fix
Is this the thread where we exchange wallpapers for our Windows Mobile 6.0 PDAs? Where my HTC Touch Diamond bros at?
here's a better one
Been using this, it's amazing
are you guys even on pc with the resolutions your posting?
holy shit saved