This is Goht. He is the Boss of Snowhead Temple.
Say something nice to him.
This is Goht. He is the Boss of Snowhead Temple.
Say something nice to him.
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He's probably one of the most unique boss fights in the entire series.
Didn't save him from being a touch annoying, having to beat him at least twice to get the Gilded Sword though.
best boss
Why does a mechanical bull have big eye on/in his back?
You can just beat him on the first or second day once then go win the goron race . You can upgrade your sword to the second level without killing him, and you don't need a sword to kill him.
His fight was really fun. I liked spinning around as a goron in the tree on the moon map
What sound does this guy make?
>playing the remake
This. It's become something of a ritual for me when I do a playthrough to tackle Snowhead while my sword is at the smithy. Makes it more fun.
It's a port. And yes, things can be altered as much as they have MM3D and still be called a port. Usually if changes are made it's called an Enhanced Port instead. Enhanced doesn't necessarily mean the game has been changed for the better, however.
Honestly Gyorg is my favorite boss, but you're good too.
Git gud at dolphin jumping scrubs.
>the part where the game rips control from you to show you gyorg spitting out the fish
I've never been able to not get hit at that point. Completely breaks my swim line and kills my momentum
>most unique
Not since TP copied him with the giant skeleton fight.
>tackle Snowhead while my sword is at the smithy
Well shit, I'm dumb. I didn't even think of that at all. I've been wrong my whole life.
>not getting the gilded sword and doing all 4 dungeons from a clean save all in one cycle
>It's a port. And yes, things can be altered as much as they have MM3D and still be called a port. Usually if changes are made it's called an Enhanced Port instead. Enhanced doesn't necessarily mean the game has been changed for the better, however.
why are people so autistic about the zelda remakes?
>Not 100%ing the game in one cycle without slowing down time.
That dude scared me as a kid
kwerk kwerk
I unironically did this when I was younger
>Kafei Quest
>Romani Ranch
>almost every fucking bombers notebook task
Shit was fucking ridiculous
best mini boss zelda mini bosses are typically great
You unironically didn't, you need two cycles at least to get each ending of the Kafei quest.
I ironically did.
Alright mate you got me, if there were any quests that had more than one ending I got the ending I felt was better.
You're a fucking zoids.
>started coming to Sup Forums in 2005
>noone took me seriously when I posted Majora's Mask in threads about scary games.
Some of the shit in this game frightens me on a much deeper level than what ordinary horror themes achieve.
Sounds like a remake to me. Overhauled mechanics, different console, and literally no graphical assets in common.
It's a remake, dude.
Not a reimagining, sure, but the game has literally been made again.
It's a remaster, at least; don't be a moron.
That game made me more sad than scared but it was definitely the spookiest zelda.
One of the most fun boss fights in the entire series. Goron Rolling was a blast by itself, so to have a boss fight 100% focused on it made me so happy.
They're both some of the most unique fights, even if they are similar to each other.
Sure, sadness and healing are huge themes. And they manage to summon a kind of existential dread in me.
The well bothers me on a strange level. It's not like you aren't gud enough to wreck every enemy down there but it's just so unnerving knowing that one press of a c button and those Gibdos will start trying to kill you again. Plus the wallmasters, eye traps and fuck knows what else.
Hlaalu! Hlaalu! Hlaalu! Hlaalu! Digga digga die! Digga digga die! Digga digga die! Digga digga die! Hla! Hla! Hla! Hla!
I love how atypical Odolwa is as a boss. He's a giant, and other than that there's nothing monstrous about him.