>>Huge Persona 5 spoilers ahead<<<

>>>Huge Persona 5 spoilers ahead

Akechi lead the police force into the Metaverse through the app, when they left the area to take him to the police station they went back to the real world like you always do

The research on the Metaverse isn't how Akechi got everyone in there, he got the Nav app in a similar way to you

I dont get it either. But i get how I got this 5

weebshit has no logic

wouldnt all these policemen have metaverse apps once they went into the palace?

The city outside the casino still exists in the metaverse but appears the same as the real world because Sae doesn't have a distorted view of it.

Akechi let the police into the cognitive world with the Nav App. After they catch you, they all exist the cognitive world (presumably with Akechi's help) and bring you to the IRL interrogation room. If you didn't fuck up with Sae, as she's leaving her interrogation, she shows Akechi your cell phone which Futaba rigged to remotely trigger the Nav App, thus sending Akechi into the cognitive world. He kills 'you', but the you he kills is Sae's cognitive version of you, because in her mind, you are in the interrogation room, which you are IRL. Remember that everywhere other than the courthouse for Sae is completely undistorted. After Akechi leaves the room, Futaba again triggers the app to have Akechi exit the cognitive world, and then Sae enters the interrogation room IRL and rescues you

I think Igor says he's the one giving people that could help you the app, they don't just get it automatically

but then how did Akechi get it before you? or was he getting into the metaverse by other means before he goes in with joker? did igor give it to Akechi before meeting you and lie about not knowing who the mystery metaverse user was?

>remove Wakaba's research from the game entirely
>litreally nothing changes

This was so incredibly frustrating from the story. They build it up with Futaba and Sojiro being connected to the research as well as Shiro, but in the end they literally used it for not a single thing

Wakaba's research is to show how Shiido knew about the metaverse and how to manipulate it.

>whole interrogation is how you tell Sae about your teammates
>"so let me confirm, these are your teammates?"
>it's a bad ending

Because finish the fucking game dumbass

I'm glad I'm not the only one who fucked this up. Makes no sense. Tell her the truth the whole time, tell her one more truth, bad ending

>nothing changes
>>Wakaba's research is the main thing that gets Shido to start manipulating people and killing them
>without Wakaba's research, the train incident would have never occurred
>Okumura-san would have never died
>Shido wouldn't have contacted his estranged son to do his dirty work
The research is the main driving force behind Shido and Goro using the metaverse for their gains

I legit fucked up and chose this as well

The only ones you actually tell her about is Makoto and Akechi
It is really weird and dumb that that's the trigger to remember the ruse cruise stuff

No, it's confirmed that Akechi is the one who told Shido about how to manipulate the metaverse. Shido was only partially aware of what Wakaba's research was about. He didn't actually care until Akechi brought it to his attention

Akechi could just tell him.

i did. maybe im just forgetting igor ever mentioning Akechi or Akechi explaining how he was getting into the metaverse beforehand

Also "kills" Ryuji thanks to the research allowing him to collapse his own palace.

Goro had the app way before he met Shido
Goro contacted HIM saying he could help him with it
The research is just why Shido believed what he was talking about


The killings only started recently and yet Wakaba was killed a long time ago I assume. Hard to imagine Wakaba dying at the same time Akechi started killing (which seemed really recent).

Yaldabaoth gave it to him dingus

Shido says that Akechi is the one who showed him the Metaverse. And remember that Akechi has had the Nav since at least when Wakaba died because he's the one who forced her into a mental shutdown

Except research has literally nothing to do with it. Akechi had "special power" and used it to kill shadows.

>literally an hour of fucking explanation where they say everything at least twice so every retard understands it
>this fucking thread
Sometimes I'm not surprised about the sorry state of this board

It's at LEAST the driving force behind Wakaba's death which is a major plot point due to its forming Futaba's palace.

just looked it up and you're right. must have missed that part

>Sup Forums Video Games
>nobody here actually plays video games

Literally is explained to you.
Saying it has no logic means

A) you didn't actually play the game/get to that cutscene


B) didn't understand what happened and won't admit it, so you just dismiss it as "no logic".

