Are video games bad for you?

Most gamers tend to be unsuccessful in life, is there a correlation?

Im living by myself at 21 just fine.

Correlation =/=causation

>Makes up a correlation
>Asks if there is a correlation

what are some hobbies for successful people then?

>Most gamers tend to be unsuccessful in life, is there a correlation?- 4 posts shown.
Probably, yes. CORRELATION. Not causation. So that does not really give us any really useful insight into what is going on.

Relationships, sex.

Those are hobbies for people who think they are winning but have lost.

Nope, sex and relationships literally mean you've won the genetic lottery and made the natural selection cut and can reproduce, which is your sole purpose in life.

Losers use escapism media. More news at 11.

It's probably just that successful people don't have as much time.

Or that successful people spend their time differently

i.e. not being a fucking loser and playing video games

>Thinks breeding leeches is your sole purpose in life
Someone drank the JudeoChristian/Darwinism Jew hard.

>don't have any kids
>free to suicide at any time I feel like it

the true ultimate red pill

Jews have nothing to do with natural selection. If anything Jews don't want you to reproduce at least not with your own race.

Probably the shittiest feelings in the whole universe.

Jews play all sides against each other and natural selection is as much a Jewish lie as Yahweh poofing everything into existence.

>Someone drank the JudeoChristian/Darwinism Jew hard.
That is very much like saying "someone drank the atheism/christianity/buddhism/jew hard.
That just literally makes no sense. The core ideas of those doctrines directly contradict themselves. Also, if you reject both theological and darwinistic assumptions, what the fuck are you left with? What is the fucking alternative between those?

This lol.

I'm not even against relationships, but you can tell who is going to get burned hard by how much they want to brag about their new girlfriend after a coffee date.

If you ever get a shitty roll.

Just kill yourself and start over again with another chance in a good life.

I've been doing it since the first life began on some random planet, much before Earth started. It's always been either good rolls or bad rolls.

There are successful people who browse Sup Forums

There are no other lives. Reincarnation doesn't exist. When you die, you don't get a second chance, you just end up in the ground dead until the heat death of the universe.