FFXIV Stormblood
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What are you all going to do first, lads?
stop playing WHM
stop posting dead girls
I still haven't decided, and that worries me more every day.
Same, I keep thinking I have some idea, but then I remember something else I could do. I can never focus during updates, Im fucked when it comes to a whole expansion
Wait for the first price drop. Shouldn't be much longer than the Steam Summer Sale.
First 20 minutes Get used to the level 60 buttons
Then Story
compiled google doc with SB info for anyone who needs
either start on the msq or level sam, depending on how bad the queues are
Take monk to 70 with the MSQ so I can bitch about how they ruined it. Then level AST through dungeons so I can bitch about all the shitty RDM and SAMs.
Gonna take SMN to 70 first, then probably check out SAM after that. That Demi-Bahamut is sexy as fuck.
Who's that gramps with the gray beard?
Its a shame that ffxiv is a shit tier mmo
Unsub and uninstall.
I quit playing AST simply for the fact when I play it all I draw 99% of the time is fucking ewer and spire. Hopefully it's better in SB so all the work I put into my relic doesn't go to waste.
WoW fag detected.
Unlock SAM and spam dungeons with my 4 friends.
someone from the resistance at Ala Mhigo, but the trailer looks like it spoils Fordola cutting him down
one of the leaders of the ala mhigans
he probably dies like an hour into the main quest
>more Wowfugees play this game than ff fans
Why do Final Fantasy fans hate the MMO's?
probably gonna level up Samurai (Monk 2.0) and try to actually read the story/quests this time.
The GCD is so slow it gives me unhappy times. And PvP is kind of a mess, not to mention lack of players.
I want to like this game, it's so damn comfy i don't even mind the PvE parts. It just gets so stale. Am i just a bitter cunt? What actually makes you guys enjoy this game?
I stopped playing WHM 2 weeks into Creator, as much as I still kinda like it. SCH and AST are just more fun.
I like Final Fantasy but I mainly play it because of friends.
have you been reading up on all the changes?
PVP getting a total overhaul
Go through msq with my whm
After wanted to level rdm, but he looks kinda braindead
i like the endgame fights, and i like the final fantasy theme park aspect
>they bring her back
Hien looks like a typical chink mmo faggot
Shouldn't you cover up a little more, missy?
MSQ as my BLM, doing daily roulettes as tank to keep it leveled with my main. Use the tank to dodge MSQ dungeon queues (still use dps for trials).
After MSQ and before Omega Savage, I'll level up RDM to progression raid with. Once my static has it near clear, I'll switch back to BLM.
I'm autistic and like having my first clear of important shit be on my main job.
Thats what got me into it, but they left. And we ended up doing different things all the time.
That sounds promising, i'll check it out. Though i doubt it will really offer the competitive PvP i'm addicted to.
I don't really get a lot of enjoyment from raids, but i do enjoy just running around in a FF theme park. I just run out of things to do after a while. The thing i enjoy the most other than PvP is leveling in dungeon groups. I wish MMO's would do more to make dungeon runs interesting and fast paced.
remember to report all /general/ threads outside of their containment board
k thx
Played the game a while, never tried a healer before until today. Decided to unlock AST and give it a whirl.
it's so fun. Is healing in this game always this fun? I feel more like a DPS that can heal than just a dedicated healer
>Level ARM from 23 to 52 in a single day
That was a bad idea.
No because you can't save and carry everything.
everything in this game is a dps class
How is it a general when we're talking about an expansion coming out in six days you tool? do you visit all the Persona threads too? Waifu threads? Fuck off.
interesting and fast seems like a hard thing to pull off. I wouldn't mind more faceroll dungeons where you butcher massive scores of enemies occasionally punctuated by a challenging miniboss or something. Or dungeons that actually required puzzle solving and exploration
Buy all the SAM weapons and make the primal weapons to sell on the MB. Then I'll do the MSQ as DRG til the WoL gets BTFO, at which I'll level SAM to continue the MSQ
>A12 on Monk
What did I do to deserve this?
Is the game worth getting? I havent had a good mmo to grind since i got tired out on BnS and Wildstar before that (rip wildstar). All I heard from FFXIV were the horror stories regarding its initial launch and was scared away. I am currently looking at either this or black desert online? Any recommendations?
the original ffxiv and the relaunch are completely different games
also there's a trial but low level combat is a bit shitty so keep that in mind
puzzle solving and exploration just won't work in content meant to be repeated because people will just find an optimal way to solve them and stick to it. unless you can come up with random generated puzzles or some shit
>GCD is slow
Stop being a casual and start raiding, faggot.
Anyone complaining about the GCD is guaranteed to be a shitter who has never actually played the game at a competent level.
What's it like healing the higher level content? Right now in shit like haukke manor I'm casting maybe 4-5 damage spells per one heal
The expansion is coming soon on the 20th, a lot of changes to the game are coming up : docs.google.com
If you're a fan of FF, you'll enjoy a lot of the callbacks and references.
ARR main story stuff can be a bit of a slog, but HW is so much more better.
>Then I'll do the MSQ as DRG til the WoL gets BTFO, at which I'll level SAM to continue the MSQ
Territory control in the game world similar to FFXIs when?
1.0 was bad, the patches way after that were improved but it's still not good for company face, gets revamped into 2.0 (ARR) and is more or less a WoW clone, got very good and/or interesting raid and trial wise from Titan extreme to Final Coil.