>change Wakaba into some whore Shido fucked
>make her commit suicide to cover shit up
See? Research has nothing to do with it.

how did the police not question a huge fucking casino that wasn't there before and that it was also gone the next day?

>get to the tv station
>Mona casually brings up pancakes.
Whoa pancakes?!
Geez I wonder what that could have meant.

>Why are the dirty cops on the payroll of a machiavellian that mysteriously kills people not asking questions about weird shit
I wonder

Im guessing that its because the anime cutscene was made before they finalised the details of the story, thats why they rarely bring it up and kind of just forget about it.

they were regular cops though, also even if they were in the payroll they most likely dont know about the metaverse and thats a huge thing to keep quiet about, especially when there was like 50 of them

Did someone mention delicious pancakes?

I'm pretty sure it's implied a few times that Shido has control over the police. These cops could be part of a task force or something. It's a bit of a stretch though

It's not even implied. Afaik they just straight up say he owns the police.

Akechi will BALD

This. Sup Forums always complain
Turns out Sup Forums actually are a fucking retard.

I'm just gonna screenshot OP's post to proved retard existence when Sup Forums complain about the long ass tutorial and repeating the same shit thing.

>detective sidekick
>named A**chi
>there's no fucking way he's a secret villian, right?

I actually didn't suspect him being the traitor because I thought there was no way Atlus would reuse almost exactly the same plot twist.

I thought the traitor was Haru

>It was so obvious that the twist was that the characters saw through it immediately too

Don't forget that as soon as a game starts to expect players to figure shit and think a bit, then it's suddenly :

If you take the player by hand people will complain that you're infantilizing them, if you trust their intelligence they'll be complaining that you're pretentious and your game is too obscure (because it can't possibly be them being stupid).

I honestly thought the same

If you read the background it's clear the enemy is akechi they keep bringing up Sherlock Holmes vs arsene lupin.

I thought that was a Red Herring. I thought Haru had the most concrete reasons to betray you, outside of the cliche and extremely obvious Akechi betrayal

Futaba nevers triggers the app twice. You can exit the Metaverse by walking out at the exact point you first walked in.

>Remove Wakaba's research
>The game doesn't happen

>Wakaba's research doesn't exist
>Shido doesn't use Akechi to trigger the mental shutdowns
>The game doesn't happen
Even if Akechi could go to the metaverse before doesn't mean he would go on a killing spree on tragets to benefit Shido.

She had good reasons to betray the group but all the signs pointed to akechi.
His confidant ability was unknown
ALL the subtle hints about lupin and Holmes
The pancake scene
The constant reminder of his existence.
The game is good and fun but fucking hell persona peaked at 2.

That doesn't make any sense, even if Wakabas research didn't exist, Akechi could still kill for shido, it doesn't change a thing. I don't know why you would seriously try to defend that it was utilised well when it could have been actually affected something in the story (not backstory) in millions of ways yet it led nowhere.

Maybe you should actually play the game? Akechi literally approached Shido and told him he can do magical shit. What would stop Shido from using Akechi? Ok, he doesn't know about Metaverse now but he still know there's a kid who can kill literally anyone so he can use him. Research has literally nothing to do with any of this, it only makes Shido more aware about Akechi's powers.

Huh, you're right. I never noticed that

honestly, i thought the traitor was just going to be someone i had the lowest social link with with some copy/paste reason. meta-gamed too hard

How if most of the confidants don't even know about the metaverse?

this is the shittest plottwist I've ever seen in any form of media

Well it's kind of a surprise the characters actually knew it and prepared to fool him. Normally the main cast is the most clueless group of people in the world.

Without Wakaba's research on Shido's hand he would think the kid went mad and is desperate to fond with daddy.

