This is on sale on GOG right now.
Why haven't you played the best open-world game ever to come out?
It's even optimized now.
This is on sale on GOG right now.
Why haven't you played the best open-world game ever to come out?
It's even optimized now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>on sale
it was literally given away for free on both steam and gog.
I remember staying up late at night on school days playing this fucking game back in 08.
Fuck all this non-street gang fighting, alien warfare bullshit. I just want this game to go back to it's roots so it can stop being something it isn't.
I agree. SR2 was the last SR game that managed to somewhat stay within the boundaries of reality.
Now it's all aliens and demons and shit. Fuck all that.
>gog shills
they didn't fix the game. pirate or play the console versions
Have you never seen begthreads where people ask for games that were free?
First game I ever 100%'ed.
Such fun clever writing which still managed to stay somewhat believable. It felt like one of those 90s action-comedies with a lot more violence and an anorexic irishman (my protagonist).
Sharp responsive aiming and car-control didn't really add to the realism, but fuck was it fun.
Now that the mod, Gentlemen of the Row has updated with even more stuff, fuck I might have to reinstall.
He's english.
How was it optimized?
Yeah I know the VA was but my heavy roleplaying wearing all green and pretending to be a leprechaun combined with an American education system that doesn't teach us the difference, he was irish to me!
It had the frame-cap taklen off by a third party (not GoG).
I don't know who fixed the infamous memory-leak that made the game run in the single-digit fps, but someone did and it plays a lot better now. That might have been GoG but that's just guessing.
Nigga, that's my most played game on steam. Loving it, and the city is just amazingly detailed for the year it came out in. I played through it countless times and yet I still find something new and interesting on every playthrough
I love Saints Row 2, though I played it on my 360.
Fuck the newer games.
Did they ever fix the resolution thing? I hated how it capped at 1080p. I want my decade-old games to run at 4k god dammit.
Got'chu covered family of mine:
>not RP'ing as a fat autistic Mexican who accidentally joined the wrong gang
Step up fampai.
I remember this game fondly, and I do like the notion of supporting something that's not Steam.
I really loved the story of the second game too. It felt down to earth in a silly way without going full retard.
>stupid user doesn't know about the gentlemen of the row mod
Blowing up the earth was storywise one of the worst decisions ever
Don't even remind me of that shit.
Such a 10/10 mod. Picking up where lazy nigger-devs slacked off.
So much this. I would actually love them to go with the "rewrite history" ending of GooH, where Saints end up back on Earth as badass cops instead of gangsters. Would be a nice return to roots and more mundane street level, but with a twist and a breath of fresh air. They could also return to the "3 separate plotlines" mechanic, I really liked that in the first two games. SR3 really should had have that.
>K-mart San Andreas
>I would actually love them to go with the "rewrite history" ending of GooH, where Saints end up back on Earth as badass cops instead of gangsters
This is actually Agents of Mayhem.
But to elaborate, the storyline of SR4 should've had two arcs: First people of earth get abducted and put into the simulation or whatever, first half, or so, of the story could've been you escaping from the simulation, then second part is freeing earth from the aliens. Both wordlspaces could have their own activities etc. and you could return to the simulation any time you wanted where you could dick around with the supwerpowers and all enemies in virtual space could be past gangs and other knick knacks.
But what we got was something that painted Volition in the corner.
>Why haven't you played the best open-world game ever to come out?
But I did play Sleeping Dogs, user
fuck off already cdpr. was your witcher 3 shilling so successful that you now make a thread for every game you put on sale?
>This is actually Agents of Mayhem
Yeah, but isn't it sci-fi and with different characters? Wasn't particularly interested in it, but if that's the case, fuck it.
As for SR4 the problem is that it wasn't supposed to be a separate game, it started out as a DLC to SR3 and it shows.
so all the requisite bitching about memory leaks for years has been fixed? i guess i'll install now.
Has it been fixed on steam too?
saints row 3 had the best vehicles and best missions that let you kill a boss anyways you could think of
SR4 had stupid scripted boss battles.
I haven't been interested in the series enough to buy any of them, but since I got it for free a while ago I'll try it eventually.
