So whats going to be the 2017 addition?

so whats going to be the 2017 addition?

Other urls found in this thread:

Video games suck so much dick, you have to be gay if you play them.

*video games die*

I'm glad it's over.

>I am a bitter virgin the image

Video games are part of a Jewish plot to drive the white race to extinction.

"Childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life" was the title of an article by the New York Post.

I want to cum all over iori's slutty face.

"Video games should have women of colour as lead roles"

2017 - lol look at the loser and his videogames!


all of these added after the original are terrible

"It was never about videogames, it was about social justice"

>paranoid schizophrenic who never had any female friends in grade school or highschool declares themselves unopposed expert on the attitudes of women regarding recreational technology

Was that a NYT headline? Because otherwise, I'll have to go with

>my personal experience trumps reality

>Rosties got btfo with trump they decided to abandon video games and shit themselves.

counterpoint: the original was also bad

>a history of women and vidya
Wanna see a history of men who made this tbqh

> I don't care about videogames, I need someone to put a baby in me before I turn 30.

What the fuck OP, why are you posting this shitty, overworded version when we have bona fide comedy gold from none other than Brian Wu on offer?

This one is okay if we take out the greentext. Since most women don't browse Sup Forums after all.

>using vocal sjw minority to describe entire years

you fucked up. make one that actually represents trends instead

Most women don't give a fuck about video games or want to change them.

This is great but I think we should add a stutter so it sounds more like denial like:
>M-most women d-don't give a fuck about video games or want to change them
Actually maybe take out the most part since the image is only lampooning gamur gurlz.

>it's not the copypasta version that causes the most asshurt
What the fuck are you doing?

I don't like women that much.

"Let's make it even worse and out of touch with reality by adding another random "funny" phraze!"

don't forget to post it on reddιt's meninist communities, too

That's a great idea man.

What's up with that weird i in your post? Anyway if you have a better one I'd like to hear it. It's easy to criticize much harder to create.


Lets try for ditching the retarded pic made a dumb 12 year old and stop making stupid shitposts like this thread.

Hello r/socialism! Feel free to go back where you came from.

Not bad, but the copypasta one already covers that angle I think.

when was the last time you had sex you fucking neckbeards?

Great. Simple yet perfect.


No offense, but posting image macros doesn't really help your case.

ask you're mum son



hehe he posted Sup Forums spider


go to bed Oliver

Ah the old bait and quoit. Thanks for resetting the bump timer on my thread, but would you mind posting edits? It's fine if you don't, I just think the thread would be better if more people did.





this is still the best one


It has to be text, it can't be pictures.


man you got me. go the fuck to sleep




If you like to gargle hairy man ass.


this is actually the correct version

Fucking scum who deserve to rot in hell

>2017 - white men need to die

I think that wymyn are too busy being mad about trump to worry about video games.

I may not like Trump, but he's somewhat keeping cunts out of my vidya.

It's kinda the developers that are the problem. Based Nips don't give a flying fuck though. How is it that Jap vidya devs are the least cucked of all devs?

they dont spend 90% of their money on marketing and fish for feedback on social media

are there really women on /jp/ now? fuck

Why does it start at 1995?

Make it 1985 when the NES came out our 2003 when Sup Forums started


The moron that made the pic was born some time after 2000.

women werent aware of videogames before that year

something something roasties something incel something get off my board

because the Sup Forumsirgin who made it was too young for anything pre-'95 to be relevant to them

oh shit, with your editing skills we could put you at the head of Sup Forums IT, someone call Hiro and show him this girls leet skillz

>2017 - "Developers are pandering to women, LGBT and minorities. Our victory is near."

>less money on marketing
>more money on making good games
I hate animu, but there's no arguing with gameplay.
The west has proven that it can definitely make good games but fuck me if social media isn't a blight for video games and clueless managerial types making retarded decisions from atop.



give me 1 solid reason why this is a bad thing besides the fact that it might damage your flimsy ego


are you a woman?

good, we need more femanons



are you a retard? don't answer that. i already know you are.

They make posts like this

There it is.


i'm a guy i just haven't been cucked by society so that's not a solid reason


thank god this one is still going around


He is not talking about you fapping

>look mom i called him a retard again im winning

so you are a woman?

will play videogames with you for money

you're not good at pretending to be a human being


>look pop i called him a woman again im winning

i told you not to answer the question. i already knew you were retarded. no, i'm not a woman.


sounds like he'll fit in just fine here, then

2017 is "gamers must convert to Islam" just like all other media.


>The state of this thread
Why are women so easily triggered?