Fucking this. I didn't understand what was happening.
To be honest there has always been this kind of thing in Persona games where it will act nonsensical about this.

That actually would have been really good if they fleshed out each of their reasons.Think about it: no one knows it's coming so they just play like normal. Don't manage to get a party member's confidant very high. Akechi's is automatically higher due to story. NG+ rolls around and you finally get all of your confidants over Akechi's base level. Boom, true ending. Gives us more character development, in theory and makes the true ending a little harder to get.

eh, i was just thinking team members. i was waiting for makoto to come in saying i wasn't a very good leader or some shit on my first playthrough.

so how the fuck did the entire police force keep quiet about the metaverse


Can't tell anyone about it if you're at constant risk of being killed by your boss 24/7

>yes ms. prosecutor all my friends are 100% involved
I'm just saying, it's not like it's complete nonsense

To be fair, they knew it immediately thanks to pancakes and a lucky coincidence (which they also acknowledge as one ingame).

Compared to that,

The P3 cast had no reason to suspect the chairman and his lame puns, mainly because the seniors trusted him for so long so no reason you had to worry about that compared to worrying about having to rank up in Moon again. They weren't really clueless but rather had no reason to suspect there would be any sort of traitor anyways as Strega and Tartarus was enough of an opponent.

The P4 cast "technically" figured it out by December (which is a requirement to continue the game) even if they carried by Naoto. I do wonder if people were able to guess the twist of Adachi though Golden has Brotag figuring him out in his S Link at least.

But yeah, props to the PT for actually preparing a counter trap to the traitor even though they did some lazy writing techniques to make it a surprise to the player.

So what happened with that signed confession anyways?

you mean the one that the nameless detective made you sign?

Yeah. I mean, I guess he did technically testify. You'd think it'd be use in the case but maybe they threw it away cause they thought he was dead.

What is the fail state there? I thought there wasn't one.

If you sell out your friends you never discuss your cellphone with Sae and Akechi just legit kills you


>not knowing that the "other world" is merely just the main cast's chuuni delusions and you're just seeing what they see
It also explains how they antagonize most of the adults by making them "boss" characters.

it's actually the best, considering the real plot twist is that the phantom thieves knew akechi was the goddam traitor from the start

And retards like (You) can't read in-game explanations

It was shit. The player always saw what the protagonist did but "muh drugs" should make it supposedly acceptable for lying outright to the player. Atlus pulled a Heavy Rain on their audience with their shitty "twist". How can it be a twist when the writers straight up cut story content just to reveal it later? That's incredibly bad and lazy writing for simple shock value. They did a infinitely better job with the plot twist of Catherine. Where did all the writing talent go?

That makes sense. Not sure how I missed that.

When did the change happen? Did you play as the fake Joker during the whole Casino?


The change actually happened all the way back in Hawaii, the real joker stayed there for a while.

No. Otherwise, Joker would never have been in the interrogation room. When Sae showed Akechi the phone, only those two entered the Metaverse. That's when the "change" happened.

How come Futaba's mom's research didn't factor at all into the story considering how much they talked about it?

So the real Joker was in the real interrogation room?

It happened way before you went into the casino.

Keikaku was planned out like, at least a week ahead. They put a cognitive joker inside the metaverse's interrogation room inside the police station. (and a cognitive guard, I think?)
>Joker is arrested and brought OUT of the metaverse
>interrogation occurs inside the REAL police station
>Akira gives his phone to Sae, who shows it to Akechi, when Futaba activates the Metaverse App, bringing Akechi and Sae INTO the Metaverse
>Akechi kills cognitive guard and cognitive Akira
Bad ends go like this: You don't give the phone to Sae, and you straight up die for real, cognitive you stays alive but can't do shit

Real Joker is dead since June.

I was waiting for it to be brought up too, but it seems like the only point of it was so Shido didn't think Akechi was insane when he approached him about the Metaverse.