2 really is an 11/10 open world game. If you liked it, you should also like 1, it's very similar, just with a bit less possibilities and slightly more serious. As for 3 and 4... well they went into "lol some randum" and maximum over the top direction. They're still pretty fun to mess around in and just spread destruction, but they're nowhere near quality levels of 1 and 2. There is also GooH which focused on best elements of 3 and 4 and is pretty fun if you enjoyed them.
>we'll never get the saints row 2 dlcs on pc
m-master race yeaah
>the best open-world game ever
wew lad
Everyone knows you pick between GTAIV and V depending on personal taste.
This pisses me off so much. I even have an xbox, but no way I'm buying it again just for dlcs.
is the gog version seriously different or am i being memed?
Is it fixed on Steam? I got it there when it was free
It hasn't been fixed, idk what these fags are talking about. Just use the Gentleman of the Row mod
No great loss, the DLC is not even close to being as good as the base game.
Doesn't it change like shitton of content though? Doesn't seem like a good way to play through a game for the first time.
It's got Gat, Pierce and Oleg in it. It's about as sci-fi as 3 and 4 got. It's not really a Saints Row game though and it looks really uninspired.
Its the same just with a few improvements, its not much different from the base game other than that.
the installer lets you choose what you want to add
but the thing is that if you want 100+ fps or something like that it still wont help. the game has really hard time trying to achieveme 60+ fps.
Optimized? All I remember is HATING the controls on PC.
Maybe a controller would work alright though?
The characters remind me of some sort of MOBA Battleborn crossover done in NOT SAINTS ROW YOU GUYS setting.
Yeah, you gave us an ending and made it canon in Gat Out of Hell but its all made moot by the fact the game has NO CO-OP
>game is on sale from a store that's not Steam
Steam version here. Has ran at around 90 fps for a few hours. Bo memory leak here. Nake sure to get the gentleman's mod.
>having taste this abysmal
End it.
fucking phoneposters
Controller works fine. Keyboard controls are awful not just because the game was designed for a controller but because the devs did a really bad job of porting the controls to the keyboard. For example, turning vehicles is fucked with a keyboard because the devs didn't implement a transition between wheel positions, i.e. press left and the wheel instantly snaps to the far left rotation rather than rotating to that position over time. The game's physics does not like that. It's an amazingly bad port job.
I don't know, I played through the entire game with kb+m and had a good time of it.
but I've already 100%ed it twice
Ezzzy FM best radio btw
Did you ever play it on a console? Do you know what it's meant to be like?
>not The Mix
It's like you hate good taste
I could never get it to run on my computers.
First I had a slow computer with a crappy graphics card that wouldn't run it even at min, then I had a new computer that could comfortably run it but it ran at like 200% speed.
Fuck this shit
Also Gen X and a few songs from Krunch
>ran at like 200% speed.
yeh me too bb
not an issue anymore
>runs like shit
>install gentlemen of the row
>bunch of cool stuff installed, no more choppy gameplay
>mfw the game runs too fast now
I want to like this game, I have 20 hours clocked in, but it's just so badly optimized. I have 20 hours in because I've been restarting my game year after year thinking the optimization wasn't THAT bad, but after few hours I remember why I quit playing it.
There are some steam guides that offer workarounds that supposedly fix the super speed issue, but they require me to install shady programs that would get me VAC banned in any other game, so fuck that shit. I'm not taking any chances that I accidentally leave some cpu slowdown program on and then get VACced.
>Tfw I ran it on 3 different PCs and the worst problem I ever got was it being slightly choppy, but still perfectly playable.
I'm a lucky guy I guess.
>PC port either just werks or is still fucked depending on the system
>online servers on the 360/PS3 versions have been shut down ages ago
SR2 is the one game that I actually want them to make a remastered version of
>Also Gen X
>SR2 is the one game that I actually want them to make a remastered version of
Never going to happen, they made a remaster of SR4 though
worst song
I don't like hip-hop and rap in general, but it's catchy nevertheless.
I do know about it you dumb retard, hence why I recommend pirating instead of giving money to the idiots that made that shit port in the same place
Should i get the gentleman of the row mod for the gog version? And what does the mod even add?
Wasn't GotR actually made by one of the devs? I mean, I know that the guy surely works for Volition now, but I don't know whether he was offered a job after he made the mod or a part of the team before that already.
He made it before he got hired
>It's even optimized now.
Are you referring to Gentlemen of the Row? Is it better now, or what.