3.0 was their first expansion, very bumpy start, 4.0 they seemed to have possibly learned from their mistakes in some aspects, others seem a bit hampered.
I'd recommend it over BDO.
What's the issue here, you can go through that entire fight without dropping GL3
I actually was hoping we'd have something like this, I miss the pride we'd get for our alliances
(fuckin' LASTOK)
head straight over to the saucer to see if all this mgp ive been grinding was worth it
As long as it's challenging, i'd accept anything. The biggest problem i see is that so much content is easy and boring. You're just going through the motions, and with bosses all you have to do is not stand in the big orangy circles.
Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and chew through an army of enemies. Maybe the solution would be to add a higher difficulty setting that allows tryhards to have fun too.
I have to admit, i'm that guy you hate that insists on taking the biggest pulls and completing everything at SANIC speed. It's just more fun that way, it's not like i'm on a timetable, i just enjoy the misery.
Speaking of monk, I just got to level 60 and learned a new Tornado kick that immediately drops GLwhen used? am I missing something here? Is this a complete fucking joke?
This is the winner of the comedy dub contest
and this is the winner of the serious dub contest.
what do cha think?
I don't believe you
Actually I do but still Christ what a pain in the ass
It's a consolation prize for getting cucked by phase transitions like Forbidden Chakra
Pretty terrible desu
It should be used in a situation where you'll be losing GL anyways, like if a boss fucks off for a bit or goes invincible or whatever.
it's for when you know you're about to lose your gl stacks due to untargetable bosses/mechanics stuff/fuckups
you aren't going to use it all that much but it serves that purpose pretty well
here's the other comedy winner youtube.com
If we are a mod approved general how come we are not allowed to post back links and have useful information in the OP?. I can't even tell what number we are upto.
What's the deal with him? I see him everywhere
It makes me think there weren't a lot of entries
In all honesty the serious dub wasn't too bad
Go watch the launch trailer.
I really do enjoy being pushed to the limit, it's a much more satisfying victory, I just like pinatas between the absolute shitfest white knuckle moments
It really depends on the group and what raid you are doing. A lot of people here say Savage is easy but it's pretty difficult to get any kind of DPS in without a good group. Something like healing Faust in A9S can require spamming heals sometimes.
why is xiv comedy so bad
Not him, I'm guess it's either to get to the hyped "shit hits the fan" part and avoid spoilers, or to follow the "canon-like" progression of the trailer (WoL is defeated as X job, then becomes SAM to defeat super bad garlean who also uses nippon steel).
I will do the same thing.
Literally shilled himself everywhere and commented on everything xiv related.
Thanks. Would you recommend I wait till the expansion drops to try it? Or does it matter
>gets curbstomped by zenos
>wol comes back months after its relevant and beats him with the echo
really makings, my think...
I have enough scripture to buy one healer weapon which one do I buy
he tried his very hard to gain popularity in the ffxiv community as a new player, and he finally made it to the kool kid klud with other ffxiv eceleb. He did really put a lot of effort into it. Reddit loves him and he sometime waltz in Sup Forums for our threads.
>(WoL is defeated as X job, then becomes SAM to defeat super bad garlean who also uses nippon steel).
Feels like everyone casually forget that WoL turned back into Monk after he's done with Doman's stuff.
Because XIV is literally /redditsgame/
the best healer
Spams his garbage content and gets views because we dont have many content providers.
Basically what this guy said:
Whatever job you're leveling first.
Is that Alisaie on the right?
Pretty much becomes the opposite ratio of healing spells to damaging spells.
Reminder to cap poetics so you can get a RDM and SAM ironworks weapon
RDM and SAM start with Ironwork weapon.
i find it funny in her last few illustrations they try to make her outfit red like her color theme, but it's still that god awful beige tataru chose for her ugly outfit.
(Left to Right)
>WoL is defeated
Naw, what they're going to do is have you do a quick single player scenario and have Xenos come up to you in a cutscene afterwards but just before you fight something happens to separate you.
If you've never played before you won't make it far enough to access the expansion stuff before it releases. The new expansion comes with the previous expansion, so if you decide you like the trial you only need to buy the base game + stormblood. If you plan on being a dps it's probably better to start now since two new dps classes are releasing with the expansion so the queues will probably be a bit fucked for a while with everyone leveling the new stuff.
>it's still a waste many times if the transition is short and you want to get both a purification and then another 5 chakras in between, and dropping GL makes your chakras slower
>they even nerfed its damage from 500 to ~300
>implying I have had the inventory space to not have poetics capped for like two years
>About to get btfo
>Scion teleports out of nowhere to save us
XIV for some reason only attracts lazy people with no sense of humor (and zero editing skills).
The community accepts and embraces it because they are starved for fan-made content, so anything gets a thumbs up.
What's the most populated server now, still gilgamesh? And is there anyway to speed through the part of the story when you're prepping a banquet for 40 hours and 47 dungeons?
Judging by the trailer, yes. She seems appears like she might be in this MSQ more than Alphy this xpac.
Balmung and its degeneracy is actually the highest active population server apparently.
Balmung has always been more populated than Gilgamesh.
Balmung followed by Gilgamesh, except you can completely disregard Balmung cause it's filled with shitters who are genuinely bad at the game and it's locked anyway